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Mole Regrowth Question

Forums General Melanoma Community Mole Regrowth Question

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      Hi Everyone–

      I was Dx with Melanoma In Situ in March 2014 & since have been dealing with enlarged lymp nides etc. In Augest 2014 I had a shave biopsy of a mole on my lower back that I had a long time but became raised suddenly. It came back as begin compound nevus with congenital features. About 1 month later a black dot appreaed in the center of the scar now it is about 1/4 of the way back covering the scar & is very black & itches really bad. It was a large mole 1.6 x. 9 x.1. Should I be concerned?



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          It's probably still benign but that's one of the problems with shave biopsies – they often leave cells behind that can grow back.  Talk to your derm – it is always best to have them re-evaluate any pigment regrowth.


              Thanks for your reply Janner. Have you ever heard of or is it possible for a benign removed mole to come back as malignant




                Typically unlikely, but reading the pathology when it has scar tissue may complicate things a little.  Cells always look worse in scar tissue so that makes things a little harder for the pathologist.  .  Did the original biopsy have clean margins?


                  This is what it said DX: Skin, right lower back, shave biopsy: Compound nevus with congenital features. Note There are no atypical features.

                  Gross: A single 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.1 cm irregular tan to purple-stained smooth wafer-like portion of skin with a 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm irregular brown rough raised hyper-pigmented area present 0.2 cm from the nearest margin.

                  The strange thing was it became raised out of nowhere & my husband noticed it so I went in. I was kinda surprised when it can back as completely normal.




                    This is what it said DX: Skin, right lower back, shave biopsy: Compound nevus with congenital features. Note There are no atypical features.

                    Gross: A single 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.1 cm irregular tan to purple-stained smooth wafer-like portion of skin with a 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm irregular brown rough raised hyper-pigmented area present 0.2 cm from the nearest margin.

                    The strange thing was it became raised out of nowhere & my husband noticed it so I went in. I was kinda surprised when it can back as completely normal.




                      This is what it said DX: Skin, right lower back, shave biopsy: Compound nevus with congenital features. Note There are no atypical features.

                      Gross: A single 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.1 cm irregular tan to purple-stained smooth wafer-like portion of skin with a 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm irregular brown rough raised hyper-pigmented area present 0.2 cm from the nearest margin.

                      The strange thing was it became raised out of nowhere & my husband noticed it so I went in. I was kinda surprised when it can back as completely normal.




                        Typically unlikely, but reading the pathology when it has scar tissue may complicate things a little.  Cells always look worse in scar tissue so that makes things a little harder for the pathologist.  .  Did the original biopsy have clean margins?


                          Typically unlikely, but reading the pathology when it has scar tissue may complicate things a little.  Cells always look worse in scar tissue so that makes things a little harder for the pathologist.  .  Did the original biopsy have clean margins?


                            Thanks for your reply Janner. Have you ever heard of or is it possible for a benign removed mole to come back as malignant




                              Thanks for your reply Janner. Have you ever heard of or is it possible for a benign removed mole to come back as malignant




                              It's probably still benign but that's one of the problems with shave biopsies – they often leave cells behind that can grow back.  Talk to your derm – it is always best to have them re-evaluate any pigment regrowth.


                                It's probably still benign but that's one of the problems with shave biopsies – they often leave cells behind that can grow back.  Talk to your derm – it is always best to have them re-evaluate any pigment regrowth.

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