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Miles for Melanoma

Forums General Melanoma Community Miles for Melanoma

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      I'm looking forward to an update about the MRF Miles for Melanoma walk on Saturday

      I walked from home on my tredmill since I was unable to fly to CA to walk in person.  Allowing virtual walkers was a WONDERFUL idea – it allowed people to donate and participate from whereever they were.  I was on Team "A Cure In Sight" and the team leader Melody was able to have our Team donations directed specifically to the MRF/CURE OM initiative.

      I'm looking forward to an update about the MRF Miles for Melanoma walk on Saturday

      I walked from home on my tredmill since I was unable to fly to CA to walk in person.  Allowing virtual walkers was a WONDERFUL idea – it allowed people to donate and participate from whereever they were.  I was on Team "A Cure In Sight" and the team leader Melody was able to have our Team donations directed specifically to the MRF/CURE OM initiative.

      From the day this walk was announced, the ACIS Team worked on networking with others in our community to spread awareness.  Awareness + donations.  That is the key to not only finding a cure, but helping individuals who may never have heard about OM before, to get the early care they need!

      Sue from CT

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        CURE OM

          Hi Sue, 

          Thank you very much for posting this!  I didn't have a chance to reply sooner as I have been traveling these past few days.  You are correct to say that this event was a wonderful way to to not only raise awareness for Ocular Melanoma, but to raise funds for it as well.  

          It was great to have not one, but two teams participating in this event!  The "A Cure In Sight" Team did raise awareness by having the largest team on the premesis (and off as well).  The tentative total for funds raised for CURE OM between the "A Cure In Sight" team and the MRF's CURE OM Team is $10,923.00!!!!  

          Thank you to everyone that participated in this event!  From those that were physically there, to those that participated at home on their treadmills, as well as those that donated their time, talent, and money!!  We must stand united to find a cure for this disease.  By doing so, great things will happen!  


              Thanks so much for the fundraising update – $10,923.00 – that number gives me goosebumps!!  It really is moving and inspiring how much good people can do when they think and act like a real community and work together…great job! smiley

              Sara – CURE OM

                Dear All,

                I second what Molly and Sue have both said– it was great to have so many people come out and support CURE OM and raise awareness about ocular melanoma!  It was on the heels of (exactly the day after) CURE OM's spring 2013 Scientific Meeting at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle so was a really eventful weekend for our CURE OM Team!  We had a very successful meeting with specific action items we are now purusing to accomplish between now and our fall scientific meeting that we are co-hosting with the National Cancer Institute!  We have a lot to accomplish with the scientific community, and we know we can do it because patient lives depend on it.  We'll be publishing more about the meeting in upcoming MRF and CURE OM newsletters so please stay tuned and make sure you are on the CURE OM mailing list to receive the quarterly electronic CURE OM newsletter– Eye on OM.

                Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing many of you soon and continuing to report progress we are making, moving us closer to a cure, and thanks to all the support we receive from all of you.

                Warm Regards,

                Sara – CURE OM

                Sara – CURE OM

                  Dear All,

                  I second what Molly and Sue have both said– it was great to have so many people come out and support CURE OM and raise awareness about ocular melanoma!  It was on the heels of (exactly the day after) CURE OM's spring 2013 Scientific Meeting at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle so was a really eventful weekend for our CURE OM Team!  We had a very successful meeting with specific action items we are now purusing to accomplish between now and our fall scientific meeting that we are co-hosting with the National Cancer Institute!  We have a lot to accomplish with the scientific community, and we know we can do it because patient lives depend on it.  We'll be publishing more about the meeting in upcoming MRF and CURE OM newsletters so please stay tuned and make sure you are on the CURE OM mailing list to receive the quarterly electronic CURE OM newsletter– Eye on OM.

                  Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing many of you soon and continuing to report progress we are making, moving us closer to a cure, and thanks to all the support we receive from all of you.

                  Warm Regards,

                  Sara – CURE OM

                  Sara – CURE OM

                    Dear All,

                    I second what Molly and Sue have both said– it was great to have so many people come out and support CURE OM and raise awareness about ocular melanoma!  It was on the heels of (exactly the day after) CURE OM's spring 2013 Scientific Meeting at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle so was a really eventful weekend for our CURE OM Team!  We had a very successful meeting with specific action items we are now purusing to accomplish between now and our fall scientific meeting that we are co-hosting with the National Cancer Institute!  We have a lot to accomplish with the scientific community, and we know we can do it because patient lives depend on it.  We'll be publishing more about the meeting in upcoming MRF and CURE OM newsletters so please stay tuned and make sure you are on the CURE OM mailing list to receive the quarterly electronic CURE OM newsletter– Eye on OM.

                    Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing many of you soon and continuing to report progress we are making, moving us closer to a cure, and thanks to all the support we receive from all of you.

                    Warm Regards,

                    Sara – CURE OM


                      Thanks so much for the fundraising update – $10,923.00 – that number gives me goosebumps!!  It really is moving and inspiring how much good people can do when they think and act like a real community and work together…great job! smiley


                        Thanks so much for the fundraising update – $10,923.00 – that number gives me goosebumps!!  It really is moving and inspiring how much good people can do when they think and act like a real community and work together…great job! smiley

                      CURE OM

                        Hi Sue, 

                        Thank you very much for posting this!  I didn't have a chance to reply sooner as I have been traveling these past few days.  You are correct to say that this event was a wonderful way to to not only raise awareness for Ocular Melanoma, but to raise funds for it as well.  

                        It was great to have not one, but two teams participating in this event!  The "A Cure In Sight" Team did raise awareness by having the largest team on the premesis (and off as well).  The tentative total for funds raised for CURE OM between the "A Cure In Sight" team and the MRF's CURE OM Team is $10,923.00!!!!  

                        Thank you to everyone that participated in this event!  From those that were physically there, to those that participated at home on their treadmills, as well as those that donated their time, talent, and money!!  We must stand united to find a cure for this disease.  By doing so, great things will happen!  

                        CURE OM

                          Hi Sue, 

                          Thank you very much for posting this!  I didn't have a chance to reply sooner as I have been traveling these past few days.  You are correct to say that this event was a wonderful way to to not only raise awareness for Ocular Melanoma, but to raise funds for it as well.  

                          It was great to have not one, but two teams participating in this event!  The "A Cure In Sight" Team did raise awareness by having the largest team on the premesis (and off as well).  The tentative total for funds raised for CURE OM between the "A Cure In Sight" team and the MRF's CURE OM Team is $10,923.00!!!!  

                          Thank you to everyone that participated in this event!  From those that were physically there, to those that participated at home on their treadmills, as well as those that donated their time, talent, and money!!  We must stand united to find a cure for this disease.  By doing so, great things will happen!  

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                      The MRF Patient Forum is the oldest and largest online community of people affected by melanoma. It is designed to provide peer support and information to caregivers, patients, family and friends. There is no better place to discuss different parts of your journey with this cancer and find the friends and support resources to make that journey more bearable.

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