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Melanoma in Lymph Node…

Forums General Melanoma Community Melanoma in Lymph Node…

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      Just a quick question-

      If you had a swollen Lymph Node, that contained cancerous cells, would it grow over time, i.e. two months- or would the one’s in close proximity start swelling too?



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    • Replies
          Hello TheGaz1982,

          My husband had melanoma that spread to his lymph nodes from his ear to neck. He felt a nodule in his neck in Jan, 2020 and it started to get bigger. By the time we got in to see a dr (about May, 2020) it was fairly large. All in all, after surgery, there was only 1 lymph node that had cancer in it. They removed several lymph nodes then tested. Later, they determined they needed to go back in to clean up the area. So I don’t know the answer to your inquiry, I know what happened with my husband’s situation. I hope this helps.

              Hi Rhonda F,

              Thank you for your response- the information is very useful, and I hope that your husband is doing okay?

              Kind Regards,


              Hello TheGaz1982,

              Thank you for your response. My husband is doing so-so. He’s dealing with side effects from immunotherapy still even after 2 years. Muscle weakness, fatigue, hypothyroidism, and now swallowing prob attributed to radiation on his neck area. He is doing much better, but each day is something new it seems.

              How are you doing?


                Hi Rhonda F,

                Glad to hear that your husband seems to be doing okay- hopefully the side-effects will go away in time. I am still in the ‘diagnosis’ stage, so just getting used to all of this, but I will battle on…

                Kind Regards,


                  Praying all will go well with your diagnosis and treatment. Keep us updated here on the forum.


                      Hi Rhonda F,

                      Thank you, I will do.

                      Kind Regards,


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