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Melanoma I Situ on nose

Forums General Melanoma Community Melanoma I Situ on nose

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      I have recently been diagnosed with a zero grade malignant melanoma in Situ on my nose. This was a shave biopsy, no depth of cells was given in the pathology report. I had two very small dark spots on my nose which were frozen off twice over 5 years ago. I was going to have them lasered off but the doctor wanted to check the area first. I was so surprised at the results of the biopsy report with a zero grade melanoma.
      I was shocked when I learned of the possible extent of the surgery on my face and that the doctors can’t tell you whether it will be a Zplasty or a Bilobed transposition flap or using the forehead to bring skin tissue down to cover the area. I realize that my case is not as bad as 99% of the postings on this forum. I know a lot of people have it so much worse. If this were on any part of my body other than my face, I would have the procedure done in a heartbeat. I have read about Imiquimod creme used for 12. weeks used as a non surgical option.
      Has anyone tried this? The doctors say it’s not FDA approved but many drugs are used “off” label in the US. I am 62 years old . One doctor told me this is a slow growing lesion and both doctors said surgery was best option. I would like to try the creme before I have disfiguring surgery. I am 62 and in good health ( generally speaking) and I am hoping some folks out there might have gone through this dilemma. I would appreciate it if you would share your thought process with me on what treatment path you chose and how did it turn out for you?
      Thank you.
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          I would have the surgery. At a 10 mile race in May I met a 79 year old man whose nose looked a little odd. He had skin cancer ( not melanoma ) and needed to have major reconstruction of his nose. He finished running the 10 mile race. Your life is much more important than your appearance. I was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma 4 years ago.
            Imiquimod is an effective topical treatment for some skin conditions like aktinic keratosis and warts, but NOT for melanoma. Unfortunately, melanoma is a whole other beast entirely. Standard recommendations for melanoma require surgery with prescribed margins in order to avoid spread. Like Edwin, even though I REALLY would NOT like to have the surgery I know you are facing on MY nose, I would have it done. I would not want to risk letting the lesion spread further, if I could help it, leaving me in need of even more extensive facial surgery or heaven forbid, metastasis to distant sites. This is why I always say, no matter how thick or how thin, or where it is located, melanoma sucks great big green stinky hairy wizard balls!!! Still, how we approach melanoma and the choices we make about our care is intensely personal. I wish you my best, however you choose to approach your care. celeste
              I am 46, a father of two boys aged 4 and 7. I recently had a stage 0 on my face. When I went in to the surgeon for the consult, he drew the WLE spot on my face, and gave me a mirror. I said wow, that looks smaller than I thought. He said, yeah..since it’s on your face I thought you might want me to go a little smaller. I said no thanks. Make it as big as you can, I really don’t want to come back….

              My spot wasnt my nose, I grant you. But for me it was not a Hard call. Get a safe margin. You’ve got 99% chance of beating this, and living your life melanoma free….

              This disease is awful. But you are lucky that yours is a slow grower. My scar is a reminder that I am here, and have another day to enjoy my family.

              A great big hug to you. You got this.

                One other thought, anon. I don’t know your situation well enough to know if it would be possible in your circumstance, but – rather than surgery – you might ask your onc if treating your melanoma in situ with an intralesional injection would be possible. Here is a primer that I put together. Scroll through it to the “intralesional” section to see the type of treatment I am thinking about:

                It never hurts to ask. Yours, celeste

                  I want to thank each of you for taking the time out of your busy lives to give me advice and suggestions. I am waiting on second opinion on Histopathology slides of the biopsy. I am trying not to have false hope on the diagnosis. Like most people, I was blindsided by this diagnosis but I do so appreciate your kind thoughts and support. Thank you so much.
                      Hi Hopeful, I am your age and two years ago went through same thing. I had Stage 2A and had to have graft to my nose; graft came from my neck. I had a plastic surgeon who specializes in Melanoma, and as unfortunate as it is to have it smack-dab on our noses, surgery is curative for stage 0-2 and it took me a year to feel grateful to be alive and out of that pity me muck. I wear make up with spf every day to camouflage my graft which is still red. It was a shock to see a differently shaped nose on my face, but most people don’t notice. I LOOK AT EVERYONE’S NOSES. No one looks at mine. My family wanted me to be happy again, and I finally believe I was given a new lease on life to enjoy. Once you get through the wide excision and reconstruction, and that includes grieving if your nose shape is a little different, you will be a changed person. Please contact me if you want extra support through this.
                        Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. I think it’s partly the fear of the unknown outcome for me. If it’s a Zplasty, I think I could handle that. Otherwise…. I don’t know.
                        You must be a very strong person to go through the surgery and the recovery time while keeping such a positive attitude. It seems like patients should have some kind of counseling or
                        support group throughout this process. I stumbled upon by chance and I am so grateful for the site and its contributors. I am sure that over time some of the scar fades.
                        Thank you for your offer of extra support. I may have to take you up on that.

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