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MDA – This Week’s Agenda

Forums General Melanoma Community MDA – This Week’s Agenda

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      Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas, Everyone!


      Back @ my favorite place (not!) for labs, scans & answers … hopefully 😉


      Very eager to get lungs confirmed clear from August scan. I had a PET/CT in Pensacola, early November & it looked good. That would definitely be a good Christmas present for me!


      Separately, I'll be trying to get somewhat of a second opinion regarding the right kidney tumor dx'd by the Urological Oncologist @ home. It has been increasing in size, all year. However, Doc wants to 1st do a TURP for my 180g prostate, allow recovery, then take a partial or full kidney in the spring. I don't think MDA would want to do a biopsy (from everything I've read) but I could find myself surprised. Only bummer w/ that is I'm flying solo, this time. My sweet wife needed to stay home w/ the 4 kiddos & a crazy "taxi" schedule. She explicitly told me I was not allowed to have any surgical fun on my own 😉


      Anybody here in Houston, this week? It would be great to meet fellow Warriors & encourage one another …


      Take care!

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          Hey Jagstter!

          I just got into Houston tonight and will be at MDA tomorrow for most of the day but then heading home later tomorrow. I have an action packed day tomorrow (injections, infusion, labs, etc) but if you see my patch (my avatar on this board) on my pack say howdy! I think I'll be in the Melanoma clinic between 10-12 tomorrow to see Dr. Ross and Dr. Amaria otherwise running around to lab and over to Mays for infusion. Maybe we'll run into each other!



              Hi Tex,


              I'll keep a look out for you … I hope all goes well w/ your labs & infusion. Take care, Tex!


                Hey Jagstter,


                Sorry we didn't connect this time around maybe next time. I'm back at MDA in 3 weeks (2 Jan…Happy New Year!!) for the whole process again. I hope everything went smoothly for you. Usually, my appts run like a well oiled machine but this last time I felt like I was running constantly from place to place. Anyway, Merry Christmas and I hope you are doing well!


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