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Mayo Clinic

Forums General Melanoma Community Mayo Clinic

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      I had a wide excision on 8/28 for probable Melanoma and my path results are taking forever to come back. I took it upon myself to call the pathology department on Thursday and they told me my sample went to Mayo Clinic. 

      I called Mayo Friday and they told me my sample is getting cytogenetic testing done and a melanoma FISH. I did google both those tests but I'm still confused. 

      Has anyone had a similar situation?

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          It may be your lesion came back as a Spitz nevus, but your age might make that seem wrong.  Spitz nevi look almost identical to melanoma under the microscope.  They are typically found in individuals under the age of 20.  So if you are older than 20, it might be that they are trying to determine which type of lesion you have.  If they do a FSH test, it looks at the DNA.  If there are lots of errors/defects, then they will probably side on the case of melanoma.  If the DNA looks normal, then they will say Sptiz Nevus.  At least that is what the FSH test is typically used for.  I'm not certain what the cytogenetic testing is.  Just my guess.


              Should have said Spitz Nevi are totally benign.  So this testing is done to make sure they know exactly what they are dealing with and it can take extra time for the results.


                I'm 34. I have 4 little kids at home. This 3 weeks waiting for pathology is about enough to give me a panic attack. 


                  Please let us know about the results x Hope it is benign, but even if not – you can get through this. Dont try to face this alone. There are so many people here who are very supportive and are willing to help.

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