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Maybe a recurrence? Biopsy next week….

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Maybe a recurrence? Biopsy next week….

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      Hi there!

      Sorry to post before I have true confirmation of recurrence, but I’m curious about other’s experiences with lymph nodes. Here’s my story:

      9/2017: Mole removed on rt. thigh and left upper arm biopsies as 1B and 1A respectively. Wide excisions on both, with sentinel node biopsy from rt groin shown as negative. I had some lymph edema to deal with, but otherwise no elongated side effects. No additional treatment was recommended.

      21 months later, (2 weeks ago today) I detected sensitivity in my rt groin and found that a lymph node directly under the incision site of the sentinel node was palpable and tender. Next day I had a sonogram and CT scan of the leg and a chest XRay. CT scan showed inflammation in the lymph, but XRay show an incidental finding of a 1.7 cm nodule in the rt. lung. (X-ray from 11 mons before showed no nodule). Chest CT showed the mass was solid; PET had lung and groin lit up. Biopsy scheduled for next week.

      Here’s the thing: PET was Monday. Weds evening I rolled over in bed and felt something tender on my rt. ribs. Found another lymph node had flared out of nowhere. Same thing that happened with the one in my groin. there was NOTHING 2 days before – no tenderness, no lump – and the reason I know (don’t laugh, ladies!) is because I did the “Big Shave” on Weds, and this sucker started hurting Friday afternoon – after I had spent most of my telework day in the lotus position trying to loosen up my hips. I know there was nothing on my ribs because (again, ladies, try not to snigger!) the sucker is right on my bra line and is damned annoying! Wasn’t there in the am, wasn’t there when got changed for bed and set my double-Ds free. Next day wearing a bra was agony!

      Lymph on my rib did NOT flair on the PET, so that’s the mystery – what the heck could flare up that quickly?

      So – do lymphs flare that quickly from melanoma? Or is it possible there is something ELSE going on? Pulmonologist appt yesterday – 12 hours after rib lymph showed up. Dr. confirmed palpation. Dr. says there are benign nodules that flare up on a PET, so I’m hoping that it is a melanoma false alarm, but why haven’t they put me on an antibiotic?

      Will keep you posted either way on the biopsy results….

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    • Replies
          In December 2017 a sore on my neck showed active on a PET scan. That sore disappeared in a few weeks. So, it was not melanoma. You do not want an antibiotic, unless it is necessary. One study found that immunotherapy did not work as well for people who received an antibiotic. Antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria in your digestive system.
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