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Forums General Melanoma Community lymphnodes

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      I know melanoma travels to groin , axillary, and neck nodes. My son had a full lymph node dissection in the right groin area in Feb 14 2018. He did a year of Keytruda and has had clear scans. He found a small bump in a node in the back of his head. has anyone had their Melanoma travel there?
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          Has he seen his oncologist? I would probably investigate a brain MRI. Melanoma is third most likely cancer to enter the brain and 40% of stage four patients get brain Mets. They can also biopsy the node to see if it is melanoma or a reaction to a cold. I’d go in right away. Prognosis is much better for brain Mets when that is the only place they are found.
            ed williams
              Let’s slow down talking about brain mets for God’s sake, all she said is he has a swollen lymph node in a region far distant from original site of melanoma, and we know that lymph nodes can be swollen and caused by many factors.
                Sorry. I should let more experienced people post. I’m still hyper ventilating over my own diagnosis.
                Sharon, melanoma can travel anywhere, although is more likely to be found near the primary site. My first question would be, is he sure it is a lymph node. If you google lymph node maps, you see where the lymph nodes are located in the body. I may be wrong but I dont recall that the back of the head has lymph nodes.

                My second question would be, is he sick at all? If he got sick then it’s not surprising that his nodes would be swollen. I would give it a week or so to see if it improves.

                  The same thing happened with my son only in his case he had a neck dissection and a swollen lymph node in his groin. The doctor thought it would be unusual for it to travel like that but to make sure he did a needle biopsy of the node and it was fine thankfully!
                    Hey Sharon! I know this must be a scare for you and your son! Yes…melanoma can travel anywhere. Though melanoma usually spreads near the area of origin first. And yes…we DO have lymph nodes to our heads (lymph node maps be damned!). I can’t tell you how many little ones (only months old and less) who are brought in with palpable nodes to their scalp due to birth trauma or older kiddos with lots of swollen nodes to their scalp outright, behind their ears on their scalps, or at the nape and upwards, due to colds, ear infections, bug bites, seborrhea, or lice (depending on location)!!! SO! Deep breath!!! Our lymph nodes can be found in all sorts of “random” places. Our lymph nodes can enlarge for many, many reasons!!! AND… is possible that the lesion your son can feel is a swollen lymph node….or it may well be something else entirely. I’d call his doc and see if they want to give it a minute. Or….even simpler….run in and let them have a peek at it to see if they think it needs further evaluation. Hang in there and let us know what you decide.
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