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Forums General Melanoma Community Lymphedema

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      I had a radical axillay lymph node dissection done after my wide incision that disfigured a tattooed portrait I have of my daughter on my right arm. I have been NED for over a year and no lymphedema. Now I'm wanting to have the tattoo fixed, but I am very nervous that it will cause lymphedema. At the same time I don't want to stay disfigured. Can anyone offer real life experience with this other than" it's not a good idea".

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    • Replies

          It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


          good luck!


            It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


            good luck!


                Thank you for your response.


                  Thank you for your response.


                    Thank you for your response.


                    It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


                    good luck!


                      It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


                      good luck!


                        It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


                        good luck!


                          It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


                          good luck!


                            It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


                            good luck!


                              It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


                              good luck!


                                It's my understanding that the greater risk is infection rather than lymphedema.  I had a similar situation but in my case involves surgery on my foot of,the same leg where I had my CLND.  I asked my surgeon the question.  His response was as I,mentioned in my first sentence.  Check withmyour doc!


                                good luck!


                                  Oh my, I got a paper cut on my finger and the infection up my arm into my breast required a weeks stay in the hospital followed by lymphedema! Really not a good idea when they caution you – no needle stick, no IV, no BP on your effected side. Maybe a beautiful new portrait of your daughter on your other arm.


                                    Oh my, I got a paper cut on my finger and the infection up my arm into my breast required a weeks stay in the hospital followed by lymphedema! Really not a good idea when they caution you – no needle stick, no IV, no BP on your effected side. Maybe a beautiful new portrait of your daughter on your other arm.


                                      Oh my, I got a paper cut on my finger and the infection up my arm into my breast required a weeks stay in the hospital followed by lymphedema! Really not a good idea when they caution you – no needle stick, no IV, no BP on your effected side. Maybe a beautiful new portrait of your daughter on your other arm.


                                          Thanks for your time in responing to me.


                                            Thanks for your time in responing to me.


                                              Thanks for your time in responing to me.


                                                I forgot one other thing, if you do develop lymphedema, you will have to wear a compression sleeve and that will cover your tattoo- I'm still thinking another tattoo on your other arm is your best bet. I wish you peaceful thoughts


                                                  I forgot one other thing, if you do develop lymphedema, you will have to wear a compression sleeve and that will cover your tattoo- I'm still thinking another tattoo on your other arm is your best bet. I wish you peaceful thoughts


                                                    I forgot one other thing, if you do develop lymphedema, you will have to wear a compression sleeve and that will cover your tattoo- I'm still thinking another tattoo on your other arm is your best bet. I wish you peaceful thoughts


                                                      Agreed – any small abrasion, hang nail, or insect bite can quickly turn into a few weeks on IV antibiotics – it just won't heal!  I would recommend avoiding it


                                                        Agreed – any small abrasion, hang nail, or insect bite can quickly turn into a few weeks on IV antibiotics – it just won't heal!  I would recommend avoiding it


                                                          Agreed – any small abrasion, hang nail, or insect bite can quickly turn into a few weeks on IV antibiotics – it just won't heal!  I would recommend avoiding it


                                                          Unfortunately, lymphedema can set in at any time, even several years after your surgery.

                                                          You have a rather narrow audience here so you might want to also check some lymphedema-related web sites to see if someone has been in your situation:




                                                          Also, don't forget to check breast cancer web sites.


                                                            Unfortunately, lymphedema can set in at any time, even several years after your surgery.

                                                            You have a rather narrow audience here so you might want to also check some lymphedema-related web sites to see if someone has been in your situation:




                                                            Also, don't forget to check breast cancer web sites.


                                                              Unfortunately, lymphedema can set in at any time, even several years after your surgery.

                                                              You have a rather narrow audience here so you might want to also check some lymphedema-related web sites to see if someone has been in your situation:




                                                              Also, don't forget to check breast cancer web sites.

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