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Lymph Node Biopsy

Forums General Melanoma Community Lymph Node Biopsy

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      Hi All-

      Last week I had a Fine Needle Biopsy of lymph node in my neck that the Dr felt to be large & hard. He just emailed me & said the cells were indeterminate & they had to send it off for special staining to differentiate healthy from malignant cells. Does this mean my lymph nodes does have Melanoma in it?  Has anyone else had this on a FNA & if so what was your final result?



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          Indeterminate means indeterminate.  They cannot determine the makeup of the cells.  Melanocytes have to be stained to be seen, and there are several different types of stains.  Sounds like the original office did not have the particular tools needed.  FNAs are only as good as the samples they return.  I had a breast biopsy that also returned indeterminate results – they just didn't get enough cells to determine the actual makeup of the lump. 

              I had FNA biopsy in one enlarged node in my neck. The result was negative, but my melanoma specialist told me to come for a check up in six weeks. The node was still enlarged and she decided to do the surgical biopsy. Unfortunately, the result came back a melanoma. Surgical biopsy is the most accurate. After that I had neck lymph nodes desection. A year later one of the lymph nodes in my armpit was enlarged. FNA biopsy again, the result, no cancer cells, not enough tissue. Surgical biopsy again showed melanoma, after that I had lymph nodes desection in my left armpit. It was my story.Maybe you will have more luck.
              All the best and good luck!


                Oh wow I am sorry to hear that. How large was your lymph node if you  do not mind me asking??

                  Large enough that my doctor could feel it, I think it was 1cm.
                  I was diagnosed with stage 1b five years ago, and four months ago I was diagnosed with stage IV. The scan showed few small nodules in my lungs. I was on Yervoy four infusions, waiting for the scan, if it didn’t start shrinking my oncologist will put me on Keytruda.
                  I am doing and feeling well, working full time and leaving normal healthy life. I never had any side effects, even while I was taking Yervoy. I am very optimistic.
                  Good Luck to you!

                    Large enough that my doctor could feel it, I think it was 1cm.
                    I was diagnosed with stage 1b five years ago, and four months ago I was diagnosed with stage IV. The scan showed few small nodules in my lungs. I was on Yervoy four infusions, waiting for the scan, if it didn’t start shrinking my oncologist will put me on Keytruda.
                    I am doing and feeling well, working full time and leaving normal healthy life. I never had any side effects, even while I was taking Yervoy. I am very optimistic.
                    Good Luck to you!

                      Large enough that my doctor could feel it, I think it was 1cm.
                      I was diagnosed with stage 1b five years ago, and four months ago I was diagnosed with stage IV. The scan showed few small nodules in my lungs. I was on Yervoy four infusions, waiting for the scan, if it didn’t start shrinking my oncologist will put me on Keytruda.
                      I am doing and feeling well, working full time and leaving normal healthy life. I never had any side effects, even while I was taking Yervoy. I am very optimistic.
                      Good Luck to you!


                        Oh wow I am sorry to hear that. How large was your lymph node if you  do not mind me asking??


                          Oh wow I am sorry to hear that. How large was your lymph node if you  do not mind me asking??

                            I had FNA biopsy in one enlarged node in my neck. The result was negative, but my melanoma specialist told me to come for a check up in six weeks. The node was still enlarged and she decided to do the surgical biopsy. Unfortunately, the result came back a melanoma. Surgical biopsy is the most accurate. After that I had neck lymph nodes desection. A year later one of the lymph nodes in my armpit was enlarged. FNA biopsy again, the result, no cancer cells, not enough tissue. Surgical biopsy again showed melanoma, after that I had lymph nodes desection in my left armpit. It was my story.Maybe you will have more luck.
                            All the best and good luck!

                              I had FNA biopsy in one enlarged node in my neck. The result was negative, but my melanoma specialist told me to come for a check up in six weeks. The node was still enlarged and she decided to do the surgical biopsy. Unfortunately, the result came back a melanoma. Surgical biopsy is the most accurate. After that I had neck lymph nodes desection. A year later one of the lymph nodes in my armpit was enlarged. FNA biopsy again, the result, no cancer cells, not enough tissue. Surgical biopsy again showed melanoma, after that I had lymph nodes desection in my left armpit. It was my story.Maybe you will have more luck.
                              All the best and good luck!


                              Indeterminate means indeterminate.  They cannot determine the makeup of the cells.  Melanocytes have to be stained to be seen, and there are several different types of stains.  Sounds like the original office did not have the particular tools needed.  FNAs are only as good as the samples they return.  I had a breast biopsy that also returned indeterminate results – they just didn't get enough cells to determine the actual makeup of the lump. 


                                Indeterminate means indeterminate.  They cannot determine the makeup of the cells.  Melanocytes have to be stained to be seen, and there are several different types of stains.  Sounds like the original office did not have the particular tools needed.  FNAs are only as good as the samples they return.  I had a breast biopsy that also returned indeterminate results – they just didn't get enough cells to determine the actual makeup of the lump. 

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