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lung nodule

Forums General Melanoma Community lung nodule

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      I am a year out from diagnosis stage 3A. I had two primaries one on left chest and one on left middle/ lower back. We are doing scans and watching. So far all scans have come back good until this last scan and it said "There has been development of a 5 mm nodule within the left lower lobe. No pleural effusion is seen." Doctor said we would rescan in 3 months and see if there is growth. He mentioned that it was still very small and in a bad location to biopsy. How concerned should I be at this point? 


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          I am 3B  (mid back) and on my personal "lung node" watch. What I gather from this board is that this is not such an uncommon thing so maintain perspective if you can. I have experienced small growth (while in a trial and probably on Nivo) in a couple nodules. Per my MD; Too soon to tell. Could be an instance of a different/better cross section getting scanned. Could be benign. Wait and watch. The last radiology report used the word "concerning", but OTOH, that is solely due to already being a Mel. patient. 

          So "concerning". (also at 5mm). But if there really isn't anything that can be done at this point, I try to just minimize worry. (did you see the actually scan? it's like 'find the pin-head without a pin attached in a pile of pins all with identical pin heads – while you squint at that pile of pins on the floor while standing up'.) 

          Very much for the trained eye – who knows to look specifically cause we are already here.


              Thanks for your reply! I'm getting better at this waiting game that melanoma seems to keep putting on the table but some days are still hard.

              I’ve had lung nodules similar in size to yours come and go during my journey with melanoma. They’re always gone at the next scan, so not mel. Lung nodules are super common in people, my onc said if she scanned 100 healthy people that about half would have benign lung nodules. Melanoma creates a whole new level of patience within us. 🙂

                  It's nothing I've had lung nodules, mucus plugs etc. they always came back nothing. I'm going on 5 years  and still marinating at 3b


                    Thanks! Hoping for it to be gone  next time. I will be trying to put it at the back on my mind. 

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