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Lump on Left shin

Forums General Melanoma Community Lump on Left shin

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      Happy new year;

      Last week, just before going to LA for a week long get away, I was scratching my shin and noticed a large lump (1/2 inch across). It is hard but seems to extend across into soft tissue on the side. Since my first diagnosis came from a lump (on my back just over my left shoulder blade, but deep) I am concerned. Has anyone had the beast reappear in a distant location like this. From what I hear this is not something that usually happens. The shin is pretty far removed from the back of the shoulder, and I have had no mets in my organs to this point. I do have a regularlly scheduled PET scan this coming Thursday then my onco the following Monday, so should learn more. Just wanted to check here and see if this is something others have dealt with. 

      Thanks everyone,


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          Hey Ted,

          Good timing on the scan.

          I just am writing that I was mid-back, and sometime during my treatment year had a massive lump across the flat of my shin. I could not believe I would not notice and scream about a bump like that. It didn't show black and blue. But it was a bruise and went down after 2 weeks. Just saying we pick up the strangest dings sometimes and that is a weird area for impacts due to lack of flesh.Let's go with that for now, eh?


            Hi Ted! I've never heard of melanoma spreading to a more distant location – it tends to like to spread in the central direction. I constantly have bumps and bruises on my legs that I don't remember getting. Lots of medications (most pain meds and anti-inflammatories, heart medications, blood thinners, even supplimental things like garlic and ginko) can cause you to bruise easily. Tell the onc, but hopefully it'll go away in a couple weeks!


              Unfortunately, I would say anything is possible with this beast so its a good thing that its scan time for you. Fingers crossed its just a giant bruise or one of Dr pimple poppers lypomas (fatty benign tissue).

              But I wouldn’t rule anything out and make sure your doctor knows right away. My melanoma has gone almost everywhere at this point so could really show up wherever it wants. Not trying to worry you just saying to be cautious.


                Thanks everybody, I suspect it is not a bruise, but it could certainly be something other than a tumor. I have been monitoring it and nothing has changed much since I noticed it. Seems the same size with no discoloration or ulceration at the site. I will find out after Thursday's scans for sure! Keep up the fight warriors!


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