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Loss of sensation in toe next to WLE site – is this what a local met feels like or am I worrying about nothing?

Forums General Melanoma Community Loss of sensation in toe next to WLE site – is this what a local met feels like or am I worrying about nothing?

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      Hi all,

      I am hoping this is one of the usual worries about nothing but I have not been feeling great recently with a lingering cough (which I get every year – postviral asthma), and over the past week or so have noticed that the inside of my third toe has lost sensation, is numb, and is annoying me.  On my other foot I wouldn't be worried but the WLE scar is on the dorsum of my foot only afew cm away.  There is nothing else obviously wrong with this toe.  I cant remember kicking it or anything like that. It is always possible though.

      My question is, has anybody ever had this type of loss of sensation in a local met?  I am probably being extremely anxious (and hope I am!).  I have just had another mole off last week and waiting for those results.  Afew weeks before that one came back atypical.  I haven't been worried, mostly about this toe!

      Thanks for your help


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          It might just be a neuropathy in your foot (it comes and goes with me).  I'd see if your GP would refer you to a podiatrist or an orthopedic surgeon.  If the WLE were to cause nerve damage, I would think it would have been a problem from the time of surgery.  But I'm not a doctor.  Take good care.


            It might just be a neuropathy in your foot (it comes and goes with me).  I'd see if your GP would refer you to a podiatrist or an orthopedic surgeon.  If the WLE were to cause nerve damage, I would think it would have been a problem from the time of surgery.  But I'm not a doctor.  Take good care.


              It might just be a neuropathy in your foot (it comes and goes with me).  I'd see if your GP would refer you to a podiatrist or an orthopedic surgeon.  If the WLE were to cause nerve damage, I would think it would have been a problem from the time of surgery.  But I'm not a doctor.  Take good care.


                I lost sensation on the inside of my left thigh after a left side going resection and WLE. Doctor said it was normal. Mine never completely came back though after 11 years


                  I lost sensation on the inside of my left thigh after a left side going resection and WLE. Doctor said it was normal. Mine never completely came back though after 11 years


                    I lost sensation on the inside of my left thigh after a left side going resection and WLE. Doctor said it was normal. Mine never completely came back though after 11 years

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