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local recurrence

Forums General Melanoma Community local recurrence

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      Greetings my melanoma clan…I"ve not posted, but I read everyday….I do now have a question…stage IIa diagnosed 9/2011…scalp…2cm around, clean margins, neg SNB…however, felt a hard nodule just on the edge of graft about a month ago…had hit my head there and had a sore, but it cursted, and then here's this…derm is almost positive it's a local recurrence which I understand is so not good…anyone have experience with local recurrence, any encouraging info?? thankyou so much…really



      Greetings my melanoma clan…I"ve not posted, but I read everyday….I do now have a question…stage IIa diagnosed 9/2011…scalp…2cm around, clean margins, neg SNB…however, felt a hard nodule just on the edge of graft about a month ago…had hit my head there and had a sore, but it cursted, and then here's this…derm is almost positive it's a local recurrence which I understand is so not good…anyone have experience with local recurrence, any encouraging info?? thankyou so much…really



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    • Replies
          I have no experience of this I’m sorry I can’t help you, but i think maybe your derm shouldn’t jump to conclusions as i don’t think they can be sure until it’s been tested. I’m sending lots of good wishes for a good result, I know it’s a horrible scary time. Hang on in there, we all know how your feeling.
          Laney x
            I have no experience of this I’m sorry I can’t help you, but i think maybe your derm shouldn’t jump to conclusions as i don’t think they can be sure until it’s been tested. I’m sending lots of good wishes for a good result, I know it’s a horrible scary time. Hang on in there, we all know how your feeling.
            Laney x
              I have no experience of this I’m sorry I can’t help you, but i think maybe your derm shouldn’t jump to conclusions as i don’t think they can be sure until it’s been tested. I’m sending lots of good wishes for a good result, I know it’s a horrible scary time. Hang on in there, we all know how your feeling.
              Laney x

                iF it is melanoma, it's never Good.  Having said that it may not really be very bad.  It is not unknown for a few melanoma cells to have excaped a tumor and be in the skin nearby.  This was the case I had  by  a lymph node basin.  I was told that they got clear margins according to the pathologist but that not all cells had stayed  in an encapsukated shell.   I kept a watch on  the area and 2 years later felt a lymph appear.,  It grew fast and I believed it to be another tumor.  It was remmoved and was indeed another tumor from the cells that went i nto hiding.  My Oncological surgeon immediately removed the lump. It was a black melanoma.   This was  in January 2009.   Three years later there has been no mmore problems in that area.

                   Get it checked and hopefully fully removed.  If a lymph gland swells to, get to your surgeon immediately to get it checked out.


                    thanky so much for replies…it was/is positive…surgery wed. to remove; I think it was 1.8mm…my margins had been clean at 1 cm (2cm removed) and neg SNB…it seems this occurred so quickly…very scared…had just seen oncologist week before who deals with the neck down, my onc surgeon dealing with neck up! anyway, she did deep palpation of neck, axillary nodes and felt nothing…oh well, the chase is on….thankyou again


                      thanky so much for replies…it was/is positive…surgery wed. to remove; I think it was 1.8mm…my margins had been clean at 1 cm (2cm removed) and neg SNB…it seems this occurred so quickly…very scared…had just seen oncologist week before who deals with the neck down, my onc surgeon dealing with neck up! anyway, she did deep palpation of neck, axillary nodes and felt nothing…oh well, the chase is on….thankyou again


                        thanky so much for replies…it was/is positive…surgery wed. to remove; I think it was 1.8mm…my margins had been clean at 1 cm (2cm removed) and neg SNB…it seems this occurred so quickly…very scared…had just seen oncologist week before who deals with the neck down, my onc surgeon dealing with neck up! anyway, she did deep palpation of neck, axillary nodes and felt nothing…oh well, the chase is on….thankyou again


                        iF it is melanoma, it's never Good.  Having said that it may not really be very bad.  It is not unknown for a few melanoma cells to have excaped a tumor and be in the skin nearby.  This was the case I had  by  a lymph node basin.  I was told that they got clear margins according to the pathologist but that not all cells had stayed  in an encapsukated shell.   I kept a watch on  the area and 2 years later felt a lymph appear.,  It grew fast and I believed it to be another tumor.  It was remmoved and was indeed another tumor from the cells that went i nto hiding.  My Oncological surgeon immediately removed the lump. It was a black melanoma.   This was  in January 2009.   Three years later there has been no mmore problems in that area.

                           Get it checked and hopefully fully removed.  If a lymph gland swells to, get to your surgeon immediately to get it checked out.


                          iF it is melanoma, it's never Good.  Having said that it may not really be very bad.  It is not unknown for a few melanoma cells to have excaped a tumor and be in the skin nearby.  This was the case I had  by  a lymph node basin.  I was told that they got clear margins according to the pathologist but that not all cells had stayed  in an encapsukated shell.   I kept a watch on  the area and 2 years later felt a lymph appear.,  It grew fast and I believed it to be another tumor.  It was remmoved and was indeed another tumor from the cells that went i nto hiding.  My Oncological surgeon immediately removed the lump. It was a black melanoma.   This was  in January 2009.   Three years later there has been no mmore problems in that area.

                             Get it checked and hopefully fully removed.  If a lymph gland swells to, get to your surgeon immediately to get it checked out.

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