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Keytruda working?

Forums General Melanoma Community Keytruda working?

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      For those that have gotten a response from Keytruda, how long did it take for shrinkage of tumors?  I have in transit tumors and can feel them under the skin.  The area around the tumors turns red at times so I am assuming it is some type of inflammation.  Have any of you experienced redness of the skin around subcutaneous in transit melanoma tumors?  I am not sure if this is from Keytruda and is a good sign that it might be working or if it is common and something that happens in the lmphatic system when fluid is blocked by tumors.  It does not appear that the tumor has shrunk any after 2 infusions.  Thank you for any responses. Take care everyone.

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    • Replies

          Yes, people on keytruda have reported redness, swelling and were responders! So hang in there, 2 infusions is not enough to say if it´s working or not….

          In my fathers case, i belive we saw shrinkage (he had one large sub met) around 3rd infusion…..


          Be well,




            Capt jack

              In my case I had tumors in lymph node and one on the lung. After four treatments I had a ct scan, the tumors had been reduced by 60% I just had a ct/pet scan after 8 treatments and the radiologist reported NED. My side effects were rash, fatigue, and vitilgo.  Holding off on more treatments and see what the ct scan shows in 3-4 months.  Good luck on your journey.


                When I began with keytruda, december 28th 2015 my main tumor was in my low back.

                I was indicated radioteraphy and when I had the ct/scan for plannification of radioteraphy in february 2016 with just two keytruda aplications, module  had reduced to almost half of its volume.

                I have  had 14 aplications with minors secundary effects (litte fatigue) and good partial responses.

                I had previously fíve metastasis in lymphs ( resección and radiotheraphy), brain (resección and radiotheraphy) , adrenal (resección), thigh and back (radiotheraphy in bote cases) and poor results with Yervoy.

                I feel fairly good and extremly happy with keytruda doing walkings and begging litte joggins.

                Willie from Buenos Aires, Argentina


                   I hipe this good news encourage you!!!


                     I hipe this good news encourage you!!!


                       I hipe this good news encourage you!!!


                        When I began with keytruda, december 28th 2015 my main tumor was in my low back.

                        I was indicated radioteraphy and when I had the ct/scan for plannification of radioteraphy in february 2016 with just two keytruda aplications, module  had reduced to almost half of its volume.

                        I have  had 14 aplications with minors secundary effects (litte fatigue) and good partial responses.

                        I had previously fíve metastasis in lymphs ( resección and radiotheraphy), brain (resección and radiotheraphy) , adrenal (resección), thigh and back (radiotheraphy in bote cases) and poor results with Yervoy.

                        I feel fairly good and extremly happy with keytruda doing walkings and begging litte joggins.

                        Willie from Buenos Aires, Argentina


                          When I began with keytruda, december 28th 2015 my main tumor was in my low back.

                          I was indicated radioteraphy and when I had the ct/scan for plannification of radioteraphy in february 2016 with just two keytruda aplications, module  had reduced to almost half of its volume.

                          I have  had 14 aplications with minors secundary effects (litte fatigue) and good partial responses.

                          I had previously fíve metastasis in lymphs ( resección and radiotheraphy), brain (resección and radiotheraphy) , adrenal (resección), thigh and back (radiotheraphy in bote cases) and poor results with Yervoy.

                          I feel fairly good and extremly happy with keytruda doing walkings and begging litte joggins.

                          Willie from Buenos Aires, Argentina

                          Capt jack

                            In my case I had tumors in lymph node and one on the lung. After four treatments I had a ct scan, the tumors had been reduced by 60% I just had a ct/pet scan after 8 treatments and the radiologist reported NED. My side effects were rash, fatigue, and vitilgo.  Holding off on more treatments and see what the ct scan shows in 3-4 months.  Good luck on your journey.

                            Capt jack

                              In my case I had tumors in lymph node and one on the lung. After four treatments I had a ct scan, the tumors had been reduced by 60% I just had a ct/pet scan after 8 treatments and the radiologist reported NED. My side effects were rash, fatigue, and vitilgo.  Holding off on more treatments and see what the ct scan shows in 3-4 months.  Good luck on your journey.


                              Yes, people on keytruda have reported redness, swelling and were responders! So hang in there, 2 infusions is not enough to say if it´s working or not….

                              In my fathers case, i belive we saw shrinkage (he had one large sub met) around 3rd infusion…..


                              Be well,





                                Yes, people on keytruda have reported redness, swelling and were responders! So hang in there, 2 infusions is not enough to say if it´s working or not….

                                In my fathers case, i belive we saw shrinkage (he had one large sub met) around 3rd infusion…..


                                Be well,




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