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Keytruda and low white blood cells- anyone else?

Forums General Melanoma Community Keytruda and low white blood cells- anyone else?

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      I am wondering if anyone out there has had low white blood cells on Keytruda?  I couldn't receive my dose of Keytruda this last week because my WBC was too low.  I have struggled with low WBC since I have been on Keytruda since October 2015. 

      My doctor at Mayo said a very rare side of Keytruda is that the T-cells not only attack the melanoma, but they also attack the neutrophils and destroy them faster than my bone marrow can make them.  In December they were concerned the cancer had spread to my bones because of my white blood cell counts, however my bones are clear.

      they are going to test my blood again on Wednesday to see if I can get another infusion.  Help, has anyone had this?  What are my options if PD1 turns my own immune system against itself, not only attacking the Melanoma(I have partial response to Keytruda) but also attacking the white blood cells.   

      Thanks for your help!!


      brain, lung and small intestine mets


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    • Replies

          My cousin also is suffering from the low white blood cells. so he is very easy to be infected by bacterias. I will ask him for some information if necessary and helpful.


              Thanks.  I'll look forward to the information. 



                Thanks.  I'll look forward to the information. 



                  Thanks.  I'll look forward to the information. 



                  My cousin also is suffering from the low white blood cells. so he is very easy to be infected by bacterias. I will ask him for some information if necessary and helpful.


                    My cousin also is suffering from the low white blood cells. so he is very easy to be infected by bacterias. I will ask him for some information if necessary and helpful.

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