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just a question about “melia supreme”…powdered neem leaf

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community just a question about “melia supreme”…powdered neem leaf

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      A friend sent me an article about "Melia Supreme" as her chiropractor has her using it for her specific health problem (not cancer), and anyways shje saw in the accompanying literature that some people use it as a topical agent against skin cancer. Here's what an online page said:


      Melia Supreme is powdered neem leaf (Melia azadirachta) put into vegetarian capsules with nothing else added.


      A friend sent me an article about "Melia Supreme" as her chiropractor has her using it for her specific health problem (not cancer), and anyways shje saw in the accompanying literature that some people use it as a topical agent against skin cancer. Here's what an online page said:


      Melia Supreme is powdered neem leaf (Melia azadirachta) put into vegetarian capsules with nothing else added.

      Melia, like Morinda is an amazing plant that has been used therapeutically in India for at least 2,500 years. The word neem is reported to come from the Sanskrit language and roughly means “the healer and illness reliever”. Our main reason for making melia available is that it is another superb broad spectrum anti-microbial showing effectiveness against various fungi, bacteria, parasites, virus (including herpes), and spirochetes. It has also been reported that it does not harm beneficial intestinal flora. Melia has been shown to be hepato-protective, stimulates T-cell production in times of infection, and blocks pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. Melia also possesses small amounts of catechin and quercetin- both having anti-inflammatory and anti-histiminic properties.

      In Japan, Melia has been used for cancer treatment of solid tumors as well as using it topically on skin cancers. It has been used successfully to treat malaria as well as vitiligo, and has been reported to increase brain serotonin levels thus having anti-anxiety properties.  Melia has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels. In insulin dependent diabetics, melia has reduced insulin requirements up to 50%. One interesting effect is that without decreasing libido or sperm count, neem has been used effectively as a male contraceptive. In parts of Africa women use it also for the same purpose (so you may not want to use it if you are trying to get pregnant). I could keep going but you can see how it merits its name “the healer and illness reliever”. To read more about neem, NEEM INDIA”S MIRACULOUS HEALING PLANT by Ellen Norten, and NEEM THE ULTIMATE HERB by John Conrick are very informative.

      Not that I am going to run out and order this, but was just wondering what people have heard or if anyone has tried this? I didnt see any place where you can get it as a topical application…only as an essential oil and oral supplement.



      stage 3a

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    • Replies


             Certainly Neem plant has curative properties  – but combine it with Turmeric for better results.
             For some reason, I am the only patient on this forum (Melanoma stage 3b)
             who is of East Indian origin !! (I am NOT fair skinned and certainly NOT blue eyed).
             The only reason I think I am NED for 2 years (LND in Oct 2008) is because of Yoga and Indian herbs.
             Do try them.

          Kish (from the country India) (living in New Jersey since 1996)



              Hi Kish,

              Thanks for your answer. I am doing the Ipi trial so will not be adding anything else while on the trial. Do you take melia supreme or the neem leaf and if so how much and how often? What are the side effects or toxicity levels?



              stage 3a


                Hi Kish,

                Thanks for your answer. I am doing the Ipi trial so will not be adding anything else while on the trial. Do you take melia supreme or the neem leaf and if so how much and how often? What are the side effects or toxicity levels?



                stage 3a



                   Certainly Neem plant has curative properties  – but combine it with Turmeric for better results.
                   For some reason, I am the only patient on this forum (Melanoma stage 3b)
                   who is of East Indian origin !! (I am NOT fair skinned and certainly NOT blue eyed).
                   The only reason I think I am NED for 2 years (LND in Oct 2008) is because of Yoga and Indian herbs.
                   Do try them.

                Kish (from the country India) (living in New Jersey since 1996)




                  I am in a support group, the Dr. leading the group is a cancer survivor and an integrative physician.  She totally believes in supplements but has warned us that some do nothing and to choose carefully, she has gone over many of them with us. She would rather us eat healthy.  The main thing she has stressed to us is that while undergoing treatments you can't just take a supplement on whim, there can be interactions especially if you take them the week of the treatment.

                  If we don't get snowed out of our meeting this Thursday I'll ask her to tell me her opinon of Melia.  But, with you doing Ippi I would certainly talk to your oncologist about this before trying this.



                      Thanks Linda, I wasnt going to add this or any other supplement anyways. Much to all my friend's dismay I have chosen NOT to add supplements or eat vegan, etc. I do believe that my diet is wholesome and I know that I would not stick to a completely new radical to me regime if I did change anything. Thank you for checking on this plant supplement as it will be interesting to know about anyways.


                      stage 3a


                        Thanks Linda, I wasnt going to add this or any other supplement anyways. Much to all my friend's dismay I have chosen NOT to add supplements or eat vegan, etc. I do believe that my diet is wholesome and I know that I would not stick to a completely new radical to me regime if I did change anything. Thank you for checking on this plant supplement as it will be interesting to know about anyways.


                        stage 3a



                        I am in a support group, the Dr. leading the group is a cancer survivor and an integrative physician.  She totally believes in supplements but has warned us that some do nothing and to choose carefully, she has gone over many of them with us. She would rather us eat healthy.  The main thing she has stressed to us is that while undergoing treatments you can't just take a supplement on whim, there can be interactions especially if you take them the week of the treatment.

                        If we don't get snowed out of our meeting this Thursday I'll ask her to tell me her opinon of Melia.  But, with you doing Ippi I would certainly talk to your oncologist about this before trying this.


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