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Joint Pain on Mekinist and Tafinlar

Forums General Melanoma Community Joint Pain on Mekinist and Tafinlar

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      I started the Mekinist and Tafinlar combo almost 3 weeks ago.  So far so good with minimal side effects.  The only thing I have noticed is aching/sore knees.  I started a running program one week before I began treatment and continued after I started the medications.  Last week I noticed my knees were aching but I attributed it to the running.  Well, the pain has lasted for over a week now so I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the medication.

      Has anyone else had this issue on the combo therapy and if so have you been able to manage it?  What are you using to ease the soreness.


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          Side effects may be different for every person. When you say the pain has lasted for over a week, do you mean you have taken a week off from running and it's still there, or are you running despite the pain? If you haven't taken any days off from running, try that. If, after 2-4 days off from running it hasn't changed, then I would think a bit more about it being a side effect. Running can be hard on joints, especially early in a training program when we tend to push our bodies more than we probably should. For me it's my ankles and sometimes my knees. I have learned that I need to suck it up and buy the expensive running shoes that someone has decided would be best for me after analyzing my gait. The cost hurts, but my joints don't. 

          As far as management- have you tried over the counter meds (tylenol, ibuprofen, etc)? It's been long enough since I've been on these meds that I don't remember if I was allowed to take them or not- I think I was, as long as I stayed within a certain dose range (only a certain number of pills in a 24 hr period, etc and of course spaced appropriately with the combo drugs). Check with your doctor about what you can take and at what dose. You should be reporting all possible side effects to them anyway.



              Hi — I have a lot of joint inflammation from these drugs, and as a result they have scheduled doses every other day.  I have moderate fever on the days I take the drug also.  The doctors suspect that the combined effect of the immunotherapy still circulating in me plus the combo is the cause and have suggested one 200mg ibuprofen  an hour before each dose — though I think every doctor has a remedy…

              i have found the Ipi-Anti PD-1 combo much easier than this…..


                Hi — I have a lot of joint inflammation from these drugs, and as a result they have scheduled doses every other day.  I have moderate fever on the days I take the drug also.  The doctors suspect that the combined effect of the immunotherapy still circulating in me plus the combo is the cause and have suggested one 200mg ibuprofen  an hour before each dose — though I think every doctor has a remedy…

                i have found the Ipi-Anti PD-1 combo much easier than this…..


                  Hi — I have a lot of joint inflammation from these drugs, and as a result they have scheduled doses every other day.  I have moderate fever on the days I take the drug also.  The doctors suspect that the combined effect of the immunotherapy still circulating in me plus the combo is the cause and have suggested one 200mg ibuprofen  an hour before each dose — though I think every doctor has a remedy…

                  i have found the Ipi-Anti PD-1 combo much easier than this…..


                  Side effects may be different for every person. When you say the pain has lasted for over a week, do you mean you have taken a week off from running and it's still there, or are you running despite the pain? If you haven't taken any days off from running, try that. If, after 2-4 days off from running it hasn't changed, then I would think a bit more about it being a side effect. Running can be hard on joints, especially early in a training program when we tend to push our bodies more than we probably should. For me it's my ankles and sometimes my knees. I have learned that I need to suck it up and buy the expensive running shoes that someone has decided would be best for me after analyzing my gait. The cost hurts, but my joints don't. 

                  As far as management- have you tried over the counter meds (tylenol, ibuprofen, etc)? It's been long enough since I've been on these meds that I don't remember if I was allowed to take them or not- I think I was, as long as I stayed within a certain dose range (only a certain number of pills in a 24 hr period, etc and of course spaced appropriately with the combo drugs). Check with your doctor about what you can take and at what dose. You should be reporting all possible side effects to them anyway.



                    Side effects may be different for every person. When you say the pain has lasted for over a week, do you mean you have taken a week off from running and it's still there, or are you running despite the pain? If you haven't taken any days off from running, try that. If, after 2-4 days off from running it hasn't changed, then I would think a bit more about it being a side effect. Running can be hard on joints, especially early in a training program when we tend to push our bodies more than we probably should. For me it's my ankles and sometimes my knees. I have learned that I need to suck it up and buy the expensive running shoes that someone has decided would be best for me after analyzing my gait. The cost hurts, but my joints don't. 

                    As far as management- have you tried over the counter meds (tylenol, ibuprofen, etc)? It's been long enough since I've been on these meds that I don't remember if I was allowed to take them or not- I think I was, as long as I stayed within a certain dose range (only a certain number of pills in a 24 hr period, etc and of course spaced appropriately with the combo drugs). Check with your doctor about what you can take and at what dose. You should be reporting all possible side effects to them anyway.


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