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Janner-one more question!

Forums General Melanoma Community Janner-one more question!

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      Okay, Janner, I just need you to talk to me down a minute.

      I really tried not to "research" after what you told me. However, I failed. Do you know anything about Nevoid Melanoma? I read that it often can be misdiagnosed as an Intraderman Nevus. You seem quite knowledgeable and was wondering if you knew anything about this rare type? I am really trying to trust my path report until I see my doctor next week but only having a shave biopsy concerns me!

      Thanks again!

      Okay, Janner, I just need you to talk to me down a minute.

      I really tried not to "research" after what you told me. However, I failed. Do you know anything about Nevoid Melanoma? I read that it often can be misdiagnosed as an Intraderman Nevus. You seem quite knowledgeable and was wondering if you knew anything about this rare type? I am really trying to trust my path report until I see my doctor next week but only having a shave biopsy concerns me!

      Thanks again!

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    • Replies

          There is nothing to suggest "Nevoid melanoma".  Your cells show some atypia.  That would be worded totally differently if this were even close to melanoma.  Melanocytes are typically rated mild, moderate or severe.  THEN you have melanoma cells which are more atypical than severe.  I interpret your lesions cells as mild which is BENIGN.  They are totally localized to the center of the lesion.  If this were remotely related to melanoma, this report would not be worded as it it.  I've read tons of pathology reports over the years and this is not melanoma.

          You are not doing yourself any favors by researching this more.  The shave is unfortunate IF THIS WERE MELANOMA.  It's not so the shave is of no consequence except it didn't remove the entire lesion.  Shave biopsies are really only a negative factor IF THE LESION IS MELANOMA… and IF THE SHAVE CUTS THROUGH THE MELANOMA DEPTH.  This is not the case here. 

          Step away from the computer and researching something that doesn't require any further research.  You just need to get the rest of the lesion removed and move on.  Since you are now aware of melanoma, watch your moles for CHANGE.   Changing moles / skin lesions are the ones of higher concern.  None of them have to be cancerous, but they should be brought to your derm's attention.


            There is nothing to suggest "Nevoid melanoma".  Your cells show some atypia.  That would be worded totally differently if this were even close to melanoma.  Melanocytes are typically rated mild, moderate or severe.  THEN you have melanoma cells which are more atypical than severe.  I interpret your lesions cells as mild which is BENIGN.  They are totally localized to the center of the lesion.  If this were remotely related to melanoma, this report would not be worded as it it.  I've read tons of pathology reports over the years and this is not melanoma.

            You are not doing yourself any favors by researching this more.  The shave is unfortunate IF THIS WERE MELANOMA.  It's not so the shave is of no consequence except it didn't remove the entire lesion.  Shave biopsies are really only a negative factor IF THE LESION IS MELANOMA… and IF THE SHAVE CUTS THROUGH THE MELANOMA DEPTH.  This is not the case here. 

            Step away from the computer and researching something that doesn't require any further research.  You just need to get the rest of the lesion removed and move on.  Since you are now aware of melanoma, watch your moles for CHANGE.   Changing moles / skin lesions are the ones of higher concern.  None of them have to be cancerous, but they should be brought to your derm's attention.


              There is nothing to suggest "Nevoid melanoma".  Your cells show some atypia.  That would be worded totally differently if this were even close to melanoma.  Melanocytes are typically rated mild, moderate or severe.  THEN you have melanoma cells which are more atypical than severe.  I interpret your lesions cells as mild which is BENIGN.  They are totally localized to the center of the lesion.  If this were remotely related to melanoma, this report would not be worded as it it.  I've read tons of pathology reports over the years and this is not melanoma.

              You are not doing yourself any favors by researching this more.  The shave is unfortunate IF THIS WERE MELANOMA.  It's not so the shave is of no consequence except it didn't remove the entire lesion.  Shave biopsies are really only a negative factor IF THE LESION IS MELANOMA… and IF THE SHAVE CUTS THROUGH THE MELANOMA DEPTH.  This is not the case here. 

              Step away from the computer and researching something that doesn't require any further research.  You just need to get the rest of the lesion removed and move on.  Since you are now aware of melanoma, watch your moles for CHANGE.   Changing moles / skin lesions are the ones of higher concern.  None of them have to be cancerous, but they should be brought to your derm's attention.

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