The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.

I’ve been busy

Forums General Melanoma Community I’ve been busy

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      I haven't posted much recently because thisis all moving so fast.  In August, I moved to stage 4 with a small tumor in the fat near my right kidney.  Surgury went better than expected and the tumor was removed.  In late October, I had back pain that I attributed to a pulled muscle.  I went to my primary clinic and they agreed an put me on pills to treat the symptoms.  Well, the pain didn't go away.  It was progressively getting worse and it was time for my next round of PET/CT.

      Thursday the 14th, I had my scan at 9am.  By 2pm, we were discussing the tumor pushing on my spine around T-5.  It is about a 3 cm tumor growing in and around my 5th rib on my right side.  The scan also showed another small spot on t-1, minimum of 6 lung mets, and two soft tissue spots near my thyroid.  That whole thing sent into motion a whirlwhind of activivty.  Spine MRI, radiation evaluation, and radiation simulation all done Friday the 15th.  They hit me with my only scheduled radiation treatment on Monday to knock the tumor back off my spine.  I went from what I thought was NED to a whole different world. 

      I met with my onc yesterday to discuss immune therapy.  I have read so much about all the various things posted here, but it takes on a whole different meaning when faced with it.  The recommendation I received yesterday was IPI and NIVO combo.  I think he called it Yervoy and Opdivo combined treatment.  It seems like my best option based on all the research he showed me, but I am scared.  This is kind of a big decision and I need to make sure I am comfortable with what I decide.

      I wish I could post positivity on here today based on what Josh and others have posted.  The best news I can give is that I pray for everyone on this board and those dealing with this disease every day.  I appreciate any insight or thoughts anyone would be willing to share.


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          Hey Brad,

          Sorry for your new set of circumstances.  I know what it feels like to be in the fying pan, out, and then thrown back in.  Each time you're thrown back in it gets a little harder to stay positive but once the shock wears off you'll get your game face back on. 

          For what it's worth, if I was in your shoes I'd be doing exactly what you are looking at. 



            Hey Brad,

            Sorry for your new set of circumstances.  I know what it feels like to be in the fying pan, out, and then thrown back in.  Each time you're thrown back in it gets a little harder to stay positive but once the shock wears off you'll get your game face back on. 

            For what it's worth, if I was in your shoes I'd be doing exactly what you are looking at. 



                Hi Brian,

                Sometimes, it takes a little work to find that game face, but you are correct. It will be back on in time for the fun and festivities.  Thanks for responding.


                  Hi Brian,

                  Sometimes, it takes a little work to find that game face, but you are correct. It will be back on in time for the fun and festivities.  Thanks for responding.


                    Hi Brian,

                    Sometimes, it takes a little work to find that game face, but you are correct. It will be back on in time for the fun and festivities.  Thanks for responding.


                    Hey Brad,

                    Sorry for your new set of circumstances.  I know what it feels like to be in the fying pan, out, and then thrown back in.  Each time you're thrown back in it gets a little harder to stay positive but once the shock wears off you'll get your game face back on. 

                    For what it's worth, if I was in your shoes I'd be doing exactly what you are looking at. 



                      Thank you for the update, even though it is not the news anyone wants to hear.

                      The ipi/nivo combo (ipi is Yervoy and nivo is Opdivo) has the highest response rates of any of the current immunotherapy options.

                      Here is the important part, though. It also has the highest rates of side effects. This can vary considerably from patient to patient, and I don't say this to raise concerns about going on the regimen. Rather, my point is this–the best chance of staying on protocol is if you are completely honest with the treatment team. Many of the side effects can be managed if they are caught early. If you try to tough it out things can progress to the point that they cannot be managed easily.

                      A lot of people are reluctant to talk about things they are experiencing–afraid to disappoint the doctor, worried they will be taken off the drugs that could save their life, etc. In the case of these drugs, however, the approach of trying to make it through is the worst thing you can do. 

                      I hope the treatment goes smoothly for you, and that you have an outstanding response.





                          Tim,  Thank yoiu for the advice.  You must know me without knowing me.  I am always the tough it out kind of a guy.  I will keep your advice in mind as I move along.  Thank you again for sharing it with me.


                            Tim,  Thank yoiu for the advice.  You must know me without knowing me.  I am always the tough it out kind of a guy.  I will keep your advice in mind as I move along.  Thank you again for sharing it with me.


                              Tim,  Thank yoiu for the advice.  You must know me without knowing me.  I am always the tough it out kind of a guy.  I will keep your advice in mind as I move along.  Thank you again for sharing it with me.


                              Thank you for the update, even though it is not the news anyone wants to hear.

                              The ipi/nivo combo (ipi is Yervoy and nivo is Opdivo) has the highest response rates of any of the current immunotherapy options.

                              Here is the important part, though. It also has the highest rates of side effects. This can vary considerably from patient to patient, and I don't say this to raise concerns about going on the regimen. Rather, my point is this–the best chance of staying on protocol is if you are completely honest with the treatment team. Many of the side effects can be managed if they are caught early. If you try to tough it out things can progress to the point that they cannot be managed easily.

                              A lot of people are reluctant to talk about things they are experiencing–afraid to disappoint the doctor, worried they will be taken off the drugs that could save their life, etc. In the case of these drugs, however, the approach of trying to make it through is the worst thing you can do. 

                              I hope the treatment goes smoothly for you, and that you have an outstanding response.





                                Thank you for the update, even though it is not the news anyone wants to hear.

                                The ipi/nivo combo (ipi is Yervoy and nivo is Opdivo) has the highest response rates of any of the current immunotherapy options.

                                Here is the important part, though. It also has the highest rates of side effects. This can vary considerably from patient to patient, and I don't say this to raise concerns about going on the regimen. Rather, my point is this–the best chance of staying on protocol is if you are completely honest with the treatment team. Many of the side effects can be managed if they are caught early. If you try to tough it out things can progress to the point that they cannot be managed easily.

                                A lot of people are reluctant to talk about things they are experiencing–afraid to disappoint the doctor, worried they will be taken off the drugs that could save their life, etc. In the case of these drugs, however, the approach of trying to make it through is the worst thing you can do. 

                                I hope the treatment goes smoothly for you, and that you have an outstanding response.




                                Kim K

                                  Don't forget to discuss drugs like Zometa to help stabilize your bones to avoid fracture due to the tumors.  It is used to treat osteoporosis.

                                  Kim K

                                    Don't forget to discuss drugs like Zometa to help stabilize your bones to avoid fracture due to the tumors.  It is used to treat osteoporosis.

                                    Kim K

                                      Don't forget to discuss drugs like Zometa to help stabilize your bones to avoid fracture due to the tumors.  It is used to treat osteoporosis.


                                        Hi Brad,

                                        I'm currently on ipi nivo due to multiple liver mets. Made it through two infusions with minimal side effects but number three was postponed 10 days ago due to raised liver enzymes- likely due to the drugs.  Main take away- side efects seem to vary hugely for individuals- keep talking- as if something is kicking off easier to kick it in to the long grass with steroids if caught early,,,and if the job of ipi is to super charge the immume system and you start getting auto immune side effects– you have probably had a big enough dose for it to get to work— no point over doing it as the rest of your body can suffer for it.   There can be rapid responses to this regime and needing steroids does not seem to undo the beneficial effects– good responses seen from those who have had less than the standard four doses.

                                        Side effects do seem scary.. but with good communication and a high index of suspiscion from your team for me the risks were worth the higher expected response rates- especially as I am BRAF wild type. Plus looks like you will be attacking via three routes- radiation and ipi nivo- in quick succession which is good.

                                        Even if you have probs with Ipi.. you are likely to be able to tone it down and continue with nivo only. Daft part is am currently on 50mg Prednisolone a day and am no where near as fatigued as I have been in months… although liver enzymes – ALT ,AST and GGT are not yet decreasing significantly- currently being monitored every 3-4 days . Nothing has gone over 5 times upper limit yet- but close- and LDH has fallen since starting the steroids.

                                        Take heart -you are not alone and experience of managing and catching the side effects early is mounting-but if your probs are frequent bowel movements- it is down to you to report …like Tim says- toughing it out and not reporting can lead to worse problems than necessary. Sorry if this sounds preachy- I'm on a trial to see if experienced teams managing the regime get fewre high grade side effects and am contacted weekly by phone to see how things are going. They are trying hard to monitor symptoms closely.

                                        Hugs and good wishes to all dealing with the pain – emotional and physical of this disease. Just wish I had a magic wand to fix things. 

                                        wishing you well



                                          Hi Brad,

                                          I'm currently on ipi nivo due to multiple liver mets. Made it through two infusions with minimal side effects but number three was postponed 10 days ago due to raised liver enzymes- likely due to the drugs.  Main take away- side efects seem to vary hugely for individuals- keep talking- as if something is kicking off easier to kick it in to the long grass with steroids if caught early,,,and if the job of ipi is to super charge the immume system and you start getting auto immune side effects– you have probably had a big enough dose for it to get to work— no point over doing it as the rest of your body can suffer for it.   There can be rapid responses to this regime and needing steroids does not seem to undo the beneficial effects– good responses seen from those who have had less than the standard four doses.

                                          Side effects do seem scary.. but with good communication and a high index of suspiscion from your team for me the risks were worth the higher expected response rates- especially as I am BRAF wild type. Plus looks like you will be attacking via three routes- radiation and ipi nivo- in quick succession which is good.

                                          Even if you have probs with Ipi.. you are likely to be able to tone it down and continue with nivo only. Daft part is am currently on 50mg Prednisolone a day and am no where near as fatigued as I have been in months… although liver enzymes – ALT ,AST and GGT are not yet decreasing significantly- currently being monitored every 3-4 days . Nothing has gone over 5 times upper limit yet- but close- and LDH has fallen since starting the steroids.

                                          Take heart -you are not alone and experience of managing and catching the side effects early is mounting-but if your probs are frequent bowel movements- it is down to you to report …like Tim says- toughing it out and not reporting can lead to worse problems than necessary. Sorry if this sounds preachy- I'm on a trial to see if experienced teams managing the regime get fewre high grade side effects and am contacted weekly by phone to see how things are going. They are trying hard to monitor symptoms closely.

                                          Hugs and good wishes to all dealing with the pain – emotional and physical of this disease. Just wish I had a magic wand to fix things. 

                                          wishing you well



                                            Hi Brad,

                                            I'm currently on ipi nivo due to multiple liver mets. Made it through two infusions with minimal side effects but number three was postponed 10 days ago due to raised liver enzymes- likely due to the drugs.  Main take away- side efects seem to vary hugely for individuals- keep talking- as if something is kicking off easier to kick it in to the long grass with steroids if caught early,,,and if the job of ipi is to super charge the immume system and you start getting auto immune side effects– you have probably had a big enough dose for it to get to work— no point over doing it as the rest of your body can suffer for it.   There can be rapid responses to this regime and needing steroids does not seem to undo the beneficial effects– good responses seen from those who have had less than the standard four doses.

                                            Side effects do seem scary.. but with good communication and a high index of suspiscion from your team for me the risks were worth the higher expected response rates- especially as I am BRAF wild type. Plus looks like you will be attacking via three routes- radiation and ipi nivo- in quick succession which is good.

                                            Even if you have probs with Ipi.. you are likely to be able to tone it down and continue with nivo only. Daft part is am currently on 50mg Prednisolone a day and am no where near as fatigued as I have been in months… although liver enzymes – ALT ,AST and GGT are not yet decreasing significantly- currently being monitored every 3-4 days . Nothing has gone over 5 times upper limit yet- but close- and LDH has fallen since starting the steroids.

                                            Take heart -you are not alone and experience of managing and catching the side effects early is mounting-but if your probs are frequent bowel movements- it is down to you to report …like Tim says- toughing it out and not reporting can lead to worse problems than necessary. Sorry if this sounds preachy- I'm on a trial to see if experienced teams managing the regime get fewre high grade side effects and am contacted weekly by phone to see how things are going. They are trying hard to monitor symptoms closely.

                                            Hugs and good wishes to all dealing with the pain – emotional and physical of this disease. Just wish I had a magic wand to fix things. 

                                            wishing you well



                                              Hi Brad,

                                              I'm currently on ipi nivo due to multiple liver mets. Made it through two infusions with minimal side effects but number three was postponed 10 days ago due to raised liver enzymes- likely due to the drugs.  Main take away- side efects seem to vary hugely for individuals- keep talking- as if something is kicking off easier to kick it in to the long grass with steroids if caught early,,,and if the job of ipi is to super charge the immume system and you start getting auto immune side effects– you have probably had a big enough dose for it to get to work— no point over doing it as the rest of your body can suffer for it.   There can be rapid responses to this regime and needing steroids does not seem to undo the beneficial effects– good responses seen from those who have had less than the standard four doses.

                                              Side effects do seem scary.. but with good communication and a high index of suspiscion from your team for me the risks were worth the higher expected response rates- especially as I am BRAF wild type. Plus looks like you will be attacking via three routes- radiation and ipi nivo- in quick succession which is good.

                                              Even if you have probs with Ipi.. you are likely to be able to tone it down and continue with nivo only. Daft part is am currently on 50mg Prednisolone a day and am no where near as fatigued as I have been in months… although liver enzymes – ALT ,AST and GGT are not yet decreasing significantly- currently being monitored every 3-4 days . Nothing has gone over 5 times upper limit yet- but close- and LDH has fallen since starting the steroids.

                                              Take heart -you are not alone and experience of managing and catching the side effects early is mounting-but if your probs are frequent bowel movements- it is down to you to report …like Tim says- toughing it out and not reporting can lead to worse problems than necessary. Sorry if this sounds preachy- I'm on a trial to see if experienced teams managing the regime get fewre high grade side effects and am contacted weekly by phone to see how things are going. They are trying hard to monitor symptoms closely.

                                              Hugs and good wishes to all dealing with the pain – emotional and physical of this disease. Just wish I had a magic wand to fix things. 

                                              wishing you well



                                                Hi Brad,

                                                I'm currently on ipi nivo due to multiple liver mets. Made it through two infusions with minimal side effects but number three was postponed 10 days ago due to raised liver enzymes- likely due to the drugs.  Main take away- side efects seem to vary hugely for individuals- keep talking- as if something is kicking off easier to kick it in to the long grass with steroids if caught early,,,and if the job of ipi is to super charge the immume system and you start getting auto immune side effects– you have probably had a big enough dose for it to get to work— no point over doing it as the rest of your body can suffer for it.   There can be rapid responses to this regime and needing steroids does not seem to undo the beneficial effects– good responses seen from those who have had less than the standard four doses.

                                                Side effects do seem scary.. but with good communication and a high index of suspiscion from your team for me the risks were worth the higher expected response rates- especially as I am BRAF wild type. Plus looks like you will be attacking via three routes- radiation and ipi nivo- in quick succession which is good.

                                                Even if you have probs with Ipi.. you are likely to be able to tone it down and continue with nivo only. Daft part is am currently on 50mg Prednisolone a day and am no where near as fatigued as I have been in months… although liver enzymes – ALT ,AST and GGT are not yet decreasing significantly- currently being monitored every 3-4 days . Nothing has gone over 5 times upper limit yet- but close- and LDH has fallen since starting the steroids.

                                                Take heart -you are not alone and experience of managing and catching the side effects early is mounting-but if your probs are frequent bowel movements- it is down to you to report …like Tim says- toughing it out and not reporting can lead to worse problems than necessary. Sorry if this sounds preachy- I'm on a trial to see if experienced teams managing the regime get fewre high grade side effects and am contacted weekly by phone to see how things are going. They are trying hard to monitor symptoms closely.

                                                Hugs and good wishes to all dealing with the pain – emotional and physical of this disease. Just wish I had a magic wand to fix things. 

                                                wishing you well



                                                  Hi Brad,

                                                  I'm currently on ipi nivo due to multiple liver mets. Made it through two infusions with minimal side effects but number three was postponed 10 days ago due to raised liver enzymes- likely due to the drugs.  Main take away- side efects seem to vary hugely for individuals- keep talking- as if something is kicking off easier to kick it in to the long grass with steroids if caught early,,,and if the job of ipi is to super charge the immume system and you start getting auto immune side effects– you have probably had a big enough dose for it to get to work— no point over doing it as the rest of your body can suffer for it.   There can be rapid responses to this regime and needing steroids does not seem to undo the beneficial effects– good responses seen from those who have had less than the standard four doses.

                                                  Side effects do seem scary.. but with good communication and a high index of suspiscion from your team for me the risks were worth the higher expected response rates- especially as I am BRAF wild type. Plus looks like you will be attacking via three routes- radiation and ipi nivo- in quick succession which is good.

                                                  Even if you have probs with Ipi.. you are likely to be able to tone it down and continue with nivo only. Daft part is am currently on 50mg Prednisolone a day and am no where near as fatigued as I have been in months… although liver enzymes – ALT ,AST and GGT are not yet decreasing significantly- currently being monitored every 3-4 days . Nothing has gone over 5 times upper limit yet- but close- and LDH has fallen since starting the steroids.

                                                  Take heart -you are not alone and experience of managing and catching the side effects early is mounting-but if your probs are frequent bowel movements- it is down to you to report …like Tim says- toughing it out and not reporting can lead to worse problems than necessary. Sorry if this sounds preachy- I'm on a trial to see if experienced teams managing the regime get fewre high grade side effects and am contacted weekly by phone to see how things are going. They are trying hard to monitor symptoms closely.

                                                  Hugs and good wishes to all dealing with the pain – emotional and physical of this disease. Just wish I had a magic wand to fix things. 

                                                  wishing you well



                                                    In june I found out I had 7 mets in my lungs and did research before seeing my dr and already knew I wanted the combo and he agreed. I am the first veteran at Audie Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio to get the combo. I made it trhough th first 4 combo doses with mild side effects that I was able to deal with, rash, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry mouth but I was so happy when the rash came the first week. It meant my body was reacting to it. At 14 weeks 3 mets were gone, or to small to see, 2 were down to 2mm and 2.5 mm and the other 2 were down to 1 cm from 1.4 and 1.5 with no new mets. I would say I am not the nrom on the side effects as mine were mild, been working 40 hours a week since the 4th or 5th week. I'm not sure what other options you would have but I never question whether I wanted the combo as I didn't want to mess around. Last visit my oncol talked about not restarting the yervoy, this friday I start back on both for the maintanance period. He said the yervoy stays active in the immune system for a long time. I told him I would rather have both until my next scan which is in january. My christmas day will probably be spent in bed as usually the first couple of days after there is fatigue but for me it wasn't devestating, just tired. Agian I think my experienc on the combo has been better than most as for as side effects, I have not had to miss a dose yet and get number 9 friday. Good luck and look forward to hearing your success story.


                                                      In june I found out I had 7 mets in my lungs and did research before seeing my dr and already knew I wanted the combo and he agreed. I am the first veteran at Audie Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio to get the combo. I made it trhough th first 4 combo doses with mild side effects that I was able to deal with, rash, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry mouth but I was so happy when the rash came the first week. It meant my body was reacting to it. At 14 weeks 3 mets were gone, or to small to see, 2 were down to 2mm and 2.5 mm and the other 2 were down to 1 cm from 1.4 and 1.5 with no new mets. I would say I am not the nrom on the side effects as mine were mild, been working 40 hours a week since the 4th or 5th week. I'm not sure what other options you would have but I never question whether I wanted the combo as I didn't want to mess around. Last visit my oncol talked about not restarting the yervoy, this friday I start back on both for the maintanance period. He said the yervoy stays active in the immune system for a long time. I told him I would rather have both until my next scan which is in january. My christmas day will probably be spent in bed as usually the first couple of days after there is fatigue but for me it wasn't devestating, just tired. Agian I think my experienc on the combo has been better than most as for as side effects, I have not had to miss a dose yet and get number 9 friday. Good luck and look forward to hearing your success story.


                                                        In june I found out I had 7 mets in my lungs and did research before seeing my dr and already knew I wanted the combo and he agreed. I am the first veteran at Audie Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio to get the combo. I made it trhough th first 4 combo doses with mild side effects that I was able to deal with, rash, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry mouth but I was so happy when the rash came the first week. It meant my body was reacting to it. At 14 weeks 3 mets were gone, or to small to see, 2 were down to 2mm and 2.5 mm and the other 2 were down to 1 cm from 1.4 and 1.5 with no new mets. I would say I am not the nrom on the side effects as mine were mild, been working 40 hours a week since the 4th or 5th week. I'm not sure what other options you would have but I never question whether I wanted the combo as I didn't want to mess around. Last visit my oncol talked about not restarting the yervoy, this friday I start back on both for the maintanance period. He said the yervoy stays active in the immune system for a long time. I told him I would rather have both until my next scan which is in january. My christmas day will probably be spent in bed as usually the first couple of days after there is fatigue but for me it wasn't devestating, just tired. Agian I think my experienc on the combo has been better than most as for as side effects, I have not had to miss a dose yet and get number 9 friday. Good luck and look forward to hearing your success story.


                                                          Dear Bradley,

                                                          sounds like you are in good hands and you and your doctors are acting quickly….

                                                          I am a fan of ipi/nivo combo, just because it is said to have the highest response rate…. You will deal with side effects when/if they come….

                                                          Be well and I wish you an amazing response!







                                                            Dear Bradley,

                                                            sounds like you are in good hands and you and your doctors are acting quickly….

                                                            I am a fan of ipi/nivo combo, just because it is said to have the highest response rate…. You will deal with side effects when/if they come….

                                                            Be well and I wish you an amazing response!







                                                              Dear Bradley,

                                                              sounds like you are in good hands and you and your doctors are acting quickly….

                                                              I am a fan of ipi/nivo combo, just because it is said to have the highest response rate…. You will deal with side effects when/if they come….

                                                              Be well and I wish you an amazing response!







                                                                I'm sorry you have to join the circus Brad, but I think the ipi/nivo combo is an excellent plan. The advice you got from Tim is excellent as well, as you know.

                                                                I am wishing you the best and you are in my prayers.

                                                                – Paul


                                                                  I'm sorry you have to join the circus Brad, but I think the ipi/nivo combo is an excellent plan. The advice you got from Tim is excellent as well, as you know.

                                                                  I am wishing you the best and you are in my prayers.

                                                                  – Paul


                                                                    I'm sorry you have to join the circus Brad, but I think the ipi/nivo combo is an excellent plan. The advice you got from Tim is excellent as well, as you know.

                                                                    I am wishing you the best and you are in my prayers.

                                                                    – Paul

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