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Is this lump/node more melanoma? Where has your mm spread first?

Forums General Melanoma Community Is this lump/node more melanoma? Where has your mm spread first?

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      Info: I am a year after a stage 3b diagnosis and have done 15 of 18 adjuvant Pembro treatments. Primary right breast, 1 node with 2mm deposit.

      This Sunday I found a small (under 10mm) in my left side of my groin. I can only feel when I stand up.
      I have seen my CNS who has confirmed it needs further investigation and I have a CT booked for Tuesday.
      With the hope I can have an ultrasound before Christmas and my results on 20th (this is hopefully not guaranteed).

      My question is if it were to spread wouldn’t my bloods have showed something or wouldn’t it have gone to more nodes in the same area not on the opposite side of my body.

      I’m trying to find hope but also trying to apply logic and not get into melanoma mania!

      What are your experiences? What do you think?

      Thank you all!!!

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    • Replies
          Hi Tilly,

          Sorry for the fear you are experiencing! Sadly, melanoma can do anything pretty much anywhere. And – even when folks have active melanoma, their lab work can be – and often is – completely normal. There are “liquid assays” that look for melanoma DNA in your blood that would be elevated in the case of increasing or active disease that I wish were in common use and have (and will continue to) yelled about that for years. Hopefully such tests will be routinely instituted soon.

          HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nodes all over our body can enlarge seemingly overnight for a very wide variety of reasons!! So I am very much hoping that that is what you are dealing with. You are being proactive so that is good. When you LIVE in melanoma world, we can not make the assumptions that everyone else would make. So getting things checked out is best, but I am betting that your node will be cause by something completely unrelated to melanoma.

          Still, if it is, there is much to be hopeful about. Hang in there and keep us posted. Celeste

              As ever you are not only offer the knowledge but much needed sanity and clarity to the situation.

              You truly are an angel and I am so grateful.

              Will keep you updated and hope that it’s just inflammation or basically ANYTHING that isn’t Melabloodynoma!

              Thank you so much again.


              While one should never say never…mets to the opposite side of the body…from the chest area to the groin…without anything in between…would be most unusual.

              I know where you’re coming from…diagnosed with Stage III Melanoma…51 years ago…I went nuts every time I found a new bump, sore or freckle I hadn’t seen before…for about five years! Then I figured out that if I were going to worry about dying…every day of my life…I might as well be dead…because I wasn’t living!

              Chances are that a swollen lymph node, in your groin, is from some kind of infection in that area…especially since you appear to be (I’m assuming from your post) a woman…who are more prone to infections in this area than men are It definitely needs to be investigated…obviously…but I would be surprised if it were related to the cancer.

              Don’t know why…but this kind of thing, during the holidays, always seems particularly upsetting! I know…I was diagnosed in mid-December!

              Let us know what’s going on…and I’ll remember you in my prayers.

              God Bless!

                  Thank you so much for your reply and sound advice.

                  But just as importantly you have given hope. 50+ years! I LOVE this. I have 2 small children and had bad news on Christmas Eve last year, so desperately didn’t want this year to be the same. Keeping everything crossed and pray for a clear CT and no disease.

                  Gods bless you x

                  I hope this turns out to be a harmless nothing. When I had a swollen node/false alarm in the groin, my doc had me do a Fine Needle Aspiration. Your doc must have a reason for recommending a different path. Wishing you all the best. Keep us posted.
                      Thank you LKB for your reply.

                      There is talk of an ultrasound with a possibility of biopsy, but waiting appointment and couldn’t confirm if it would be done before Christmas .

                      So hope it’s nothing will update this thread when I know x

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