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Is surgery the best option

Forums General Melanoma Community Is surgery the best option

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      Yesterday we were told by our oncologist that although our daughters tumor in her lung is operable, the reason they recommended systemic (IL 2) over VATS was the short duration of time between initial primary 3B diagonsis and diagonsis of lung tumor in stage 4—exactly 2 years. They say 3 years is a better indicator of success. In my last conversation with the surgeon, his reasons to delay surgery were to achieve 3-6 months assurance that there was only one site. We are well within that time frame with only one tumor. We are soliciting second opinions Sloan and Sarah Cannon on this, but would be interested in hearing from anyone with experience, long or short time between reoccurance or CR.

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          melanoma is totally upredictable. There are no guidelenes for a timeframe for a recurrence. Some people on this board have gove 5, 10, 15 and yes even 20 yrs and then got a recurrence. I had a recurrence at 4.5 yrs. May I suggest take care of the cancer now and do not look at the future recurrence. Deal with recurrence as they happen! That is my 2 cents.


              Thank you all, we are leaning this way as well. 


                Thank you all, we are leaning this way as well. 


                  Thank you all, we are leaning this way as well. 


                  melanoma is totally upredictable. There are no guidelenes for a timeframe for a recurrence. Some people on this board have gove 5, 10, 15 and yes even 20 yrs and then got a recurrence. I had a recurrence at 4.5 yrs. May I suggest take care of the cancer now and do not look at the future recurrence. Deal with recurrence as they happen! That is my 2 cents.


                    melanoma is totally upredictable. There are no guidelenes for a timeframe for a recurrence. Some people on this board have gove 5, 10, 15 and yes even 20 yrs and then got a recurrence. I had a recurrence at 4.5 yrs. May I suggest take care of the cancer now and do not look at the future recurrence. Deal with recurrence as they happen! That is my 2 cents.

                    Jocks wife

                      Hi, I had surgery on 5 separate sites (3 subcutaneous, adrenal and pancreas)after 5years between primary and stage 4. That was 20 months ago, and I remain disease free, so my views are biased, but the cure rates for survival are still the best with surgery.

                      I understand your surgeons wish to wait and see, as everyone's disease is different, if there are more tumours just starting to grow a systematic therapy might be a better option, but my opinion remains, get it out!

                      I am not a religious person, I told my surgeon that he is my higher being, but I wish your daughter a positive outcome. A solitary tumour can offer you hope, there are long term survivors out there who have had a solitary tumour surgically removed.

                      Best wishes to you and your daughter.

                      Jocks wife

                        Hi, I had surgery on 5 separate sites (3 subcutaneous, adrenal and pancreas)after 5years between primary and stage 4. That was 20 months ago, and I remain disease free, so my views are biased, but the cure rates for survival are still the best with surgery.

                        I understand your surgeons wish to wait and see, as everyone's disease is different, if there are more tumours just starting to grow a systematic therapy might be a better option, but my opinion remains, get it out!

                        I am not a religious person, I told my surgeon that he is my higher being, but I wish your daughter a positive outcome. A solitary tumour can offer you hope, there are long term survivors out there who have had a solitary tumour surgically removed.

                        Best wishes to you and your daughter.

                        Jocks wife

                          Hi, I had surgery on 5 separate sites (3 subcutaneous, adrenal and pancreas)after 5years between primary and stage 4. That was 20 months ago, and I remain disease free, so my views are biased, but the cure rates for survival are still the best with surgery.

                          I understand your surgeons wish to wait and see, as everyone's disease is different, if there are more tumours just starting to grow a systematic therapy might be a better option, but my opinion remains, get it out!

                          I am not a religious person, I told my surgeon that he is my higher being, but I wish your daughter a positive outcome. A solitary tumour can offer you hope, there are long term survivors out there who have had a solitary tumour surgically removed.

                          Best wishes to you and your daughter.

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