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Is 3 weeks too long to wait to get Nodular Melanoma excised?

Forums General Melanoma Community Is 3 weeks too long to wait to get Nodular Melanoma excised?

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      I have a likely case of Nodular Melanoma presenting at this point as a 3.5mm diameter bloodblister like lesion on an old mole. I am getting it biopsied tomorrow (June 3) and will not know for sure that it is, though the Doctor seems to suspect it greatly. Otherwise I am without symptoms. 

      The problem is, my wife and I have a once in a lifetime, pretty much non refundable trip to Europe starting Friday, June 5-June 22. Are those 18 days going to literally mean the difference between life and death for me, if I do not deal with this until I get back? 

      I am worried (actually scared out of my mind is a better way to put it) as can be, obviously, but do not want to break my wife's heart either by cancelling the trip or destroying my potential prognosis and killing myself. I am in a tough place.

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    • Replies

          Happyjim, let me see if I can help here.  I would not do a shave biopsy – opt for a punch biopsy if available.  That's my best advice for your appointment tomorrow.

          Here is my husband's timeline and I hope it helps in some way…….

          March 14 biopsy

          March 25 diagnosis melanoma – Breslow .8mm (not clear margins), Clarks IV, ulcerated although we don't know he didn't do this himself

          April 10th – WLE and sentinel node biopsy (lymph node was positive with microscopic cells) – staged as 3 pending neck dissection surgery.

          April 21st – PET scan shows all clear

          April 27th – Radical neck dissection – 28 lymph nodes removed all clean. 

          He starts a trial for stage 3b melanoma patients here in Dallas in the next few weeks.

          I am really sorry you are going through this.  It's not an easy decision for you to make and I wish you and your family all the best. 

          If you need anything this group will help – they have been helpful, honest, and inspiring.

          Take care,




            Happyjim, let me see if I can help here.  I would not do a shave biopsy – opt for a punch biopsy if available.  That's my best advice for your appointment tomorrow.

            Here is my husband's timeline and I hope it helps in some way…….

            March 14 biopsy

            March 25 diagnosis melanoma – Breslow .8mm (not clear margins), Clarks IV, ulcerated although we don't know he didn't do this himself

            April 10th – WLE and sentinel node biopsy (lymph node was positive with microscopic cells) – staged as 3 pending neck dissection surgery.

            April 21st – PET scan shows all clear

            April 27th – Radical neck dissection – 28 lymph nodes removed all clean. 

            He starts a trial for stage 3b melanoma patients here in Dallas in the next few weeks.

            I am really sorry you are going through this.  It's not an easy decision for you to make and I wish you and your family all the best. 

            If you need anything this group will help – they have been helpful, honest, and inspiring.

            Take care,




              Happyjim, let me see if I can help here.  I would not do a shave biopsy – opt for a punch biopsy if available.  That's my best advice for your appointment tomorrow.

              Here is my husband's timeline and I hope it helps in some way…….

              March 14 biopsy

              March 25 diagnosis melanoma – Breslow .8mm (not clear margins), Clarks IV, ulcerated although we don't know he didn't do this himself

              April 10th – WLE and sentinel node biopsy (lymph node was positive with microscopic cells) – staged as 3 pending neck dissection surgery.

              April 21st – PET scan shows all clear

              April 27th – Radical neck dissection – 28 lymph nodes removed all clean. 

              He starts a trial for stage 3b melanoma patients here in Dallas in the next few weeks.

              I am really sorry you are going through this.  It's not an easy decision for you to make and I wish you and your family all the best. 

              If you need anything this group will help – they have been helpful, honest, and inspiring.

              Take care,




                We had to wait three weeks for the excision, once we had the diagnosis. I don't think it will make a huge difference.

                The bigger question is, will you be able to relax and enjoy this trip? Will you and your wife be able to put the challenges you face aside for 2+ weeks?

                The fact that your tickets are mostly nonrefundable makes me suggest that you go on the trip and make the most of it. But you might want to be in touch with an oncologist – a melanoma specialist, preferably at a cancer center that specializes in melanoma – before you go.

                Best of luck to you.



                  We had to wait three weeks for the excision, once we had the diagnosis. I don't think it will make a huge difference.

                  The bigger question is, will you be able to relax and enjoy this trip? Will you and your wife be able to put the challenges you face aside for 2+ weeks?

                  The fact that your tickets are mostly nonrefundable makes me suggest that you go on the trip and make the most of it. But you might want to be in touch with an oncologist – a melanoma specialist, preferably at a cancer center that specializes in melanoma – before you go.

                  Best of luck to you.



                    We had to wait three weeks for the excision, once we had the diagnosis. I don't think it will make a huge difference.

                    The bigger question is, will you be able to relax and enjoy this trip? Will you and your wife be able to put the challenges you face aside for 2+ weeks?

                    The fact that your tickets are mostly nonrefundable makes me suggest that you go on the trip and make the most of it. But you might want to be in touch with an oncologist – a melanoma specialist, preferably at a cancer center that specializes in melanoma – before you go.

                    Best of luck to you.



                      Go on your trip. The path report will take about a week or so, then it would take probably 2-3 weeks to get into the surgical oncologist anyway. Go and have the time of your life with your wife. 

                      Let your doc know and let him know to get the surgery in the works and you can deal with the rest when your back.

                      good luck!


                        Go on your trip. The path report will take about a week or so, then it would take probably 2-3 weeks to get into the surgical oncologist anyway. Go and have the time of your life with your wife. 

                        Let your doc know and let him know to get the surgery in the works and you can deal with the rest when your back.

                        good luck!


                          Go on your trip. The path report will take about a week or so, then it would take probably 2-3 weeks to get into the surgical oncologist anyway. Go and have the time of your life with your wife. 

                          Let your doc know and let him know to get the surgery in the works and you can deal with the rest when your back.

                          good luck!


                            I'd ask for the biggest biopsy sample I could get in hopes of getting clean margins on the biopsy itself.  Then go party and deal with the results when you return.


                              I'd ask for the biggest biopsy sample I could get in hopes of getting clean margins on the biopsy itself.  Then go party and deal with the results when you return.


                                I'd ask for the biggest biopsy sample I could get in hopes of getting clean margins on the biopsy itself.  Then go party and deal with the results when you return.


                                    Amen to that Janner – great advice!


                                      Amen to that Janner – great advice!


                                        Amen to that Janner – great advice!


                                        Thanks for the replies. I cannot say my mind is at ease, or it will be anytime soon, just trying to take this a day at a time and enjoy each one. 

                                        The worst part is that I just don't feel sick. I have this small mole that feels like a death sentence, and there are just no other symptoms. The shock is really numbing…

                                        I cannot say how much I will enjoy this trip, but I will make the most of it.


                                          Thanks for the replies. I cannot say my mind is at ease, or it will be anytime soon, just trying to take this a day at a time and enjoy each one. 

                                          The worst part is that I just don't feel sick. I have this small mole that feels like a death sentence, and there are just no other symptoms. The shock is really numbing…

                                          I cannot say how much I will enjoy this trip, but I will make the most of it.


                                            Thanks for the replies. I cannot say my mind is at ease, or it will be anytime soon, just trying to take this a day at a time and enjoy each one. 

                                            The worst part is that I just don't feel sick. I have this small mole that feels like a death sentence, and there are just no other symptoms. The shock is really numbing…

                                            I cannot say how much I will enjoy this trip, but I will make the most of it.

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