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Ipi/Yervoy – Itchy skin?

Forums General Melanoma Community Ipi/Yervoy – Itchy skin?

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      My husband received his second infusion last Friday. He now has very itchy skin on the legs and arms, but it doesn;t show any rash. I often read that a rash is a good sign that Ipi works.But what about  itchy skin without a rash?

      We are waiting not for sigsn that Ipi starts working but are not sure if that is a sign or unrelated.

      Besides that he is very tired, but was tired before Ipi anyway.

      My husband received his second infusion last Friday. He now has very itchy skin on the legs and arms, but it doesn;t show any rash. I often read that a rash is a good sign that Ipi works.But what about  itchy skin without a rash?

      We are waiting not for sigsn that Ipi starts working but are not sure if that is a sign or unrelated.

      Besides that he is very tired, but was tired before Ipi anyway.

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          I had itchy skin with no rash.  In fact I'm having a second bout of itchiness now, three months after my last infusuion.  Your husband's itchiness is probably related to the ipi.  I hope he has great results!



              And did Ipi I work for you?? I hope you had good results!


                Um, good question!  What was monitored remained stable during treatment – but my doctor was using chest/abdomen/pelvis CT for monitoring.  When I had a PET scan later, there was a new subQ on my thigh, and there's no way to tell if it arose before starting Ipi or during treatment.  At the end of my four-infusion cycle, I had my four subQs resected, so I would be considered NED as of March.  Scans in June.  If I stay NED, I will count it as a victory for my immune system and Ipi!


                brain mets, breast mets, subQs, lymph node mets


                  Um, good question!  What was monitored remained stable during treatment – but my doctor was using chest/abdomen/pelvis CT for monitoring.  When I had a PET scan later, there was a new subQ on my thigh, and there's no way to tell if it arose before starting Ipi or during treatment.  At the end of my four-infusion cycle, I had my four subQs resected, so I would be considered NED as of March.  Scans in June.  If I stay NED, I will count it as a victory for my immune system and Ipi!


                  brain mets, breast mets, subQs, lymph node mets


                    And did Ipi I work for you?? I hope you had good results!


                    I had itchy skin with no rash.  In fact I'm having a second bout of itchiness now, three months after my last infusuion.  Your husband's itchiness is probably related to the ipi.  I hope he has great results!


                    Jerry from Cape Cod

                      Hi Claudia,

                      It's called a phantom rash.  It's mostly an inflammaion of some nerves from the autoimmune reaction.  Sometimes a rash will develop. Oftne it is a faint lacy rash.  In severe cases actual hives are possible (RARE).

                      I've had the itches for just about all of the 115 weeks I've been on IPI.  After awhile you either get used to it or it's not as bad then it will flare.  Everyone has different reactions.  Sometimes folks need a fairly powerful med for the nerve reaction.  I was on one of those for a few months, but I felt like a zombie most of the time.  I'd rather just take over the counter benedryl and itch.

                      I'm currently No Evidence of Melanoma.

                      Jerry from Cape Cod



                          No IPI for me, but had severe rash and itching after high dose INF Therapy and guess what??? It never went away

                          One of those rare side effects.





                            No IPI for me, but had severe rash and itching after high dose INF Therapy and guess what??? It never went away

                            One of those rare side effects.



                          Jerry from Cape Cod

                            Hi Claudia,

                            It's called a phantom rash.  It's mostly an inflammaion of some nerves from the autoimmune reaction.  Sometimes a rash will develop. Oftne it is a faint lacy rash.  In severe cases actual hives are possible (RARE).

                            I've had the itches for just about all of the 115 weeks I've been on IPI.  After awhile you either get used to it or it's not as bad then it will flare.  Everyone has different reactions.  Sometimes folks need a fairly powerful med for the nerve reaction.  I was on one of those for a few months, but I felt like a zombie most of the time.  I'd rather just take over the counter benedryl and itch.

                            I'm currently No Evidence of Melanoma.

                            Jerry from Cape Cod

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