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Ipi question

Forums General Melanoma Community Ipi question

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      When I was at Moffitt yesterday getting my first infusion I met a man who was on his 4th. He has multiple nodules through out his body but he had a small one on his shin. He pulled up his pant leg and it's now the size of an egg and is red/purple looking but does not hurt. This seems unusual to me, has anyone else heard of one getting that big. He also said that he has had no reactions to Ipi.

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          There are no melanoma treatments that work for everyone, including ipi. On the other hand, ipi can take several months to work. In addition, it is common for tumors to swell from the ipi before they start to shrink– something to do with your immune cells surrounding the tumor and attacking it which makes the tumor appear larger for a while. So I don't think that there is really much you can conclude from this man's experience. Just stay the course and remain optimistic. You have a lot going for you.


            There are no melanoma treatments that work for everyone, including ipi. On the other hand, ipi can take several months to work. In addition, it is common for tumors to swell from the ipi before they start to shrink– something to do with your immune cells surrounding the tumor and attacking it which makes the tumor appear larger for a while. So I don't think that there is really much you can conclude from this man's experience. Just stay the course and remain optimistic. You have a lot going for you.


              There are no melanoma treatments that work for everyone, including ipi. On the other hand, ipi can take several months to work. In addition, it is common for tumors to swell from the ipi before they start to shrink– something to do with your immune cells surrounding the tumor and attacking it which makes the tumor appear larger for a while. So I don't think that there is really much you can conclude from this man's experience. Just stay the course and remain optimistic. You have a lot going for you.


                Tumors can get much larger than an egg, both on the skin surface and internally to every location in the body!


                  Tumors can get much larger than an egg, both on the skin surface and internally to every location in the body!


                    Tumors can get much larger than an egg, both on the skin surface and internally to every location in the body!

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