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Forums General Melanoma Community IPI/NIVO

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      Hope this combo works. Took my second infusion yesterday. So far, I have a rash, cluster headaches and now they told me my thyroid is dying. The oncologist said only chemo is next with more immunotherapy or clinical trials. My scans will be in mid to late November. Just providing a status update. Love all of warriors


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          Trent, you got this in your back pocket. The Ippi / Nivo is taking care of business. Unfortunately you will never learn of the joy of chemotherapy.
              Thanks John for the vote of confidence. I really need something to go my way.


                Trent, loss of thyroid, no big deal. I lost the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands during my treatments. Two pills a day, all set. I take the synthroid at bedtime, keeps me from snacking in the evening. This is going your way, I’d say that you have a full house in 5 card poker.
                Good Luck Trent ! Hope IPI/Nivo is killing it .
                    Drink lots of water. Hopefully it will help with headaches.
                    I took ippi 10mg. Had really bad rashes. Goat milk soap helps with that. 5 years later I’m doing well.
                      Wow, Trent, seems like we are on a similar timeline but you may be already done and I am on an extended rollercoaster of having gotten my first infusion and then having to take a steroid due to brain swelling and then another steroid (for 33 days!) due to late onset reactions to the first combo. I was supposed to have had 3 infusions by now. You may be done and cancer free! Fingers crossed for you.
                          Miss Cindy, I am sorry you are having to stop your infusion temporarily. Main thing is, get everything under control then start back up. Besides the rash, what else is happening? Mine so far is serious rash and thyroid. You will get through this. Just hang tough. Sending hugs and prayers your way.
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