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      Getting my first Ipi infusion today at Moffitt, here is hoping there are not too many side effects

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          Good luck to you.  Usually with the first infusion there are not many side effects and sometimes none at all.

          Judy (loving wife of Gene Stage IV and now NED after Clinical trial with Ipi and GM-CSF)


            Good luck to you.  Usually with the first infusion there are not many side effects and sometimes none at all.

            Judy (loving wife of Gene Stage IV and now NED after Clinical trial with Ipi and GM-CSF)


              Good luck to you.  Usually with the first infusion there are not many side effects and sometimes none at all.

              Judy (loving wife of Gene Stage IV and now NED after Clinical trial with Ipi and GM-CSF)


                Good luck. I was very scared and worried about taking ipi but not anymore. It was way easier than I thought. I had my 4th and final ipi yesterday. For me the side affects have been mild. The Dr liked that I had a rash and itching because she said it meant it let her know the ipi is working. Just make sure to call them about your side affects. They told me to call if anything lasts more than a day or 2 or immediately if severe but I'm sure your Dr told you their protocol which may be different.


                  Good luck. I was very scared and worried about taking ipi but not anymore. It was way easier than I thought. I had my 4th and final ipi yesterday. For me the side affects have been mild. The Dr liked that I had a rash and itching because she said it meant it let her know the ipi is working. Just make sure to call them about your side affects. They told me to call if anything lasts more than a day or 2 or immediately if severe but I'm sure your Dr told you their protocol which may be different.


                    Good luck. I was very scared and worried about taking ipi but not anymore. It was way easier than I thought. I had my 4th and final ipi yesterday. For me the side affects have been mild. The Dr liked that I had a rash and itching because she said it meant it let her know the ipi is working. Just make sure to call them about your side affects. They told me to call if anything lasts more than a day or 2 or immediately if severe but I'm sure your Dr told you their protocol which may be different.

                    Julie in SoCal

                      I just had my first infusion last week and it was fairly easy!  I've had a bit of fatigue, and a touch of nausea that went away fairly quickly, but aside from this, Ipi's been easy.

                      Trust you'll find it easy too, and that it will be the cure for you!



                      Julie in SoCal

                        I just had my first infusion last week and it was fairly easy!  I've had a bit of fatigue, and a touch of nausea that went away fairly quickly, but aside from this, Ipi's been easy.

                        Trust you'll find it easy too, and that it will be the cure for you!



                        Julie in SoCal

                          I just had my first infusion last week and it was fairly easy!  I've had a bit of fatigue, and a touch of nausea that went away fairly quickly, but aside from this, Ipi's been easy.

                          Trust you'll find it easy too, and that it will be the cure for you!



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