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impact of Chlor in the swimming pool

Forums General Melanoma Community impact of Chlor in the swimming pool

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      Dear all,

      I have passed my 10th months after CLND on my right leg and had radiation and 4 doses of Yervoy. Since I am on wait and watch with regular scans. Last scan was clear as well:)

      I have still have lymphedema on my right leg (about 3cm bigger on diameter). My doctor suggest me to swim to decrease of level of lymphedema.

      On the other hand he suggest me not to swim in the pool that clean up with Chlor and recommend me to look for pool clean up with Ozone.

      However in Turkey it is difficult to find the pool clean up with Ozone.

      Do you have any suggestion or impact to use about the swimming pool clean up with Chlor? is it risky? what do you think.



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          I was interested and googled this question a bit. I didn't find anything negative about chlorine as to lymphodema, except that it can be an irritant and will definitely dry out your skin if you swim alot. Which might be enough for a doctor to suggest ozone. Especially if you are a more fragile patient to start with. I imagine anything that could irritate and then break skin is potentially bad. 

          Some people will do anything to the point of bleeding. IMO lymphodema is just a weird thing. It can be disasterous, irreversable and completely unnecessary. So exactly the right time to be overcautious.

          But does that mean I'll never carry a 2.5 kilo weight with that arm? Never use sharp tools? Not swim in my city's new aquatic center that is chlorinated, and also avoid the ocean which has critters and more? Etc. 

          There seems to be a consensus that a proper ozone pool is a better choice, but does that mean don't swim in a chlorine pool? I hope not, I don't think they have taken hold much in the US/Florida.

          An engineering spec I read suggests that you still use chlorine in an ozone pool system, just way less. So I guess I'd say watch for irritation and don't overdo, as usual.


              What a perfect research and answer, thank you very much. My doctor told me that for a melanoma patient or for every body chlorine is dangerous once your body face with the sun.
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