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Immuno-Oncology Drug Research

Forums General Melanoma Community Immuno-Oncology Drug Research

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        Worthwhile read.  Though I agree with the Doctor the author is criticizing.  Big pharma operates just like Big Hollywood.  Only interested in the next sequel, not true innovation.  Immunotherapy drugs are great, but they should not be pursued to the exclusion of all else.  It leaves those that fail immunotherapy with not many options.


          Worthwhile read.  Though I agree with the Doctor the author is criticizing.  Big pharma operates just like Big Hollywood.  Only interested in the next sequel, not true innovation.  Immunotherapy drugs are great, but they should not be pursued to the exclusion of all else.  It leaves those that fail immunotherapy with not many options.


            Worthwhile read.  Though I agree with the Doctor the author is criticizing.  Big pharma operates just like Big Hollywood.  Only interested in the next sequel, not true innovation.  Immunotherapy drugs are great, but they should not be pursued to the exclusion of all else.  It leaves those that fail immunotherapy with not many options.

            ed williams

              Hi DZnDef, could I take you back 2 years ago for 10min to look at the state of Immunotherapy with a short clip from " Immunotherapy the silver bullet" the panel is to notch, if you go to the 38 min mark and listen for 10 min you will see how the rest of the Cancer world was seeing Immunotherapy!!!     Now the issue of hot vs cold tumors, which is key to helping melanoma patients that don't respond to Immunotherapy is now today front and center in research, if you would take a look at Dr. Jeffery Weber talk about hot vs cold. . Now the last point I would like to make is we now have Immunotherapy front and center in the cancer world with VP Bidden leading his moon shot program!!!! From ASCO 2016        v=WGXrCerRQUw&

                ed williams

                  Sorry about the last link to VP Biden, here is the right link    I think with funding and more research in the Immunotherapy field we will be able to have even better survival graphs than the ones that were published in the last few months for Ipi 20%, 10 year survival and Nivo 5 year survival being around 40%. Best Wishes!!!Ed

                  ed williams

                    Sorry about the last link to VP Biden, here is the right link    I think with funding and more research in the Immunotherapy field we will be able to have even better survival graphs than the ones that were published in the last few months for Ipi 20%, 10 year survival and Nivo 5 year survival being around 40%. Best Wishes!!!Ed

                    ed williams

                      Sorry about the last link to VP Biden, here is the right link    I think with funding and more research in the Immunotherapy field we will be able to have even better survival graphs than the ones that were published in the last few months for Ipi 20%, 10 year survival and Nivo 5 year survival being around 40%. Best Wishes!!!Ed


                        Thanks for the links, Ed.  That first clip refers exactly to what I was talking about.  How immunotherapy was not taken seriously for YEARS as a legitimate area for funding and study for cancer treatment.  It is extremely difficult to get the attention of the folks handling the pursestrings with something that is radically different than the currently accepted approaches.  Immunotherapy was considered "proven" to not work (early vaccine trials).  Dedicated researchers and doctors were left out of serious discussion if they were interested in immunotherapy.  FINALLY, someone broke through and now immunotherapy is all anyone is interested in.  Prior to immunotherapy, it was all about chemotherapy.  The belief was you could get better results if you just found the right combinations or dosages or variations of chemotherapy but it was still all about chemotherapy.  I am hoping that now that they have their new focus on immunotherapy, they do not again become myopic with it to the exclusion of completely different ideas on how to approach cancer.  I am all for continued study of immunotherapy, combinations and dosages.  I just hope there is also funding available for other approaches as well.  I hate to see them put all their eggs in one basket.


                          Thanks for the links, Ed.  That first clip refers exactly to what I was talking about.  How immunotherapy was not taken seriously for YEARS as a legitimate area for funding and study for cancer treatment.  It is extremely difficult to get the attention of the folks handling the pursestrings with something that is radically different than the currently accepted approaches.  Immunotherapy was considered "proven" to not work (early vaccine trials).  Dedicated researchers and doctors were left out of serious discussion if they were interested in immunotherapy.  FINALLY, someone broke through and now immunotherapy is all anyone is interested in.  Prior to immunotherapy, it was all about chemotherapy.  The belief was you could get better results if you just found the right combinations or dosages or variations of chemotherapy but it was still all about chemotherapy.  I am hoping that now that they have their new focus on immunotherapy, they do not again become myopic with it to the exclusion of completely different ideas on how to approach cancer.  I am all for continued study of immunotherapy, combinations and dosages.  I just hope there is also funding available for other approaches as well.  I hate to see them put all their eggs in one basket.


                            Thanks for the links, Ed.  That first clip refers exactly to what I was talking about.  How immunotherapy was not taken seriously for YEARS as a legitimate area for funding and study for cancer treatment.  It is extremely difficult to get the attention of the folks handling the pursestrings with something that is radically different than the currently accepted approaches.  Immunotherapy was considered "proven" to not work (early vaccine trials).  Dedicated researchers and doctors were left out of serious discussion if they were interested in immunotherapy.  FINALLY, someone broke through and now immunotherapy is all anyone is interested in.  Prior to immunotherapy, it was all about chemotherapy.  The belief was you could get better results if you just found the right combinations or dosages or variations of chemotherapy but it was still all about chemotherapy.  I am hoping that now that they have their new focus on immunotherapy, they do not again become myopic with it to the exclusion of completely different ideas on how to approach cancer.  I am all for continued study of immunotherapy, combinations and dosages.  I just hope there is also funding available for other approaches as well.  I hate to see them put all their eggs in one basket.

                          ed williams

                            Hi DZnDef, could I take you back 2 years ago for 10min to look at the state of Immunotherapy with a short clip from " Immunotherapy the silver bullet" the panel is to notch, if you go to the 38 min mark and listen for 10 min you will see how the rest of the Cancer world was seeing Immunotherapy!!!     Now the issue of hot vs cold tumors, which is key to helping melanoma patients that don't respond to Immunotherapy is now today front and center in research, if you would take a look at Dr. Jeffery Weber talk about hot vs cold. . Now the last point I would like to make is we now have Immunotherapy front and center in the cancer world with VP Bidden leading his moon shot program!!!! From ASCO 2016        v=WGXrCerRQUw&

                            ed williams

                              Hi DZnDef, could I take you back 2 years ago for 10min to look at the state of Immunotherapy with a short clip from " Immunotherapy the silver bullet" the panel is to notch, if you go to the 38 min mark and listen for 10 min you will see how the rest of the Cancer world was seeing Immunotherapy!!!     Now the issue of hot vs cold tumors, which is key to helping melanoma patients that don't respond to Immunotherapy is now today front and center in research, if you would take a look at Dr. Jeffery Weber talk about hot vs cold. . Now the last point I would like to make is we now have Immunotherapy front and center in the cancer world with VP Bidden leading his moon shot program!!!! From ASCO 2016        v=WGXrCerRQUw&


                                While I do not think for one minute that one therapy will be the end all, be all to melanoma…much less all other cancers…just now it is saving lives of folks with melanoma, renal cell (and other urothelial cancers) as well as nonsmall cell lung cancer.  Furthermore, what most researchers in melanoma are working on are combo's.  What can they put together that will boost the cancer ridding action of existing therapies?  They are even combining immunotherapies with targeted ones.  Additionally, we actually understand very little regarding our immune systems.  Who's to say that new immunotherapies….like atezolizumab (not to mention combo's and sequential administration with existing drugs) WON'T hold keys to good responses for folks who do not respond to the now old school ipi/nivo/pembro? 

                                Here's the latest on atezo:

                                I say:  Keep working on better targeted and immunotherapy treatments.  Figure out ways to make TIL work better.  Find the thing that nobody has even considered!!!  Close no doors!!!!!!!  And, this doc, or that pharmaceutical company not withstanding….I don't think folks doing the real working of killing cancer….are.  The doors are being flung wide!

                                Have a great weekend, ratties!!! love, c


                                    I hope you are right, Celeste.  I hope they close no doors.  I would love to see someone take a fresh look at the work of John Beard, embryologist nominated for the Nobel prize in his field and the first to describe stem cells (he called them germ cells) and suggest that all cancers originate from stem cells.  He wrote a book in 1911 called The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and it's Scientific Basis (still available on Amazon).  Even though some doctors had success treating tumors as he described, others did not so it was considered a scientific oddity.  He claimed the problem was with dosages and strength the unsuccessful doctors were using.  Just like early immunotherapy was ignored because early vaccines were not successful, his work was ignored because the results were inconsistent (also, M. Curie was convincing everyone at the time that X-Rays would cure all cancers).

                                    I believe it is very possible some very good treatments to cancer have already been discovered but the individuals responsible failed to get the attention of the powers-that-be.  A good research scientist might do well to re-visit some of the older published papers on the topic.


                                      I hope you are right, Celeste.  I hope they close no doors.  I would love to see someone take a fresh look at the work of John Beard, embryologist nominated for the Nobel prize in his field and the first to describe stem cells (he called them germ cells) and suggest that all cancers originate from stem cells.  He wrote a book in 1911 called The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and it's Scientific Basis (still available on Amazon).  Even though some doctors had success treating tumors as he described, others did not so it was considered a scientific oddity.  He claimed the problem was with dosages and strength the unsuccessful doctors were using.  Just like early immunotherapy was ignored because early vaccines were not successful, his work was ignored because the results were inconsistent (also, M. Curie was convincing everyone at the time that X-Rays would cure all cancers).

                                      I believe it is very possible some very good treatments to cancer have already been discovered but the individuals responsible failed to get the attention of the powers-that-be.  A good research scientist might do well to re-visit some of the older published papers on the topic.

                                      Brent Morris

                                        Just for the record John Beard's theories of cancer being caused by pancreatic enzymes have no basis in reality and are ,in fact, the framework upon which many "cancer treatment " scams are based.We need real science for real people with real cancer.

                                        Brent Morris

                                          Just for the record John Beard's theories of cancer being caused by pancreatic enzymes have no basis in reality and are ,in fact, the framework upon which many "cancer treatment " scams are based.We need real science for real people with real cancer.


                                            To be clear, he did not believe cancer was caused by pancreatic enzymes.  He believed pancreatic enzymes could be used as an effective treatment in battling cancer.  Did you read his book yourself and come to your conclusions or are you relying on someone else's interpretation of his work?


                                              To be clear, he did not believe cancer was caused by pancreatic enzymes.  He believed pancreatic enzymes could be used as an effective treatment in battling cancer.  Did you read his book yourself and come to your conclusions or are you relying on someone else's interpretation of his work?


                                                To be clear, he did not believe cancer was caused by pancreatic enzymes.  He believed pancreatic enzymes could be used as an effective treatment in battling cancer.  Did you read his book yourself and come to your conclusions or are you relying on someone else's interpretation of his work?


                                                  Brent, you may disagree with John Beard's conclusions regarding cancer or with other people's interpretations of his work, but his work most definitely was "real science".  I'm glad the immunotherapy scientists finally overcame the bias against them in the scientific community.  Maybe other scientists will get their due now as well.


                                                    Brent, you may disagree with John Beard's conclusions regarding cancer or with other people's interpretations of his work, but his work most definitely was "real science".  I'm glad the immunotherapy scientists finally overcame the bias against them in the scientific community.  Maybe other scientists will get their due now as well.


                                                      Brent, you may disagree with John Beard's conclusions regarding cancer or with other people's interpretations of his work, but his work most definitely was "real science".  I'm glad the immunotherapy scientists finally overcame the bias against them in the scientific community.  Maybe other scientists will get their due now as well.

                                                      Brent Morris

                                                        Just for the record John Beard's theories of cancer being caused by pancreatic enzymes have no basis in reality and are ,in fact, the framework upon which many "cancer treatment " scams are based.We need real science for real people with real cancer.


                                                          I hope you are right, Celeste.  I hope they close no doors.  I would love to see someone take a fresh look at the work of John Beard, embryologist nominated for the Nobel prize in his field and the first to describe stem cells (he called them germ cells) and suggest that all cancers originate from stem cells.  He wrote a book in 1911 called The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and it's Scientific Basis (still available on Amazon).  Even though some doctors had success treating tumors as he described, others did not so it was considered a scientific oddity.  He claimed the problem was with dosages and strength the unsuccessful doctors were using.  Just like early immunotherapy was ignored because early vaccines were not successful, his work was ignored because the results were inconsistent (also, M. Curie was convincing everyone at the time that X-Rays would cure all cancers).

                                                          I believe it is very possible some very good treatments to cancer have already been discovered but the individuals responsible failed to get the attention of the powers-that-be.  A good research scientist might do well to re-visit some of the older published papers on the topic.


                                                          While I do not think for one minute that one therapy will be the end all, be all to melanoma…much less all other cancers…just now it is saving lives of folks with melanoma, renal cell (and other urothelial cancers) as well as nonsmall cell lung cancer.  Furthermore, what most researchers in melanoma are working on are combo's.  What can they put together that will boost the cancer ridding action of existing therapies?  They are even combining immunotherapies with targeted ones.  Additionally, we actually understand very little regarding our immune systems.  Who's to say that new immunotherapies….like atezolizumab (not to mention combo's and sequential administration with existing drugs) WON'T hold keys to good responses for folks who do not respond to the now old school ipi/nivo/pembro? 

                                                          Here's the latest on atezo:

                                                          I say:  Keep working on better targeted and immunotherapy treatments.  Figure out ways to make TIL work better.  Find the thing that nobody has even considered!!!  Close no doors!!!!!!!  And, this doc, or that pharmaceutical company not withstanding….I don't think folks doing the real working of killing cancer….are.  The doors are being flung wide!

                                                          Have a great weekend, ratties!!! love, c


                                                            While I do not think for one minute that one therapy will be the end all, be all to melanoma…much less all other cancers…just now it is saving lives of folks with melanoma, renal cell (and other urothelial cancers) as well as nonsmall cell lung cancer.  Furthermore, what most researchers in melanoma are working on are combo's.  What can they put together that will boost the cancer ridding action of existing therapies?  They are even combining immunotherapies with targeted ones.  Additionally, we actually understand very little regarding our immune systems.  Who's to say that new immunotherapies….like atezolizumab (not to mention combo's and sequential administration with existing drugs) WON'T hold keys to good responses for folks who do not respond to the now old school ipi/nivo/pembro? 

                                                            Here's the latest on atezo:

                                                            I say:  Keep working on better targeted and immunotherapy treatments.  Figure out ways to make TIL work better.  Find the thing that nobody has even considered!!!  Close no doors!!!!!!!  And, this doc, or that pharmaceutical company not withstanding….I don't think folks doing the real working of killing cancer….are.  The doors are being flung wide!

                                                            Have a great weekend, ratties!!! love, c

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