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I’m not a surgeon but I’m curious

Forums General Melanoma Community I’m not a surgeon but I’m curious

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      Hi all, I'm 4 days post SLNB and WLE. The pain is unreal. Maybe I have a low tolerance since it goes from the corner of my right eye to my ear then down toward my neck. Anywho, radiology said two nodes lit up after the dye was injected pre- op, and the oncologist surgeon said if they were in a linear chain he would only take one… after surgery he spoke with my parents and husband and confirmed he took just the one. My appointment to find out results of the SLNB is the 14 th of this month. Just curious why only one node was removed… 

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        ed williams

          I would think based on the photo that the surgeon was trying to limit the amount of swelling!!! Just my two cents!!!Ed


            A lot of surgeons will only take the first one, since the typical spread goes from the first sentinel node and then the next, so if there is going to be any melanoma it would be in the first node. I would prefer they take all that light up, which is what my surgeon did, but I know not all surgeons are that way. Hopefully it is negative and you don't have to think more about it.


                I agree with Jen!

                I hope you get positive news and I wish you a speedy recovery!

                take care,



                  Thank you! 


                  I hope the best for you!!!!!


                    I hope the best for you!!!!!

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