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If I hadn’t lost it already, my mind would soon be going

Forums General Melanoma Community If I hadn’t lost it already, my mind would soon be going

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      A neighbor, whose house faces my backyard, has put up his excessive Christmas display, which includes music. About 25 carols (oh, I can list them!) played over and over. And over. Since the weather is nice, I'd like to open up the house, but when I do, I'm treated to the blaring of tinny computer generated cheery-tempoed Christmas songs. He usually turns it on in the late afternoon, and it plays until nearly 11.

      A neighbor, whose house faces my backyard, has put up his excessive Christmas display, which includes music. About 25 carols (oh, I can list them!) played over and over. And over. Since the weather is nice, I'd like to open up the house, but when I do, I'm treated to the blaring of tinny computer generated cheery-tempoed Christmas songs. He usually turns it on in the late afternoon, and it plays until nearly 11.

      He's a nice enough guy, and obviously enjoys some Christmas spirit. I dont want to insult the man, especially as he's going to be doing some work for me on the house. But WTF can he be thinking? He probably can't even hear it in his own house – and it's a gift I can do without.

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          Most that do those types of displays set it up so you tune your radio to a certain station to hear the carols THAT way.  Then no peace is disturbed.  It's software controlled light displays, carols…. maybe suggest an upgrade for him!  If he's that excited about it, tel him to do it right!

          It's so cold where I am that hearing something in my neighbor's yard is unlikely, but I know it would drive me crazy too.



            Most that do those types of displays set it up so you tune your radio to a certain station to hear the carols THAT way.  Then no peace is disturbed.  It's software controlled light displays, carols…. maybe suggest an upgrade for him!  If he's that excited about it, tel him to do it right!

            It's so cold where I am that hearing something in my neighbor's yard is unlikely, but I know it would drive me crazy too.



              Oh that really sucks!  I'd be seriously tempted to block the sound with some tunes of my own when I wanted the windows opened. May even be forced to put a ghetto blaster on a LONG extension cord and play Blink 182 – I Won't Be Home For Christmas, or Punk Rock Christmas by the Sex Pistols. I read the UK group Twisted Sister made a Christmas album; that oughta be pretty wild! Of course, I'd have to blame it on my kids for introducing me to such wonderful new Christmas music!

              Right now I'm not in the mood for Christmas one bit  -not when we're faced with run-of-river so called green projects and flooding a watershed to make enough electricity to keep this greedy consumer farce going. ( And to power the shale gas developers, so they can power the oilsands..)  When I see fan powered gismos running all night long I want to scream there goes my taxes!

              Currently I have Offspring's greatest hits on repeat, rather suits my mood:)


                  I have considered blasting some of my son's bands's punk music his way, but like I said, I don't want to start anything (or maybe take up the challenge) since he's going to be putting in a new window in my bedroom. I guess he's just one of the many people who never stop to see things from any other perspective. 'I love Christmas music – so everybody else must also!'

                  Sorry to hear you're not in the mood! I'm surprised to find that I'm not against it this year myself. Maybe having the boys home helped, but that can go either way. They're so funny, and sometimes not in an intentional way. My oldest rides his bike everywhere, buys almost everything second-hand, recycles as much as he can, and then goes off and leaves the huge TV going and all the lights in the room on!  Every time! So smart, and still so clueless.  Still, hearing them laughing together was a tonic for me.

                  Maybe it's time for a little of Nic's 'Smile & wave' attitude.


                    maybe get some earplugs, or slap on some fancy headphones when you're picking your veg – that should make the smile and wave much more doable:)

                    Glad  you had such a wonderful time L.!  And I know what you mean about the shared laughter… my two are taking me to 'arrypotter this afternoon for my birthday, in previous years my gift has been a Weird All concert and a Queen (tribute band) concert -note the trend here, all their kiddy faves! I don't think they'll ever grow up, and why should they when their mum hasn't cheeky   Expect I'll have a sore jaw from laughing by the end of the day!


                      maybe get some earplugs, or slap on some fancy headphones when you're picking your veg – that should make the smile and wave much more doable:)

                      Glad  you had such a wonderful time L.!  And I know what you mean about the shared laughter… my two are taking me to 'arrypotter this afternoon for my birthday, in previous years my gift has been a Weird All concert and a Queen (tribute band) concert -note the trend here, all their kiddy faves! I don't think they'll ever grow up, and why should they when their mum hasn't cheeky   Expect I'll have a sore jaw from laughing by the end of the day!


                        Just ask if when he installs the new window is there an extra charge for sound proofing.  Tell him you have heard there are a lot of noisy neighbors around, especially at Christmastime.


                          Just ask if when he installs the new window is there an extra charge for sound proofing.  Tell him you have heard there are a lot of noisy neighbors around, especially at Christmastime.


                            I have considered blasting some of my son's bands's punk music his way, but like I said, I don't want to start anything (or maybe take up the challenge) since he's going to be putting in a new window in my bedroom. I guess he's just one of the many people who never stop to see things from any other perspective. 'I love Christmas music – so everybody else must also!'

                            Sorry to hear you're not in the mood! I'm surprised to find that I'm not against it this year myself. Maybe having the boys home helped, but that can go either way. They're so funny, and sometimes not in an intentional way. My oldest rides his bike everywhere, buys almost everything second-hand, recycles as much as he can, and then goes off and leaves the huge TV going and all the lights in the room on!  Every time! So smart, and still so clueless.  Still, hearing them laughing together was a tonic for me.

                            Maybe it's time for a little of Nic's 'Smile & wave' attitude.


                            Oh that really sucks!  I'd be seriously tempted to block the sound with some tunes of my own when I wanted the windows opened. May even be forced to put a ghetto blaster on a LONG extension cord and play Blink 182 – I Won't Be Home For Christmas, or Punk Rock Christmas by the Sex Pistols. I read the UK group Twisted Sister made a Christmas album; that oughta be pretty wild! Of course, I'd have to blame it on my kids for introducing me to such wonderful new Christmas music!

                            Right now I'm not in the mood for Christmas one bit  -not when we're faced with run-of-river so called green projects and flooding a watershed to make enough electricity to keep this greedy consumer farce going. ( And to power the shale gas developers, so they can power the oilsands..)  When I see fan powered gismos running all night long I want to scream there goes my taxes!

                            Currently I have Offspring's greatest hits on repeat, rather suits my mood:)

                            dian in spokane

                              oh you bring me memories! A few years ago, my last Christmas with my dad, we were down in California visiting them. It was, of course, gorgeous and in the us cold weather folks spent a lot of time out on the back patio enjoying the fantastic weather.

                              The neighbor to the back of them played "Santa Baby" on a continuous loop. I'm not a big Christmas Carol person at all, but I can tolerate it. I just could NOT understand how they could listen to the same song for hours and hours on end. I never met the neighbors, there was a big fence between them and us, and they were on the next block over but I was kind of surprised that no one in the neighborhood got out their guns.

                              dian in spokane

                                oh you bring me memories! A few years ago, my last Christmas with my dad, we were down in California visiting them. It was, of course, gorgeous and in the us cold weather folks spent a lot of time out on the back patio enjoying the fantastic weather.

                                The neighbor to the back of them played "Santa Baby" on a continuous loop. I'm not a big Christmas Carol person at all, but I can tolerate it. I just could NOT understand how they could listen to the same song for hours and hours on end. I never met the neighbors, there was a big fence between them and us, and they were on the next block over but I was kind of surprised that no one in the neighborhood got out their guns.

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