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Help with stage

Forums General Melanoma Community Help with stage

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      What can you guys tell me about these results? What does it mean if its Spitzoid type??


      Malignant Melanoma without ulceration, at least Clark level IV.

      Breslow thickness greater then 4.00mm

      Mitotic rate: 3/ mm2      What does that mean????

      Radial and Vertical growth are present

      morphology is epitheloid……..what does that mean??

      Regression is absent

      Microscopic satellites are absent

      Neurotropism is absent

      Angiolymphatic invasion is absent.

      Involves deep margin

      What can you guys tell me about these results? What does it mean if its Spitzoid type??


      Malignant Melanoma without ulceration, at least Clark level IV.

      Breslow thickness greater then 4.00mm

      Mitotic rate: 3/ mm2      What does that mean????

      Radial and Vertical growth are present

      morphology is epitheloid……..what does that mean??

      Regression is absent

      Microscopic satellites are absent

      Neurotropism is absent

      Angiolymphatic invasion is absent.

      Involves deep margin

      I would just like someone to tell me what this all means and be honest with me.

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    • Replies

          I think you can find all the answers to your questions from this website. Here's a URL to help you with your questions:

          If  this is your first diagnosis, take the time to educate yourself on this disease and read as much as you can on this site and others so you can make informed decisions moving forward.

          We'll all be here to help.


            I think you can find all the answers to your questions from this website. Here's a URL to help you with your questions:


            If  this is your first diagnosis, take the time to educate yourself on this disease and read as much as you can on this site and others so you can make informed decisions moving forward.

            We'll all be here to help.

            Becky C.

              Hi. Of course I am not a doctor, but I was diagnosed back in July. Have had 3 surgeries in six weeks, so I got a crash course in melanoma. My oncologist told me that Breslow depth, ulceration, and mitotic rate are the most important things. Yours being 4mm, I think is considered deep, but your mitotic rate was low, thats good. No ulceration is good, too. I'm not sure from what you said if your margins were clear. Your doctor can answer all your questions. Good luck!

              Becky C.

                Hi. Of course I am not a doctor, but I was diagnosed back in July. Have had 3 surgeries in six weeks, so I got a crash course in melanoma. My oncologist told me that Breslow depth, ulceration, and mitotic rate are the most important things. Yours being 4mm, I think is considered deep, but your mitotic rate was low, thats good. No ulceration is good, too. I'm not sure from what you said if your margins were clear. Your doctor can answer all your questions. Good luck!


                  You forgot to add you have had your SNLB and it was clear.  That is an essential point in staging anything 1.0 mm and over.  I believe the staging you were given 2B is correct. 

                  You are letting fear control you.  The doctor is not hiding anything.  Prognosis is good.  You need to start believing in yourself so you can make it though your treatment.  Please this is so important, if you truely believe you will fail at ANYTHING, you usually do.  Please take care of yourself, I am really worried for you.



                    You forgot to add you have had your SNLB and it was clear.  That is an essential point in staging anything 1.0 mm and over.  I believe the staging you were given 2B is correct. 

                    You are letting fear control you.  The doctor is not hiding anything.  Prognosis is good.  You need to start believing in yourself so you can make it though your treatment.  Please this is so important, if you truely believe you will fail at ANYTHING, you usually do.  Please take care of yourself, I am really worried for you.



                      Staging has more to do with the distance and spread and not so much as to if you are going to kick the bucket in 6- 9 months…I am stage 4 and I have bed NED 17 months (NED since March 26, 2010), although I was told in June 2009 from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN  I had 6 to 9 months…


                        Staging has more to do with the distance and spread and not so much as to if you are going to kick the bucket in 6- 9 months…I am stage 4 and I have bed NED 17 months (NED since March 26, 2010), although I was told in June 2009 from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN  I had 6 to 9 months…

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