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Having a large mole removed.

Forums General Melanoma Community Having a large mole removed.

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      I know for many people on here they have travelled a long road with Melanoma but I am just sharing this for others like me to whom this is all brand new and who also have a decision to make. Being told you have a suspicious mole is very scary. My dermatologist decided to not excise but to monitor again in three months, I just did not feel comfortable with this and for two months it caused me anxiety. A week ago I decided to take control of things and requested it to be removed. Removal date set for a months time but I got lucky and on Tuesday got the call from the surgeon they had a cancellation and did I want to come in. Of course I did. It was a big mole and with the margins I was set to lose a relative chunk of skin on my back. However it was really painless and was over in half an hour. Small needle pricks and felt a bit of pulling and tugging, but absolutely no pain. Today it is a bit uncomfortable lifting or stretching with my arm because of where the stitches are situated but it is really not a big deal. Just glad it is done. A bit nervous waiting for the results but I feel I have taken control of the situation. I amnot a fan of unnecessary surgery but the watch and wait approach was not working for me. I know everyones experience is not the same but if excision worries you at all, my experience is it was really easy and painless. 

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          It sounds like you have a good derm. I have found some are very cut happy!  I have moles on me that have had for 20 years and some derms wanted them removed.  I have a bunch of scars that were from the doctor removing normal Moles.  I am now in the wait and watch category.  I am tired of derms cutting things off that were harmless. If my mole changes I will have it removed. 


              My mole has been changing steadily. Started brown but larger dark area slowly developing. Even if its benign I would rather have it gone than worry about my visit every 3 months. I have a number of moles but this one is by far the largest 1.2cm. I am not suggesting every mole be removed but a mole that needed such close monitoring caused me anxiety


                My mole has been changing steadily. Started brown but larger dark area slowly developing. Even if its benign I would rather have it gone than worry about my visit every 3 months. I have a number of moles but this one is by far the largest 1.2cm. I am not suggesting every mole be removed but a mole that needed such close monitoring caused me anxiety


                  My mole has been changing steadily. Started brown but larger dark area slowly developing. Even if its benign I would rather have it gone than worry about my visit every 3 months. I have a number of moles but this one is by far the largest 1.2cm. I am not suggesting every mole be removed but a mole that needed such close monitoring caused me anxiety


                    I have had those cut happy derms! Foolishly I let them excise then excise with wider margins through about two dozen moles then I got tired of being their cash cow. Then I found an oncologist I could trust, he wasnt cut happy.


                      I have had those cut happy derms! Foolishly I let them excise then excise with wider margins through about two dozen moles then I got tired of being their cash cow. Then I found an oncologist I could trust, he wasnt cut happy.


                        I have had those cut happy derms! Foolishly I let them excise then excise with wider margins through about two dozen moles then I got tired of being their cash cow. Then I found an oncologist I could trust, he wasnt cut happy.


                        It sounds like you have a good derm. I have found some are very cut happy!  I have moles on me that have had for 20 years and some derms wanted them removed.  I have a bunch of scars that were from the doctor removing normal Moles.  I am now in the wait and watch category.  I am tired of derms cutting things off that were harmless. If my mole changes I will have it removed. 


                          It sounds like you have a good derm. I have found some are very cut happy!  I have moles on me that have had for 20 years and some derms wanted them removed.  I have a bunch of scars that were from the doctor removing normal Moles.  I am now in the wait and watch category.  I am tired of derms cutting things off that were harmless. If my mole changes I will have it removed. 

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