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Haven’t posted in awhile..

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Haven’t posted in awhile..

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      Hey y'all.

      I have been kind of MIA for awhile I guess. I can't really say how things are. Just kind of living life. Have never been able to bounce back to a normal life after diagnosis. I have finally made an appt with my derm after avoiding them like crazy. I keep missing appts and just straight avoiding them. Yes I know that's horrible. I'm just scared with all the symptoms I have been having that the demon is still there every though I was cleared after surgery. The thought just kind of lingers in my head. My depression and anxiety is always horrible, I almost never leave the house to do shit. 
      I have a mole on the opposite shoulder that I had surgery on that has changed and is turning black just like my other one did. I had scans and it showed it no where else from chest below so I feel like I'm just stressing my self out..but my joint and all my bones hurt constantly, my headaches are out of control, I have had a cough for two months (probably unrelated) and I have been sick (like ER sick) for months now. I have an appt next Thursday to finally have a full body over look and so see if anything is of concern with the derm. 

      Sorry for my endless rant..I just can't wait to be human again! Love y'all 

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          Sorry you are having so much trouble with anxiety, not to mention pain and illness.   Of course it's not possible to just say "well I shouldn't be worried so I'll stop now,"  but you do recognize that it's not good and you don't want to do it.  It might be time to talk to a doctor about your anxiety and possibly get medical help. 

          What really helped me was thinking about how much of my life I was freely giving away by constantly being worried.  Everyone who's been diagnosed knows this may eventually be a fatal disease and steal part of our lives.  Why willingly give up the rest of our life to it to by constantly worrying?


            None of us can escape the skin we are in so we must make the best of it. I found not knowing my diagnosis the worst. It took two and a half months to get diagnosed and as crazy as it may sound, upon hearing my diagnosis I was relieved that I finally know what is wrong with me and now I can actually do something about it. Throughout it all, I try to have a positive attitude (failure is not an option) and I take out the emotional aspect as much as possible. Devise a plan and stick to it. Try to find a friend or two who can be there for you to give you support/encouragement when you need it. Definitely get out of the house on a daily basis for a walk, go window shopping or even to a grocery store. Just get out of your box. Listen to music, do yoga, read about something you know nothing about, or see a good movie. You will feel so much better mentally, physically and emotionally. Also, things which used to stress me out in the past now seem so irrelevant and unimportant in the big picture. Now, I immediately recognize which things are not worth my energy nor time and I kick them to the curb. Clearing mental clutter and eating a healthy diet are also priceless. Hope this helps since many of these same principles can be applied to anything in life and not just a melanoma diagnosis.




              Helps me to remember that I'm more than a melanoma patient.

                Hi Savy,

                So sorry to hear you are going through a terrible time at the moment.

                My partner has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and his anxiety has been pretty bad. They have prescribed him Lorazepam which has helped. Not sure if this is something available in the US or not as we are in the UK but might be worth asking about.

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