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Hard lump above SNL incision Seroma, Scar tissue or Infected Lymph Node?

Forums General Melanoma Community Hard lump above SNL incision Seroma, Scar tissue or Infected Lymph Node?

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      Hello!  Irecently had 2 lymph nodes removed for SNL in mid January on my right groin.  I was putting scar cream on the incision sites and felt a hard lump between the inscision sites.  Its deep down and seemsto move around a little if I push on it. Microscopic cells were found in one node.  I had 2 opinoins – one saying melanoma and the other atypical spitz tumor.  I am not do for an ultrasound until June on the groin area to see if there are any changes in the lymph nodes. Could this be a seroma or scar tissue?  Could it be an enlarged lymph node so soon?  Should I callthe surgeon and ask to be seen sooner than June?  This has been such a roller coaster.

      Thank you for any guidance.  Praying for you all – keep fighting the fight.


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          It could be fluid build up, I had that for a few months after surgery, your description sounds very much like that. But, you should call the surgeon and maybe have the surgeon feel and look at it, get their opinion. 


              Thank you Jenn!  I will call in the morning! 


                Thank you Jenn!  I will call in the morning! 


                  Thank you Jenn!  I will call in the morning! 


                  It could be fluid build up, I had that for a few months after surgery, your description sounds very much like that. But, you should call the surgeon and maybe have the surgeon feel and look at it, get their opinion. 


                    It could be fluid build up, I had that for a few months after surgery, your description sounds very much like that. But, you should call the surgeon and maybe have the surgeon feel and look at it, get their opinion. 

                      Hi Renate! I’m sure you’re freaked out, so take a deep breath. I had a seroma near my incision site both times I had surgery, and most likely that’s what you have. One seroma was like a large fluid filled area under my WLE, probably the size of a walnut, but it didn’t have a clear outline – just lots of fluid. It went away a few months after my surgery. The second one was about an inch away from my CLND incision and it’s small and hard, like a swollen lymph node.

                      Even if it IS a lymph node, lymph nodes swell for all kinds of reasons. I mean, you did just have surgery, so you might be fighting something naturally. (There’s a stomach bug going around where I am – it’s still sickie season!) Watch it for a week. You can even mark the outline with a marker to see if it changes. If it’s a naturally swollen node, it’ll decrease in size after a week or so. I’d say if nothing changes after a week, then call the doc.

                      I know it’s really hard to wait. But the doctors office will most likely tell you to do the same thing. You’re on high alert right now, which is a good thing, but don’t let your imagination get the better of you! You’re doing all the right things and asking all the right questions and most likely it’s absolutely nothing!

                      Keep us updated! You’re in our thoughts!


                          Thank you Lauren!!!!  I agree its probably nothing – I did reach out to my oncologist surgeon and they are moving up my ultrasound to this month vs June.

                          Have an awesome day and thanks for the support!





                            Thank you Lauren!!!!  I agree its probably nothing – I did reach out to my oncologist surgeon and they are moving up my ultrasound to this month vs June.

                            Have an awesome day and thanks for the support!





                              Thank you Lauren!!!!  I agree its probably nothing – I did reach out to my oncologist surgeon and they are moving up my ultrasound to this month vs June.

                              Have an awesome day and thanks for the support!




                              Hi Renate! I’m sure you’re freaked out, so take a deep breath. I had a seroma near my incision site both times I had surgery, and most likely that’s what you have. One seroma was like a large fluid filled area under my WLE, probably the size of a walnut, but it didn’t have a clear outline – just lots of fluid. It went away a few months after my surgery. The second one was about an inch away from my CLND incision and it’s small and hard, like a swollen lymph node.

                              Even if it IS a lymph node, lymph nodes swell for all kinds of reasons. I mean, you did just have surgery, so you might be fighting something naturally. (There’s a stomach bug going around where I am – it’s still sickie season!) Watch it for a week. You can even mark the outline with a marker to see if it changes. If it’s a naturally swollen node, it’ll decrease in size after a week or so. I’d say if nothing changes after a week, then call the doc.

                              I know it’s really hard to wait. But the doctors office will most likely tell you to do the same thing. You’re on high alert right now, which is a good thing, but don’t let your imagination get the better of you! You’re doing all the right things and asking all the right questions and most likely it’s absolutely nothing!

                              Keep us updated! You’re in our thoughts!

                                Hi Renate! I’m sure you’re freaked out, so take a deep breath. I had a seroma near my incision site both times I had surgery, and most likely that’s what you have. One seroma was like a large fluid filled area under my WLE, probably the size of a walnut, but it didn’t have a clear outline – just lots of fluid. It went away a few months after my surgery. The second one was about an inch away from my CLND incision and it’s small and hard, like a swollen lymph node.

                                Even if it IS a lymph node, lymph nodes swell for all kinds of reasons. I mean, you did just have surgery, so you might be fighting something naturally. (There’s a stomach bug going around where I am – it’s still sickie season!) Watch it for a week. You can even mark the outline with a marker to see if it changes. If it’s a naturally swollen node, it’ll decrease in size after a week or so. I’d say if nothing changes after a week, then call the doc.

                                I know it’s really hard to wait. But the doctors office will most likely tell you to do the same thing. You’re on high alert right now, which is a good thing, but don’t let your imagination get the better of you! You’re doing all the right things and asking all the right questions and most likely it’s absolutely nothing!

                                Keep us updated! You’re in our thoughts!

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