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Good News

Forums General Melanoma Community Good News

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      Hello all I just wanted to share some good news. My husband had scans today and he remains ned. He stopped treatment with Opdivo in March due to pnuemonitis. He had 2 rounds of steroids to control his symptoms from the pneumonitis, and that is improving as well. Hope everyone finds some happiness this week.
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          YAY!!!! I am so happy for you and your husband, Amie!!! That’s great. I just put up a post with 2 studies showing folks treated with anti–PD-1 as a single agent, but had to stop therapy due to side effects, STILL demonstrated durable responses! I hope all his symptoms of side effects resolve completely very soon! Thanks for sharing! celeste
              Thanks Celeste, your research helps ease so much anxiety!
              Wow – I never expected that Amie.
                  I feel like you just know things. You are a Zen master.
                  Congratulations that’s great news!!
                    Oh, Amie, I am just THRILLED for you two! Sending you happy NED forever vibes!!
                        Amanda! How are you? I have been thinking of you.
                          I’m doing great! I’ve been off of immunotherapy since January 31. My liver had a crazy response after the third dose of the combo (my ALT got up to 2600!) but my lung tumor had already shrunk considerably when we did scans at that same time. I then added in radiation to my large lung tumor and on July 31, I found out that was gone. My plan was to go onto Nivo single therapy but I already had 9 months of the Nivo in my system and I was responding well so I decided to wait and see. I still have two lymph nodes in my lung that are shrinking each time we scan but are currently measurable. I remain hopeful that I’m going to get that glorious NED badge soon though because I just think my body was worrying about getting rid of the big one first. In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying the heck out of this summer! We traveled a LOT and spent a ton of time just enjoying our family and friends!
                            That’s great, I’m so happy to hear you are doing so well! I am sending you positivity every day. I have a feeling you are going to beat this!
                              That’s great, I’m so happy to hear you are doing so well! I am sending you positivity every day. I have a feeling you are going to beat this!
                              WOO HOO AMIE! So glad for you and your husband. I definitely know how hard the time before the scans are but so proud of you! That is such a relief to hear. Enjoy the rest of the week and relax and get some sleep. Hugs, Jackie
                                  Hi Jackie, you are so supportive to so many here. Thank you! I’m going to try and not think of melanoma for another 90 days! I promised Allyn I would not say a word about cancer. We are just going to have fun, travel a little and enjoy our kids. Hope you have a good week.
                                  Perfect I love to read good news:))
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