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Getting older is great….

Forums General Melanoma Community Getting older is great….

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      Because…. when you get older they say that you need glasses…. Like 3 power glasses used for reading.  See, I first thought this was a bad thing since I'm only 43 but alas, I was wrong.

      See, (word play), now when I sit and read on my computer in the morning, and drinking a couple cups of coffee, I have to go to the bathroom, I soon realized if I kept the glasses on and take a peek down, I look gynormous, which helps me start the day with a smile.  (not that I needed the glasses anyway, ha)

      Because…. when you get older they say that you need glasses…. Like 3 power glasses used for reading.  See, I first thought this was a bad thing since I'm only 43 but alas, I was wrong.

      See, (word play), now when I sit and read on my computer in the morning, and drinking a couple cups of coffee, I have to go to the bathroom, I soon realized if I kept the glasses on and take a peek down, I look gynormous, which helps me start the day with a smile.  (not that I needed the glasses anyway, ha)

      Maybe I need an extra pair in case I go out on a date and she can't see so good…. harhar


      sorry, I had to throw this out there because I am feeling a lot of hate toward an imbecile anon.  Here's the upside.. do you see how we rally around Eric and Jill?  It's because they have become family and we don't like people messing with blood.  Jerry is right about the anon stuff.  The reality is people are people and some of those people are really dumb.


      John, you need glasses yet?  Dan?, I keep an extra pair, just in case.  Rox, I'm thinking you definately need a pair.  haha

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          You  young whippersnapper, there is  differeence in getting older and getting old!  My Daddy never got old.  His heart gave out at 82 and he was still younger than his older son who was about 59 at that tme.PS

          .  Dsd wore glasses from his late 30's until his mid 60's.  His and his fathers eyes improved as they gt older and they could then see to watch TV ond read without wearinf them  Until I rode the horse last year my eyes had imroved from esentially beiing blind  in the 7th grade to pssing the driving test at age 62 without them.  Grew up and keep getting older (not old)!


              Of course I am just a young whippersnapper, (which is a great adj. in on itself), I was merely trying to diffuse the anger to one anon who is ignorant.  Ignorance runs to the bone and you really can't fix it. 

              I can only wish to have the stamina and drive of your genes to get me to 82.  Too bad you can't bait others into joining a conversation like in the past.  I bet Nicki has input, but is afrait… tsk tsk


                Of course I am just a young whippersnapper, (which is a great adj. in on itself), I was merely trying to diffuse the anger to one anon who is ignorant.  Ignorance runs to the bone and you really can't fix it. 

                I can only wish to have the stamina and drive of your genes to get me to 82.  Too bad you can't bait others into joining a conversation like in the past.  I bet Nicki has input, but is afrait… tsk tsk


                You  young whippersnapper, there is  differeence in getting older and getting old!  My Daddy never got old.  His heart gave out at 82 and he was still younger than his older son who was about 59 at that tme.PS

                .  Dsd wore glasses from his late 30's until his mid 60's.  His and his fathers eyes improved as they gt older and they could then see to watch TV ond read without wearinf them  Until I rode the horse last year my eyes had imroved from esentially beiing blind  in the 7th grade to pssing the driving test at age 62 without them.  Grew up and keep getting older (not old)!


                  Ha, Yoop!

                  I did have to put on my glasses to read this (!!!)  Even had surgery to correct it, but it is failing me now.  Worst part about getting older IMO.

                  Anyways, after putting on said glasses, your post made me laugh.  Thank you Friend.  It reminded me of this scene in the movie, "Big" from a long time ago when none of us prolly needed glasses.  I couldn't find it in English, so don't think you need a hearing aid too.


                  Yep, in Spanish…but no translation really needed.

                  Keep trying to rally the troops, Mr. Yoop.

                  Take good care, k.


                      Morning Kimmer,

                      That was a funny clip.  Boy does Tom Hanks look young in it. 

                      My hearing is still good so no aids here.  A buddy's nephew thought his grandpa was really sick because he heard them said that Granda has hearing AIDS.  (This was when AIDS was in the news a lot)



                        Morning Kimmer,

                        That was a funny clip.  Boy does Tom Hanks look young in it. 

                        My hearing is still good so no aids here.  A buddy's nephew thought his grandpa was really sick because he heard them said that Granda has hearing AIDS.  (This was when AIDS was in the news a lot)



                        Ha, Yoop!

                        I did have to put on my glasses to read this (!!!)  Even had surgery to correct it, but it is failing me now.  Worst part about getting older IMO.

                        Anyways, after putting on said glasses, your post made me laugh.  Thank you Friend.  It reminded me of this scene in the movie, "Big" from a long time ago when none of us prolly needed glasses.  I couldn't find it in English, so don't think you need a hearing aid too.


                        Yep, in Spanish…but no translation really needed.

                        Keep trying to rally the troops, Mr. Yoop.

                        Take good care, k.


                          Boy, am I dissapointed.I thought this was post was gonna be about farts and stuff, not glasses.

                          Like last night when my husband and 19 year old son were in the room and we were all talking. (yes, you heard right, my son graced us with his presence for exactly 15 minutes, a new record)

                          Anyway, I was coughing and farting, coughing and farting. And no one else even noticed! 

                          THAT is what growing old means, no one even notices when you fart. That's how invisible you become. Or maybe the youngsters just EXPECT us to fart cuz that's what they think old people do. Well, I don't fart and if I did it would be in the privacy of my own bathroom, or maybe in the corner if no one else was in the room.

                          My mom (passed away last summer) farted and more as she grew older. Everytime she got up from the chair and everytime she walked. Fart, fart,fart. And I swore I would never do that. So I don't fart much.

                          I was raised in the 60s and 70s where girls did not fart. We may have had a silent toot but that resulted in shame faced giggles. Now I have a 27 year old gorgeous, HOT daughter who farts unashamedely all the time. And she picks her nose in front of us. I know she does it just for me.

                          Speaking of farts, whas up with this anon? Do you think it is someone new? Maybe a troll? Maybe an established member who just had to get it off of his chest? If he's new, he sure got an earful. If a troll, he did what he wanted to do, cause anger and stress to us who don't need anymore stress. I really do hope MPIP can check on it. It caused alot of drama.

                          Have to go to my son' graduation tonight. Yoop and hollar. Oh, Hoop and hollar.

                          Nicki, Stage 3b



                              Here's my take.  The older we get the younger we get… confused?  I'll explain, see when you are a baby and/or little kid we farted and sniveled constantly, then we grow out of that.  We get much older and farting is now just another bodily function, like sneezing, and is accepted as such.  Ever see old people farting around other old people?  They don't even flinch.  No snicker, no nuthin.  Sometimes just an analysis of where the fart came from, ie.  "Damn boiled cabbage", "That chili is killin' me", etc.  Sometimes, just sometimes, older people get crankier too… see the regression?

                              My daughter sneezed and farted at the same time and we said she Snarted.

                              Have fun Hoop and yollerin' tonight.



                                Oh Mr. yoop.  I am so darn tired of having my glasses hanging around my neck.  Only one in my before married family not to need glasses for SEEING  but at the ripe age of 42 I needed readers and since then have worn them on a rope. 

                                Food on a dinner plate is toooooo weird when it is out of focus.  And now a whopping 19 years later, I am told I need   BI FOCALS  but I shall get 'transistion' ones when I can.  meanwhile, I grumble, and act old cos I feel old. 

                                Men get sexier (some I am told)  hmmmmm    BUT the other night, I watched a show about bridal wear, (dotter is getting married next year)  and it was MAIME VAN DOREN at age 80 renewing her vows.  except that I did not like the black roots of her platinum blonde locks, she only is just beginning to show the underarm dimply things.

                                ME?  Of course my infamous earlid doesnt help either.  Imagine it MAGNIFIED?  shades of Mr. Magoo.


                                Bonnie back from bear country


                                  blamming Emma on that elephant under YOUR HUBS chair tsk tsk tsk. 


                                    blamming Emma on that elephant under YOUR HUBS chair tsk tsk tsk. 


                                      Oh Mr. yoop.  I am so darn tired of having my glasses hanging around my neck.  Only one in my before married family not to need glasses for SEEING  but at the ripe age of 42 I needed readers and since then have worn them on a rope. 

                                      Food on a dinner plate is toooooo weird when it is out of focus.  And now a whopping 19 years later, I am told I need   BI FOCALS  but I shall get 'transistion' ones when I can.  meanwhile, I grumble, and act old cos I feel old. 

                                      Men get sexier (some I am told)  hmmmmm    BUT the other night, I watched a show about bridal wear, (dotter is getting married next year)  and it was MAIME VAN DOREN at age 80 renewing her vows.  except that I did not like the black roots of her platinum blonde locks, she only is just beginning to show the underarm dimply things.

                                      ME?  Of course my infamous earlid doesnt help either.  Imagine it MAGNIFIED?  shades of Mr. Magoo.


                                      Bonnie back from bear country


                                        Y'all should be around my little EmmaDog.  She is pretty whiffy these days.  (Yes we do blame it on the dog.)

                                        She actually ate my student's math homework one time too.  That was a funny one to 'splain.  27 papers.

                                        Take good care, k.


                                          Y'all should be around my little EmmaDog.  She is pretty whiffy these days.  (Yes we do blame it on the dog.)

                                          She actually ate my student's math homework one time too.  That was a funny one to 'splain.  27 papers.

                                          Take good care, k.


                                            Here's my take.  The older we get the younger we get… confused?  I'll explain, see when you are a baby and/or little kid we farted and sniveled constantly, then we grow out of that.  We get much older and farting is now just another bodily function, like sneezing, and is accepted as such.  Ever see old people farting around other old people?  They don't even flinch.  No snicker, no nuthin.  Sometimes just an analysis of where the fart came from, ie.  "Damn boiled cabbage", "That chili is killin' me", etc.  Sometimes, just sometimes, older people get crankier too… see the regression?

                                            My daughter sneezed and farted at the same time and we said she Snarted.

                                            Have fun Hoop and yollerin' tonight.



                                            Boy, am I dissapointed.I thought this was post was gonna be about farts and stuff, not glasses.

                                            Like last night when my husband and 19 year old son were in the room and we were all talking. (yes, you heard right, my son graced us with his presence for exactly 15 minutes, a new record)

                                            Anyway, I was coughing and farting, coughing and farting. And no one else even noticed! 

                                            THAT is what growing old means, no one even notices when you fart. That's how invisible you become. Or maybe the youngsters just EXPECT us to fart cuz that's what they think old people do. Well, I don't fart and if I did it would be in the privacy of my own bathroom, or maybe in the corner if no one else was in the room.

                                            My mom (passed away last summer) farted and more as she grew older. Everytime she got up from the chair and everytime she walked. Fart, fart,fart. And I swore I would never do that. So I don't fart much.

                                            I was raised in the 60s and 70s where girls did not fart. We may have had a silent toot but that resulted in shame faced giggles. Now I have a 27 year old gorgeous, HOT daughter who farts unashamedely all the time. And she picks her nose in front of us. I know she does it just for me.

                                            Speaking of farts, whas up with this anon? Do you think it is someone new? Maybe a troll? Maybe an established member who just had to get it off of his chest? If he's new, he sure got an earful. If a troll, he did what he wanted to do, cause anger and stress to us who don't need anymore stress. I really do hope MPIP can check on it. It caused alot of drama.

                                            Have to go to my son' graduation tonight. Yoop and hollar. Oh, Hoop and hollar.

                                            Nicki, Stage 3b


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