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Frustration again

Forums General Melanoma Community Frustration again

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      Quick review, 3b, NED coming on three years. Summing up 2015, hospitalized 7 days with massive cellulitis of breast, then acquired lymphadema, arm and truncal and frozen shoulder with three months of therapy. Since November it has become a constant anxiety with OMG your LFT are way off, CT scan negative, then OMG there is an 9mm node on your thyroid, ultrasound, but let's just watch it, and now OMG  2 tumors in your effected breast, mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsies. Path report sent out by MD for second opinion, finally get results two weeks after – NP says many atypical cells and come in to make appt for removal of entire biopsy site. OK. Next morning MD leaves message on machine at home " Just atypical, changing cells – Nothing to worry about, no need for surgery! I'm so frustrated, find something – nothing, find something – nothing. My mind and wallet are sick of it. Sorry for the vent. I'm dropping out from all medical care except my PCP, she can check my nodes as well as the three hour drive to have the melanoma guys feel the same areas.

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          So sorry for your difficulties and as someone who has traveled miles and miles for care, for many years… I do understand your frustration.  However, given your dx and stage…vigilance and "nothing" is good!!!  Hope you have a peaceful, beautiful weekend.  Enjoy.  Celeste


            So sorry for your difficulties and as someone who has traveled miles and miles for care, for many years… I do understand your frustration.  However, given your dx and stage…vigilance and "nothing" is good!!!  Hope you have a peaceful, beautiful weekend.  Enjoy.  Celeste


              So sorry for your difficulties and as someone who has traveled miles and miles for care, for many years… I do understand your frustration.  However, given your dx and stage…vigilance and "nothing" is good!!!  Hope you have a peaceful, beautiful weekend.  Enjoy.  Celeste

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