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Freckle on sole of foot

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Freckle on sole of foot

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      Hi all. I am 3 months post surgery for stage 0 melanoma on my lower leg. 
      I have a apt next week with my dr., but I am nervous about a new freckle I discovered on the bottom of my toe. My dr hasn't checked the soles of my feet in over a year and it didn't dawn on me to check them until recently. The freckle is light brown and white. Should I be worries? I read online it's very rare to have freckles or moles on the soles of the feet.. 
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          I have 2 or 3 – basic light brown small spots.  I just watch them but have not had any biopsies.  If they started to change, I'd biopsy them.  I've also had similar ones on my palm and between my fingers.  I treat them all the same way.  2 of them have actually faded away.  But if they change for the worse, they'd be gone.  So NO, I wouldn't worry.  Show it to your derm, take a photo, but chances are it is fine.


            I have 2 or 3 – basic light brown small spots.  I just watch them but have not had any biopsies.  If they started to change, I'd biopsy them.  I've also had similar ones on my palm and between my fingers.  I treat them all the same way.  2 of them have actually faded away.  But if they change for the worse, they'd be gone.  So NO, I wouldn't worry.  Show it to your derm, take a photo, but chances are it is fine.


              I have 2 or 3 – basic light brown small spots.  I just watch them but have not had any biopsies.  If they started to change, I'd biopsy them.  I've also had similar ones on my palm and between my fingers.  I treat them all the same way.  2 of them have actually faded away.  But if they change for the worse, they'd be gone.  So NO, I wouldn't worry.  Show it to your derm, take a photo, but chances are it is fine.


                I had one on the bottom of my foot that turned out to be nothing, thank God. It was light brown, like yours, and measured 1mm x 2mm. Two derms at Johns Hopkins examined it and neither was sure what to make of it, so it was removed — "when in doubt, take it out".

                It's good that you have that appointment with your doctor next week because it's best to get these things checked out for peace of mind. Unfortunately, there's nothing more you can do until you see your doc. Hang in there, I hope it ends up being nothing.




                    Hi there

                    i know this an old thread but wondered how the freckles turned out? I am on holiday and just discovered a new freckle/mole in arch of foot… can’t get it checked until I get back 🙁 it’s freaked me out, and ruining my holiday.

                    its 2mmx2mm, and kind of star shaped, darker around edges but still only a mid brown…

                    anyone it needs looking at, but is it really a bad sign, dr google is freaking me out 🙁


                    thank you


                    I had one on the bottom of my foot that turned out to be nothing, thank God. It was light brown, like yours, and measured 1mm x 2mm. Two derms at Johns Hopkins examined it and neither was sure what to make of it, so it was removed — "when in doubt, take it out".

                    It's good that you have that appointment with your doctor next week because it's best to get these things checked out for peace of mind. Unfortunately, there's nothing more you can do until you see your doc. Hang in there, I hope it ends up being nothing.




                      I had one on the bottom of my foot that turned out to be nothing, thank God. It was light brown, like yours, and measured 1mm x 2mm. Two derms at Johns Hopkins examined it and neither was sure what to make of it, so it was removed — "when in doubt, take it out".

                      It's good that you have that appointment with your doctor next week because it's best to get these things checked out for peace of mind. Unfortunately, there's nothing more you can do until you see your doc. Hang in there, I hope it ends up being nothing.



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