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Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community For Les: My AWESOME POOPY Story

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      Hey y’all,

      I don’t post too often anymore, but I just read Celeste’s charge to post good stories. Here’s mine….

      The quick rundown: I was Stage 1 in 2013. While I was pregnant, it came back. Multiple lymph nodes tested positive for melanoma but I refused to have scans with radiation during pregnancy. After so many uncertainties, I delivered a perfect baby boy in December 2014. Seven days later I learned my melanoma spread to my liver, lungs, spine, and subcutaneously all over my body.

      First I went to a large provider in the Midwest. They put me on traditional chemo. It was like fertilizer and my cancer spread. My team told me I should, “Spend what time I had left with my family.” My son was 6 weeks and my daughter was 2 years old.

      Because of the people on this board, I switched my care to MD Anderson. I went on the (then) Ipi/Nivo trial. I made it through 3/4 infusions and was devastated I didn’t get the fourth. It didn’t matter – my scans showed I had 95% tumor reduction. Nine months after beginning the trial I received NED status. In March 2017 I completed 2 years of Nivo and have been healthy since.

      I received a call from MDA last week and they want me to enter another trial; this time they are going to study me! (I’ve always wondered why they weren’t looking at folks for whom these treatments have worked.) Here is my non-medical explanation: Long story short, I will donate my “healthy” gut bacteria (through stool samples). They will give my bacteria to patients who do not have that bacteria and see if that makes a difference.

      I feel lucky to live life and to give back. I hope this works.

      Side note: My daughter is almost 7. She loves reading and gymnastics. My son is 4 but will be 5 in December. He’s the kindest person I know. Since my diagnosis, I’ve finished grad school and now my husband is entering it. We’ve traveled throughout the US and Europe, and even purchased a lake cabin.

      Well, there you go. Blessings to everyone. Keep on keeping on!


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          Ashley – great story!!!! You were the one that pulled the switch to MD Anderson. You are responsible for the wonderful treatment that you received. Love your story. Enjoy your life, enjoy your son and daughter.
            Ashley, this is an amazing story poopy and all! Thank you so much for sharing and still continuing to do your part to help others. Maybe the right poopy pills will be the answer to combat this monster? I know that for few years now research in gut biome has pointed into the direction of reversing diabetes and other illnesses by correcting the missing gut bacteria.
            Wishing you continued success with your health as well as enjoying life with your precious family!
              Oh my gosh!!! That is so AWESOME, Ashley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lizzo gonna have to take a back seat to this one!!! That is wonderful!! In prepping data for blog posts today (exciting, I know!!!) there was yet another study showing folks having durable responses to the ipi/nivo combo even though they were unable to complete the therapy due to adverse reactions. But, YOU!!! You are the rock’n real deal!

              On the poop front! With all we’ve learned about the microbiome of some contributing to a positive response to immunotherapy while more unfortunate biomes and those treated with antibiotics not responding as well – I’ve been pontificating on the possibility of sharing the love (aka awesome poop!) of those who do well with those who are not or who are newly embarking on the journey. And there you go! You Poopie Rattie Extraordinaire!!!!

              And to think of what you were enduring 4 years ago and what you have before you today!! Two amazing kiddos! Finishing your education. Travel. Supporting your husband’s efforts. WOW! You are living large and I LOVE IT!!! Thanks so much for sharing ~ your story and your poop!!! You absolutely made my day!!! Big hugs and much love, les

                What a wonderful story, thank you for sharing. Stories like yours help so many people here. My husband is treated at MD Anderson and they took a sample from him at the beginning of his treatment. They are really doing amazing things there. Congratulations on NED and keep enjoying your beautiful life.
                  You are still amazing Ashley! I remember when you first joined the board and were heading down here to MDA. So HAPPY to hear your update, you are truly an inspiration to all of us and showing us how to live! Congrats!
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