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Fallin’ Can there really be a blessing in this cancer? Even for a Survivor

Forums General Melanoma Community Fallin’ Can there really be a blessing in this cancer? Even for a Survivor

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    Participant really helped us when we were going through Melanoma, our way of saying thanks, please share our blog link or this story link with anyone in need of a cry or a laugh or both!

      Fallin’ is a many splendored thing. really helped us when we were going through Melanoma, our way of saying thanks, please share our blog link or this story link with anyone in need of a cry or a laugh or both!

      Fallin’ is a many splendored thing.

      I still remember the first time I saw Teri. She was in a room that spanned the mens/women’s dorms. She was sitting on the window sill with her feet on the heat register. In what is an impossible coincidence, the picture that Debbie sent with me jumping? I believe the window to the left of me in the pic was exactly where she was sitting at that first encounter.

      As soon as I saw her, I said to myself, I’m going to get to know her.

      Fallin’ in Love at First Sight?

      I don’t remember ever feeling that way before or after, well except for Charlize Theron as Keanu Reaves wife in “The Devils Advocate”, that could’ve been Love at First Sight too, but good thing I didn’t start dating Charlize because later she did Monster, where she played a serial killer (Shudder) and I became a nobody. Those Hollywood marriages never pan out anyway.

      There was no way to know that our next chance meeting would happen because someone pulled the fire alarm, and everybody went to the student community center or some other room that sounds like a communist utopia, where JoAnne and Teri saw me eating Peanut M and M’s and drinking grape pop and thought it looked like a great combination. I was thinking Teri and I looked like a great combination. The only other combination that was better? That was when somebody stuck their chocolate bar in somebody’s peanut butter or the other way around, the debate rages on.

      The odds were against us from the beginning. I hated school, was terrible at studying and moved back to the cities. Teri stayed in Duluth, but we hung in there. Fall in love we did. Fell head over heels.

      Then we just got through the 3 stages of marital bliss.

      Teri did wonderful things for me every day for years, but there are three things I did for her that equaled everything she did.(yeah, right)
      The first stage, 15 years ago, where I got the guys operation You know, the one where you find a new purpose for 13 bags of frozen peas? I could always crack Teri up with this one, because as I was laying there, I smelled something burning, then looked up and realized it was me!

      Then the next stage of marital bliss, the 10 years since I’ve had to go to the store to buy anything labeled “Supers” or “For Heavy Days”.

      Finally, the last stage, the last two years where I didn’t have to go to the store to figure out what saline solution to buy or other gross eyeball things that I don’t want to think about.

      And by the way, what’s up with cotton balls anyway? I can’t remember ever using cotton balls. They’ve always been here, there’s still a bag, but unless I feel like coloring the Easter Bunny for my grocery stores contest and need a puffy ball for a tail, I think they may go bad.

      Then about the same time, 2 years ago, came an all new meaning for the phrase “terrorist cells”. You might be thinking of 9/11, but these terrorist cancer cells went rogue on Teri’s leg. They decided to wear masks, make videos, run through obstacle courses and make a weapon of mass destruction. Then exploding said weapon, with the blast radius of about 1600 miles, hurting all kinds of innocent people.

      I wish I could have negotiated with these terrorist cells of cancer. I would say, C’mon guys, you realize if you succeed, you’ll just kill yourself? But NOOOOO, they had to do it their way.

      It looks like a very long 20 years ahead for me. But there are a couple of bright spots.
      They say that 50% of marriages end in divorce. Hmmmmmm that means the other 50% end in death!

      Why is that a bright spot? Well when it comes to Fallin’ I got the chance to Fall in Love, and a blessing in the wake of tragedy, an amazing twist, I never had to fall out of love.



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    • Replies
        Barbaras Husband

          I understand what you are saying

          30 years ago when my first wife died I experienced this also.

          I expressed it a little differently thinking that I had fulfilled the promise "till death us do part"

          I have always found a measure of strength from this experience

          Barbaras Husband

            I understand what you are saying

            30 years ago when my first wife died I experienced this also.

            I expressed it a little differently thinking that I had fulfilled the promise "till death us do part"

            I have always found a measure of strength from this experience

            Barbaras Husband

              I understand what you are saying

              30 years ago when my first wife died I experienced this also.

              I expressed it a little differently thinking that I had fulfilled the promise "till death us do part"

              I have always found a measure of strength from this experience

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