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Emails for doctors/ Metastatic melanoma stage 4

Forums General Melanoma Community Emails for doctors/ Metastatic melanoma stage 4

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      Please let me know emails to the following doctors.  Also, If I only list the Hospital please suggest top doctor and his email if you have.  I am trying to figure out what the 1st treatment for my father will be.  Deciding whether to go ipi then anti PD-1 or if clinical trial.  

      Dr. Rosenberg at NIH

      Rr. Lynn schuchter at penn

      Dr. weber at moffit. 

      Univ of Pennsylvania

      fred hutchinson 

      md anderson

      dukes morris

      danna farber 

      sloan kettering/ Dr. Wolchok

      johns hopkins

      mass general 

      Stanford: Kim Margolin

      Boston: Mike Atkins

      Tampa: Jeff Webber

      Nashville: Jeff Sosman


      Thank you so much for your help!!! 


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          Steven A Rosenberg, M.D.  301-496-4164   [email protected]

          That was from for NCT02111863


          You can also get contact information from the specific hospital websites like for Dr Weber at Moffit is here:


          It has a link to email him and the office phone number 813-745-2007

          For it the email address is basically hidden usually because the computer guys change things from time to time so it is easier to just have the address hidden but you can email him from that link. At least that is what I remember us doing as a computer guy so long long ago. Oh wait that was only 14 months ago. sigh.


          Hope that helps some.



            Steven A Rosenberg, M.D.  301-496-4164   [email protected]

            That was from for NCT02111863


            You can also get contact information from the specific hospital websites like for Dr Weber at Moffit is here:


            It has a link to email him and the office phone number 813-745-2007

            For it the email address is basically hidden usually because the computer guys change things from time to time so it is easier to just have the address hidden but you can email him from that link. At least that is what I remember us doing as a computer guy so long long ago. Oh wait that was only 14 months ago. sigh.


            Hope that helps some.



              Steven A Rosenberg, M.D.  301-496-4164   [email protected]

              That was from for NCT02111863


              You can also get contact information from the specific hospital websites like for Dr Weber at Moffit is here:


              It has a link to email him and the office phone number 813-745-2007

              For it the email address is basically hidden usually because the computer guys change things from time to time so it is easier to just have the address hidden but you can email him from that link. At least that is what I remember us doing as a computer guy so long long ago. Oh wait that was only 14 months ago. sigh.


              Hope that helps some.


                A couple of notes for you:
                1) Penn and the University of Pennsylvania are the same.  There are a few hospitals in the system (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania or "HUP", Pennsylvania Hospital, and Penn Presbyterian).  Their cancer center is called the Abramson Cancer Center, and Dr. Schuchter is the Chief of Hematology/Oncology.
                2) A similar situation with Dana Farber and Mass General.  Dana Farber is the cancer center associated with Massachusetts General Hospital or "MGH" along with several other hospitals that are all affiliated with Harvard Medical School.
                3) "Jeff Webber" in Tampa and Dr. Weber at Moffitt are the same person, the second spelling is correct and Moffitt Cancer Center is in Tampa.
                Hope that simplifies your search a little, Joe
                  Scuba Doc

                    Dr. Keith Flaherty at MGH, Boston —- responds very quickly to e-mails–[email protected]


                      thank you everyone for your comments!! 


                        thank you everyone for your comments!! 


                          thank you everyone for your comments!! 

                          Scuba Doc

                            Dr. Keith Flaherty at MGH, Boston —- responds very quickly to e-mails–[email protected]

                            Scuba Doc

                              Dr. Keith Flaherty at MGH, Boston —- responds very quickly to e-mails–[email protected]

                              A couple of notes for you:
                              1) Penn and the University of Pennsylvania are the same.  There are a few hospitals in the system (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania or "HUP", Pennsylvania Hospital, and Penn Presbyterian).  Their cancer center is called the Abramson Cancer Center, and Dr. Schuchter is the Chief of Hematology/Oncology.
                              2) A similar situation with Dana Farber and Mass General.  Dana Farber is the cancer center associated with Massachusetts General Hospital or "MGH" along with several other hospitals that are all affiliated with Harvard Medical School.
                              3) "Jeff Webber" in Tampa and Dr. Weber at Moffitt are the same person, the second spelling is correct and Moffitt Cancer Center is in Tampa.
                              Hope that simplifies your search a little, Joe
                                A couple of notes for you:
                                1) Penn and the University of Pennsylvania are the same.  There are a few hospitals in the system (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania or "HUP", Pennsylvania Hospital, and Penn Presbyterian).  Their cancer center is called the Abramson Cancer Center, and Dr. Schuchter is the Chief of Hematology/Oncology.
                                2) A similar situation with Dana Farber and Mass General.  Dana Farber is the cancer center associated with Massachusetts General Hospital or "MGH" along with several other hospitals that are all affiliated with Harvard Medical School.
                                3) "Jeff Webber" in Tampa and Dr. Weber at Moffitt are the same person, the second spelling is correct and Moffitt Cancer Center is in Tampa.
                                Hope that simplifies your search a little, Joe
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