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Eating habits

Forums General Melanoma Community Eating habits

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      Dear all,
      Would you share your ideas and practice about your eating habits?
      I used to consume about 1 bottle of whisky every week and use to eat biscuits and chocolate regularly.
      After my operation on August 2017. I completly stop biscuits and chocolate.
      Cut down the alcohol limit to 2glass of red wine per week.
      Regular pills for vitamin D + curcumin.
      Now I will start to add also selenium.

      After CLND I had 4 doses of yervoy 3mg per kg and 26 séances of Radiotherapy.

      Since regular control on the way and I have lost 14 kg. Awaiting your feedback & experience & critics

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          Critics? What about fans! Sounds like you are doing a great job battling the beast. Losing 14KG is amazing. Well done. I have improved my eating habits since my diagnosis and I think it is helping, since I am also receiving treatment (opdivo), who knows what is working….but you should be proud of yourself for taking control and working on something that you can control.



              Thanks Ted, currently I do not use any drug but in case of recurrence probably will go for opdivo or taf me…

            Happy to share my thoughts with you.  I try to keep to the middle.  If you want a drink have one, not ten and balance things out.  Fruits and veg, protein and carbs all are OK in moderation.  I also try to limit sugar.  No synthetic sweetners as I just don't think those are good for me.  My biggest issue is that I'm severely lactose intolerant so no dairy but I supplement with Calcium and do OK.  I'm not slim by any means but I'm not too overweight.  Trying to lose about 10 more lbs but hoping to do that by increaseing exercise.

            I think you are doing great and don't have any criticism for you.  Keep up what works for you.  As another poster said:  Nice job taking control of what you can!

            Also, congrats on tolerating 4 doses of yervoy.  I was only able to tolerate 2.  I hope you are healing and responding to treatment well.

            Good wishes to you.



              I'm on opdivo and haven't had side effects that would cause me to eat more carefully.

              I started the journey with a "do everything" attitude. That didn't last too long.

              Turns out I don't really much believe in the possible marginal benefits of nutrition and supplements, and I do believe in an occasional whiskey after a long day.

              Far more important for me has been maintaining good excercise habits. They faded for a while, and life sucked. Got back training and life got better.

              My right side CLND forced me to think more carefully about my golf swing and I lost 5 strokes!



                My doctor told me on my 1st appt not to drink alcohol.  I used to enjoy a occasional glass of red wine. But haven't in over a year.  Sure enough after 3rd combo treatment i had hepatitis D, which is now gone and liver numbers normal.  But if my liver acts up again i may never be able to have the Opdivo maintenance again he said.  So no more wine sniff sniff…


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