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Early menopause

Forums General Melanoma Community Early menopause

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      So I finished my year of Interferon 9/30/2016. Since then, I've missed 3 periods (I'm not pregnant), and I'm having hot flashes and night sweats. I'm doing a "wellness beyond cancer" clinic at the hospital next week to deal with gynecological issues, so obviously I'm going to talk about this with them, just wondering if this is something other women have experienced after treatment. I'm 28, married, with no kids yet. It's weird.

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          Hi Sarah, I haven’t done interferon but have been on Tafinlar-Mekinist combo for 18 months now, and my once regular cycle is totally off. When I bring it up with my oncologist, I’m told that it isn’t a known side effect, even though a correspondent of mine who takes same combo and is younger than me has had similar thing happen. (I’m almost 45, so in my case it could well be perimenopause.) You’re right to be concerned and I hope you find an answer!
              Hi Sarah,

              I am three quarters of the way through interferon treatment and wanted to let you know that I am currently in a post menopausal state from the interferon. I have asked my onc if it will return once the treatment is over and he said he wasn’t really sure. I am 41. He did mention the possibility of this beforehand to me to ensure that I didn’t want anymore children.

              I hope you can get answers.

              Congratulations on finishing your treatment!


                Hi Sarah,

                I am three quarters of the way through interferon treatment and wanted to let you know that I am currently in a post menopausal state from the interferon. I have asked my onc if it will return once the treatment is over and he said he wasn’t really sure. I am 41. He did mention the possibility of this beforehand to me to ensure that I didn’t want anymore children.

                I hope you can get answers.

                Congratulations on finishing your treatment!


                  Hi Sarah,

                  I am three quarters of the way through interferon treatment and wanted to let you know that I am currently in a post menopausal state from the interferon. I have asked my onc if it will return once the treatment is over and he said he wasn’t really sure. I am 41. He did mention the possibility of this beforehand to me to ensure that I didn’t want anymore children.

                  I hope you can get answers.

                  Congratulations on finishing your treatment!


                  Hi Sarah, I haven’t done interferon but have been on Tafinlar-Mekinist combo for 18 months now, and my once regular cycle is totally off. When I bring it up with my oncologist, I’m told that it isn’t a known side effect, even though a correspondent of mine who takes same combo and is younger than me has had similar thing happen. (I’m almost 45, so in my case it could well be perimenopause.) You’re right to be concerned and I hope you find an answer!
                    Hi Sarah, I haven’t done interferon but have been on Tafinlar-Mekinist combo for 18 months now, and my once regular cycle is totally off. When I bring it up with my oncologist, I’m told that it isn’t a known side effect, even though a correspondent of mine who takes same combo and is younger than me has had similar thing happen. (I’m almost 45, so in my case it could well be perimenopause.) You’re right to be concerned and I hope you find an answer!
                    Julie in SoCal

                      HI Sarah,

                      Yes, this is a thing.  I only did the high dose interferon for a month and it put me into menopause.  Now I was 46 and kids were out of the question, so I wasn't concerned. And I didn't ask about getting my period back.

                      Glad you'll be talking with someone about this,




                          I did a year interferon in 2014.  My once regular cycle turned erratic and my hormones were all messed up. My doctor said that it can accelerate you to menopause.  Since my completion of interferon, they are just very sporadic. I did have 1 side effect that my doctor had never seen.  My naturally curly hair thinned and went completely straight!  All of it, not just new growth. The curl has come back a bit over the last year but definitely not the same. 


                            I did a year interferon in 2014.  My once regular cycle turned erratic and my hormones were all messed up. My doctor said that it can accelerate you to menopause.  Since my completion of interferon, they are just very sporadic. I did have 1 side effect that my doctor had never seen.  My naturally curly hair thinned and went completely straight!  All of it, not just new growth. The curl has come back a bit over the last year but definitely not the same. 


                              I did a year interferon in 2014.  My once regular cycle turned erratic and my hormones were all messed up. My doctor said that it can accelerate you to menopause.  Since my completion of interferon, they are just very sporadic. I did have 1 side effect that my doctor had never seen.  My naturally curly hair thinned and went completely straight!  All of it, not just new growth. The curl has come back a bit over the last year but definitely not the same. 

                            Julie in SoCal

                              HI Sarah,

                              Yes, this is a thing.  I only did the high dose interferon for a month and it put me into menopause.  Now I was 46 and kids were out of the question, so I wasn't concerned. And I didn't ask about getting my period back.

                              Glad you'll be talking with someone about this,



                              Julie in SoCal

                                HI Sarah,

                                Yes, this is a thing.  I only did the high dose interferon for a month and it put me into menopause.  Now I was 46 and kids were out of the question, so I wasn't concerned. And I didn't ask about getting my period back.

                                Glad you'll be talking with someone about this,



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