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Dr. Axe

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      Brent Morris

        There must be a flight of ducks about. I hear quacking.


            This is nothing more than a harmless substance (bee popolis) so who cares where the info has been aquired. Whether it helps or not that's up to the reader and his/her due diligence.
            Why constnatly pick on this guy? Now if he said "here is a cure" or "I advise you take this" than you would have a point. There seems to be to many overly sensitive fellow mels on this Board who seem to have control issues. Very sad


            Thanks, NSNewf! 

            Sources do matter don't they?  Folks come to this forum frightened and desperate with a new diagnosis of melanoma.  If advised that "this drug" or "that product" can fight their melanoma, not knowing better, they might decide to follow that path.  And while some of these "therapies" may do no harm, though many can, these "reports" may cause the unaware, terrified melanoma peep to embark on that "treatment", thereby wasting precious time before seeking more effective care.  In melanoma world, waiting before instituting an effective treatment can cause serious harm indeed.  However, with all the cards on the table….what the data shows, where the information is sourced, what options exist….a person can then make an informed choice.  They may choose to imbibe in honey and bee pollen 14 times a day.  They may decide to seek the care of a melanoma specialist and immunotherapy.  They may choose to do both.  I and many others have worked tirelessly to make sure ALL those cards are on the table.  I appreciate your dedication here.  For my part, I will never be deterred in my efforts in that regard as well.  Thanks, Celeste


                I do not feel we need board member(s) to treat other members or new people coming to the forum as children.

                Or for a member to feel the need to censor, judge, or condem an enhancement to their current treatment by there oncologists. We are all adults who are capable of making our own decesions. For an individual to take on this role I consider very controlling and close minded.

                Unless a member posts a cure ,something harmful, or advises you take this substance I feel we are all capable of making our own decesions. Without someone playing forum censor moderator.


                  Hi Anon, I agree the forum has a moderator, its' Adam.

                  As I read an article that purports benefit I check the source(s). If the source has some "interesting" information attached to it I have just provided some additional supporting information so as other MPIP members can form their own opinion.

                  If you felel my "supporting" information has had a harmful affect I stongly suggest you take it up with Adam.


                    Anonymous, just as Rob – or anyone – can post any article or info he wants, NSNewf – or anyone – can post additional information, links to author backgrounds, rebuttals, etc., about the original article or post. 

                    As to propolis being completely harmless, mentioned previously, little is. The Sloan Kettering herb app And other on-line resources have info about side effects and allergies. (I have a gut reaction to honey due to sensitivities to certain short-chain carbohydrates called FODMAPs. Propolis wouldn't be for me.)

                    Mentioning why an article is being posted would be kind and may prevent some acrimony. This forum has a major focus on melanoma treatment, right? It's not a stretch of the imagination to think someone new, desperate, and not used to reading medical info, to assume an article was posted as alternative treatment. So why not  provide context? "This is an interesting read on whole body support while going through treatment" clarifies it's not a treatment that someone is going to glom on to because it's on the Melanoma Foundation board. Or if something is an alternative treatment? Expect pushback. 

                    My take? Rob has posted info by sketchy practitioners who have overstepped the boundaries of their professions and are into selling. If others read the same info and come to a different conclusion, more power to them. But it's as much NSNewf's right to post a bio link as it is Rob's to post that article. I appreciated having a link to the author bio. 

                    Just my take. YMMV. 



                      I think you’ve said this well.  I was having difficulty sorting out why these posts bothered me, because I do believe this is an open board and people should be able to post a broad variety of things. 

                      I, too, worry about people relying on posts that don’t have clear context – whether it be due to level of medical knowledge or English skills (there are many visitors from around the world).  Combine this with the fact that melanoma survival statistics are understated with regard to current treatment available, someone could head down the wrong path.
                      Having said all that, I am interested in hearing about individual experiences with complementary therapy, and I would hate to see the board exclude this (from reputable sources)

                      The MSK link someone posted is a good one; I’m attaching another one for NIH that does a nice job of explaining the differences between alternative and complementary treatments and lots of links for patients 



                        Here we go a Board of self-proclaimed censorship moderators who decide what is sketchy and what is not. It's one thing to voice an opinion to say " that's not for me " or  I "personally don't believe in that" but another not to back it up with facts. 

                        Just as I cannot prove say "bee propolis " has any effect on cancer you too cannot prove it does not. So what gives you the authority with your credentials to call an article fake.

                        Or assume an adult would come on this board and be so stupid to think "oh bee popolis that must be a cure for cancer ". " I'm not going to see my oncologist now" ! Really … could one not see how this is so ridiculous . Chidren are not coming to this forum.

                        We have a few people who have real control issues that have self  declared themselves the Forum Censorship Police. As I said many times everyone is entitled to there own own opinion but not their own  facts. 


                          Hey Rob I was wondering when you would respond. Glad to see you are around and doing well. 

                          They say the Definition of insanity is repeating the same process and expecting a different result. So let’s try something different as a lot of time has been wasted recently on this board. 

                          You are stating you are being censored. Rather than debating this topic how about an honest answer to a question?

                          Do you believe that the information from the sources you are quoting GreenMedInfo ( Saywer Ji) and Dr . Joshua Axe is really going to benefit Melanoma Patients and their families?

                          If so can you point this board to the rationale as to why these two sources should be trusted?

                          there you go an opportunity

                          Take Care



                            Think clearly and hard to my original posting ( my only words ) "something interesting to read". ​I made absolutly no other comment. And yet I was again attacked for posting something I happen to believe is helpful..

                            I could post another dozen articles but each one would be censored to the extreme. Forget a moment about the authors and the real question is can : "bee popolis really help melanoma or cancer patients ".

                            The honest truth is I do not know as you do not know it does not. Just like vitamin "D" studies have shown it helps. But no one is going to spend tens of millions of dollars on proper clinical trials to prove it one way or another.

                            The same applies to off-label drugs. I had my neck lymph node shrink from 5.4cm to 3.2 cm in about 11 days using an off-label drug before surgery. Will it work on other people and be safe I have no idea.

                            I do know I have nothing financial to gain from my postings. I also know we are all adults capable of making are own decisions without someone playing censorship moderator . And we are all entitled to our opinions without being attacked. Just remember  I could easily edited those articles and left all sources out . That's it for me on this exhausting topic.


                              Thanks for your response. I have spent alot of time over the past few days reviewing the sites you have sourced as well as others including LDN Research Trust, Medicor, Sawyer Ji, Josh Axe, Rob Breadner, etc. 

                              Given my diagnosis I very much look to be informed so as to effectively manage my care . 

                              I am sure we will chat again on another topic very soon.

                              Take care


                                Rob, I'm confused. I don't think you read my post. And if you want I can go point by point – what you accuse and what I actually said, and try to explain. But I'll leave it that: 1) I think anyone can post any article they want, that 2) I think it would be nice to provide a ltttle explanation/context of why someone is posting an article, and 3) that I didn't call the article fake. Last, my use of the word "sketchy" wasn't about the article, it had to with my comfort level with the practitioners, and allowed that others may draw a different conclusion, aka YMMV (your mileage may vary). 

                                I think you get very upset at anyone questioning or debating anything you say, and I'm sorry that happens – for you, for others. 



                                  Beth I'm sorry if I misunderstood the context of your posting my comments were really directed at other members.

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