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Does melanoma continue to grow?

Forums General Melanoma Community Does melanoma continue to grow?

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      It takes a long time to see a derm where I live so I have come to this forum to ask Melanoma questions. I have a tanning history so I am trying to keep myself informed about how to check my moles and what to look out for. I have had a spot in my armpit for about 5 years now. It is weird shaped and has not changed that I know of. It's under 3 mm but was wondering if it would have grown much since noticing it 5 years ago? I am trying to be as careful as I can be and get as much information as I can regarding melanoma. Did your melanoma conntinuously grow each month or year?

      Thank you in advance.


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          If it's stable, it's not likely melanoma.  Melanoma would continue to change.  If you are concerned, show it to a dermatologist!


            If it's stable, it's not likely melanoma.  Melanoma would continue to change.  If you are concerned, show it to a dermatologist!


              If it's stable, it's not likely melanoma.  Melanoma would continue to change.  If you are concerned, show it to a dermatologist!


                My personal experience is when I noticed the new spot on my leg, it was very tiny, it grew and changed very fast over a matter of months.

                If yours hasn't noticeably changed, it's probably not something to worry about. Still good to go for a full body skin check with a derm, just to be on top of things, but don't worry about the appointment being months away unless you see something changing quickly.

                Take care,


                  My personal experience is when I noticed the new spot on my leg, it was very tiny, it grew and changed very fast over a matter of months.

                  If yours hasn't noticeably changed, it's probably not something to worry about. Still good to go for a full body skin check with a derm, just to be on top of things, but don't worry about the appointment being months away unless you see something changing quickly.

                  Take care,


                    My personal experience is when I noticed the new spot on my leg, it was very tiny, it grew and changed very fast over a matter of months.

                    If yours hasn't noticeably changed, it's probably not something to worry about. Still good to go for a full body skin check with a derm, just to be on top of things, but don't worry about the appointment being months away unless you see something changing quickly.

                    Take care,


                      I had a stable mole on my head for about 5 years before it spread. When I originally had it checked out, the doctor said it was nothing, but no biopsy was done. After it started to change I had it checked again and this time it was biopsied. It came back melanoma and now I am stage 3. I think it would be better to have it checked now before it grows if it is something you have not had your entire life. 



                        I had a stable mole on my head for about 5 years before it spread. When I originally had it checked out, the doctor said it was nothing, but no biopsy was done. After it started to change I had it checked again and this time it was biopsied. It came back melanoma and now I am stage 3. I think it would be better to have it checked now before it grows if it is something you have not had your entire life. 



                          I had a stable mole on my head for about 5 years before it spread. When I originally had it checked out, the doctor said it was nothing, but no biopsy was done. After it started to change I had it checked again and this time it was biopsied. It came back melanoma and now I am stage 3. I think it would be better to have it checked now before it grows if it is something you have not had your entire life. 


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