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derm/melanoma specialist near Valencia,Ca

Forums General Melanoma Community derm/melanoma specialist near Valencia,Ca

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      Person in that area had a shave biopsy with a melanoma diagnosis.  Derm wants him to return in 2 days to have the entire mole removed. Do not know the name of the MD, but would like some suggestions for a reputable clinic or specific MD.

      Thanks, 6 year survivor

      Person in that area had a shave biopsy with a melanoma diagnosis.  Derm wants him to return in 2 days to have the entire mole removed. Do not know the name of the MD, but would like some suggestions for a reputable clinic or specific MD.

      Thanks, 6 year survivor

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    • Replies

          I live in Northern California, but I know Dr. Steven O'Day is in the L.A, area. Hope this helps!


            I live in Northern California, but I know Dr. Steven O'Day is in the L.A, area. Hope this helps!


              I live in Northern California, but I know Dr. Steven O'Day is in the L.A, area. Hope this helps!

              Jan in OC

                Dr Roger Lo is a great Melanoma dermatolgist at UCLA. CLA also has several top-notch Melanoma Oncologists: Dr Ribas and Dr Chmielowski. We did two years and 3 clinical trials with them.

                Good luck


                Jan in OC

                  Dr Roger Lo is a great Melanoma dermatolgist at UCLA. CLA also has several top-notch Melanoma Oncologists: Dr Ribas and Dr Chmielowski. We did two years and 3 clinical trials with them.

                  Good luck


                  Jan in OC

                    Dr Roger Lo is a great Melanoma dermatolgist at UCLA. CLA also has several top-notch Melanoma Oncologists: Dr Ribas and Dr Chmielowski. We did two years and 3 clinical trials with them.

                    Good luck



                      If you want a drive UCI –  Dr Smith…She is excellent…doing research cell research on melanoma. There is a surgical oncologist there Dr Jackowitz that is highly recommended…(though i haven't seen him personally) UCLA is closer though. I am in ventura and have struggled finding a derm here…I simply choose to drive the 80mi rather than cont. a hunt and peck ordeal that landed with 2 bad biopsies.


                        If you want a drive UCI –  Dr Smith…She is excellent…doing research cell research on melanoma. There is a surgical oncologist there Dr Jackowitz that is highly recommended…(though i haven't seen him personally) UCLA is closer though. I am in ventura and have struggled finding a derm here…I simply choose to drive the 80mi rather than cont. a hunt and peck ordeal that landed with 2 bad biopsies.


                          If you want a drive UCI –  Dr Smith…She is excellent…doing research cell research on melanoma. There is a surgical oncologist there Dr Jackowitz that is highly recommended…(though i haven't seen him personally) UCLA is closer though. I am in ventura and have struggled finding a derm here…I simply choose to drive the 80mi rather than cont. a hunt and peck ordeal that landed with 2 bad biopsies.

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