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Daughter’s Mole

Forums General Melanoma Community Daughter’s Mole

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      Ugh. I've tried posting multiple times so I'm going to keep this short. 

      My 4-year-old daughter has a mole that I've been watching for awhile. Honestly, I've been worried about it but with my history (stage IV, currently NED) I get paranoid with my kids' skin. Today I noticed it is scabbed. Of course she doesn't remember scratching it. 


      We live in rural North Dakota. I doctor at MD Anderson for oncology but see my dermatologist in ND because I feel like she's more thorough than anyone I saw at MDA. Should I push for it to be removed (it's on her left temple)? Should I trust my local docs or go somewhere bigger? If we stay in ND, should I ask for the biopsy to be sent to Texas?

      Im jumping the gun because my doc's office was closed but I'd appreciate thoughts. 




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          Because of my family history I would recommend having your dermatologist look at it and remove it completely if it looks at all iffy.  I had melanoma in situ when I was a teenager and my daughter is stage IIIb nodular melanoma (3 1/2 years NED!).  I don't think you can be too cautious when it comes to melanoma.  


            Because of my family history I would recommend having your dermatologist look at it and remove it completely if it looks at all iffy.  I had melanoma in situ when I was a teenager and my daughter is stage IIIb nodular melanoma (3 1/2 years NED!).  I don't think you can be too cautious when it comes to melanoma.  


              Because of my family history I would recommend having your dermatologist look at it and remove it completely if it looks at all iffy.  I had melanoma in situ when I was a teenager and my daughter is stage IIIb nodular melanoma (3 1/2 years NED!).  I don't think you can be too cautious when it comes to melanoma.  



                4 years old sounds like it would be very unusual to develop a problem so young. Wouldn't panic- 4 year olds don't often remember a scratch or scrape but for peace of mind – which is worth a lot – would get it checked out- explain family history and go from there. Might e tempted to get it looked at locally if that is easier on your family- if anyrthing came up you can always transfer care later….

                Good luck and long may you stay NED






                  4 years old sounds like it would be very unusual to develop a problem so young. Wouldn't panic- 4 year olds don't often remember a scratch or scrape but for peace of mind – which is worth a lot – would get it checked out- explain family history and go from there. Might e tempted to get it looked at locally if that is easier on your family- if anyrthing came up you can always transfer care later….

                  Good luck and long may you stay NED






                    4 years old sounds like it would be very unusual to develop a problem so young. Wouldn't panic- 4 year olds don't often remember a scratch or scrape but for peace of mind – which is worth a lot – would get it checked out- explain family history and go from there. Might e tempted to get it looked at locally if that is easier on your family- if anyrthing came up you can always transfer care later….

                    Good luck and long may you stay NED




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