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conservative excision

Forums General Melanoma Community conservative excision

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      I had a shave biopsy a few weeks ago with the diagnoise being a compound nevus with dysplastic features.  The biopsy also said that junctional changes are focally advanced, perhaps indicative of progression, such that a conservative excision is recomended. I have an appointment to get it done next week. My question is, since my shave biopsy didn't detect melinoma am I in the clear ? Can a shave biopsy give a false negative or miss it and is there a chance this biopsy may detect it? Thank you for your answers. Im trying not to be nervous. 

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          No, a shave biopsy is fine for determining the nature of things.  If it wasn't, the pathology report would have stated words to that effect.  (This can sometimes happen when the shave is so small there isn't enough material to analyze).  The biopsy analysis is much more comprehensive than what is done in the wide excision.  I seriously doubt that anything about the diagnosis will change, the excision is just to remove extra tissue to be on the safe side.  I'd so no worry after that with the exception of one thing – watch the scar area for any pigment regrowth.  If the lesion grows back, you'd want to have the derm check it out again.


              Thank you so much for your reply. 


                Brigitte, did everything turn out okay? I am going through this now and freaked out beyond belief.
                  Brigitte, did everything turn out okay? I am going through this now and freaked out beyond belief.
                    Brigitte, did everything turn out okay? I am going through this now and freaked out beyond belief.

                      Thank you so much for your reply. 



                        Thank you so much for your reply. 



                        No, a shave biopsy is fine for determining the nature of things.  If it wasn't, the pathology report would have stated words to that effect.  (This can sometimes happen when the shave is so small there isn't enough material to analyze).  The biopsy analysis is much more comprehensive than what is done in the wide excision.  I seriously doubt that anything about the diagnosis will change, the excision is just to remove extra tissue to be on the safe side.  I'd so no worry after that with the exception of one thing – watch the scar area for any pigment regrowth.  If the lesion grows back, you'd want to have the derm check it out again.


                          No, a shave biopsy is fine for determining the nature of things.  If it wasn't, the pathology report would have stated words to that effect.  (This can sometimes happen when the shave is so small there isn't enough material to analyze).  The biopsy analysis is much more comprehensive than what is done in the wide excision.  I seriously doubt that anything about the diagnosis will change, the excision is just to remove extra tissue to be on the safe side.  I'd so no worry after that with the exception of one thing – watch the scar area for any pigment regrowth.  If the lesion grows back, you'd want to have the derm check it out again.

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