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congested heart failure

Forums General Melanoma Community congested heart failure

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      Hello again,

      we had great news on the lung cancer once radiation..only 5 SMS radiation treatments. meet with melanoma once this wed. for plan of radiation.

      however, his left arm was so swollen and now with the compression sleeve is sost back to normal. the swelling in his legs we went yo our MD. he did ekh and was OK. the blood work came back with indication of Cong heart failure. we need to meet with the MD. will that stop his radiation? he doesn’t want to tell Moffitt afraid he wont get the treatment. I am so afraid and stressed.

      Hello again,

      we had great news on the lung cancer once radiation..only 5 SMS radiation treatments. meet with melanoma once this wed. for plan of radiation.

      however, his left arm was so swollen and now with the compression sleeve is sost back to normal. the swelling in his legs we went yo our MD. he did ekh and was OK. the blood work came back with indication of Cong heart failure. we need to meet with the MD. will that stop his radiation? he doesn’t want to tell Moffitt afraid he wont get the treatment. I am so afraid and stressed.

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    • Replies
          Hoping he gets relief on all fronts.

          I don’t know whether possible sign of congestive heart failure might be a roadblock for SRS. I needed to pass stress tests before 2 prodcedures — VATS surgery (stopping one lung) and IL-2. I didn’t need to pass any test that I know of before SRS. Although I must say I don’t remember if there was a blood draw that was specific to checking me out before SRS.

          If there is a risk I guess it would be important to know what that risk was. But also weighing the risk of doing nothing. I guess that’s just echoing your own thoughts about this.

            Hoping he gets relief on all fronts.

            I don’t know whether possible sign of congestive heart failure might be a roadblock for SRS. I needed to pass stress tests before 2 prodcedures — VATS surgery (stopping one lung) and IL-2. I didn’t need to pass any test that I know of before SRS. Although I must say I don’t remember if there was a blood draw that was specific to checking me out before SRS.

            If there is a risk I guess it would be important to know what that risk was. But also weighing the risk of doing nothing. I guess that’s just echoing your own thoughts about this.

              Hoping he gets relief on all fronts.

              I don’t know whether possible sign of congestive heart failure might be a roadblock for SRS. I needed to pass stress tests before 2 prodcedures — VATS surgery (stopping one lung) and IL-2. I didn’t need to pass any test that I know of before SRS. Although I must say I don’t remember if there was a blood draw that was specific to checking me out before SRS.

              If there is a risk I guess it would be important to know what that risk was. But also weighing the risk of doing nothing. I guess that’s just echoing your own thoughts about this.

                thanks. he had a stress test 3 weeks ago before the remsinimg lymphnodes were removed and was fine. he probably won’t actually start the rad treatment till after MD appointment. it is just so frustrating where we thought we had a plan and given the chf information.

                the SRS for the lung will begin either 7/8 or 7/15. then the radiation for the melanoma begins. will know more thud week. thanks for your thoughts and experience

                  thanks. he had a stress test 3 weeks ago before the remsinimg lymphnodes were removed and was fine. he probably won’t actually start the rad treatment till after MD appointment. it is just so frustrating where we thought we had a plan and given the chf information.

                  the SRS for the lung will begin either 7/8 or 7/15. then the radiation for the melanoma begins. will know more thud week. thanks for your thoughts and experience

                    thanks. he had a stress test 3 weeks ago before the remsinimg lymphnodes were removed and was fine. he probably won’t actually start the rad treatment till after MD appointment. it is just so frustrating where we thought we had a plan and given the chf information.

                    the SRS for the lung will begin either 7/8 or 7/15. then the radiation for the melanoma begins. will know more thud week. thanks for your thoughts and experience

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